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  • Really?

    Its been 8 months since my cousin last spoke to me or acknowledged my existance. Shes been too busy, shes been too broke...whatever. I stopped caring

    However, for a straight week shes been trying to get my attention.

    Anyone want to guess what she wanted?






    IF you said MONEY, YOU WIN!

    She had the fuckin audacity to ask me for $300!!!! When I said I didnt have it, she lowers to $150....she doesnt want her "car to get repo-ed."

    Maybe if she wouldnt have spent all her money on "vacation" to the Dominican Republic, visiting her "husband" who has been cheating on her since they got married last summer... ( i know all this through FB) and then getting "stuck" in D.R. for an extra week, her job wouldve paid her and id have been left alone.

  • #2
    Listen. Ignore that request.

    Her car is gonna get repoed. Either now or next month. You giving her money is not going to keep that from happening.

    Kiss the car goodbye either way. The only thing you can keep from happening is her thinking you will give her money.

    You don't want her thinking you will give her money. So illustrate now very firmly that you won't. This woman makes poor life choices, which is why she is having trouble now. However, her poor life choices should not become your problem.

    I have a feeling I don't really need to be telling you this anyways.


    • #3
      You dont.

      But its nice to hear im not just a heartless bitch.

      Shes SINGLE, makes a decent living as a court clerk, lives in the projects where my grandmother has REDUCED RENT b/c shes a senior. AND only has to PAY one fracking third of the bills b/c her mom lives there with them too. WTF.

      I have 2 kids, 2 dogs, a guinea pig and a husband who eats like a horse to feed! A mortgage and a car note and insurance to pay and ETC!

      I wanted to cuss her out, i didnt. As soon as I got the first "HI!" message on Facebook i told hubby she would be asking fo r$$ before the week was out.

      She conversation started like "Hi, i have to ask you something but I dont DARE to ask you. But can I borrow $300?"

      She shouldnt have dared.


      • #4
        Yeah, you'd never see that money again. If she does not have it this month, she will not have it next month. She probably won't have it next year.

        No, you are not a heartless bitch. She might say you are, but that's just deadbeat-speak for someone who refuses to be a walking ATM machine for losers.

        Isn't it always so nice when you can actually SMELL the money-grub before it even hits?

        So charming. What did you do, just ignore it?


        • #5
          Told her i didnt have it and then listened to her tell me the cable is getting cut off, her cell phone is off and shes behind on credit cards...

          ^ The above does not happen from one vacation.


          • #6
            Exactly why she won't have it next month, either.

            See, you know. I ain't got to tell you.


            • #7
              WTF update: Stories like this shouldnt have an update, but never the less, here it is.

              (For historys sake, the cousin and aunt featured in this tale were also the stars of this post:

              My dad went to visit my grandma this past weekend. She just had some surgery, so shes a little slower than usual but still her spunky self. As i said above, my cousin and aunt live with my grandma. I also found out my uncle, whos a recovering addict and fresh from the halfway house also lives there. That makes 4 adults in a tiny project apt, unfortunately. I know my grandma prefers to have her family close to her so Im sure she loves it. Anywho, dad was up there and literally wanted to put the beat down on his family after learning some new tidbits:

              *Cousins cell phone that just got disconnected was in Grandmas name
              *Cable and house phone that are about to be disconnected are also in grandmas name
              *Aunt took out a $1600 payday loan and gave Grandma exactly $0 for bills. But auntie bought lots of new jeans and nice new expensive winter coat...(hope its worth it b/c she most likely be homeless and need it very much by then. )
              *Uncle, who is a recovering addict, is the ONLY one who is buying groceries for the house with his foodstamps. Apparently the other two hambeasts (cousin and aunt) eat whatevers there or go out to eat if theres no food int he house.

              My dad was livid. He had to leave early sunday morning b/c he said if he spent anymore time up there, he was basically going to beat ass.

              Seriously..WTF is wrong with these people. My grandma is on a limited income ( I know, I know..everyone is limited, but you know what I mean). My aunt and cousin work fulltime jobs with no one to support but themselves... IDK where the FUCK their money goes.

              My dad left grandma with some cash before he left and told her to pay bills. Im honestly guessing she probably handed that chunk over to my cousin as soon as he left. Yes, shes an enabler. Too old to change now though i think. She does anything to make everyone else happy.
              Last edited by Amina516; 09-01-2010, 07:55 PM.


              • #8
                Quoth Amina516 View Post
                My dad left grandma with some cash before he left and told her to pay bills. Im honestly guessing she probably handed that chunk over to my cousin as soon as he left. Yes, shes an enabler. Too old to change now though i think. She does anything to make everyone else happy.
                I think I would have paid bills rather than leave money ... even if I had to go to the ATM and get cash to get money orders, and stuff the envelopes and take them away with me and mail them from a post box that the others couldn't get into ... or grab the bills present, get out the plastic and call in payments. NEVER leave money =(
                EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                • #9
                  i talk to you like every day can i have 300$?

                  :x double post oops
                  Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 09-01-2010, 12:20 AM.
                  Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                  • #10
                    Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                    I think I would have paid bills rather than leave money ... even if I had to go to the ATM and get cash to get money orders, and stuff the envelopes and take them away with me and mail them from a post box that the others couldn't get into ... or grab the bills present, get out the plastic and call in payments. NEVER leave money =(
                    Thats very true. My dad may have been so pissed that he didnt even think that up. He was seriously upset enough to leave...b/c my dad is usually a confrontational kinda guy and lives to argue. The fact that he left actually shows to me how upset he was.

                    Quoth Whiskey
                    i talk to you like every day can i have 300$?

                    :x double post oops
                    Does the doublepost mean you actually wanted $600?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Amina516 View Post
                      Does the doublepost mean you actually wanted $600?
                      Well, if you're offering...

                      where do I sign up?


                      • #12
                        Quoth Amina516 View Post
                        Does the doublepost mean you actually wanted $600?
                        Yes it does. where is my money
                        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                        • #13
                          Don't you just hate that? Don't see somebody for a LONG time, and they show up to borrow money? Bonus if they make double or triple what you make .
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • #14
                            Holy shit, Amina!

                            I was annoyed when I read your original post, but I crossed over into when I read the post about your dad visiting your gram.

                            That's simply vile.

                            Your aunt and cousin both need their asses kicked.
                            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I missed that post . That is seriously messed up.
                              Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

