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Oh, the funnies...

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  • Oh, the funnies...

    Hubby was brushing our new pomeranian puppy (Rocky) and very seriously calls me over. We have the following conversation:

    Hubby: Listen, dont freak out.. But I think Rocky may have a birth defect.
    ME: What?! Hes been to the vet and they didnt say anything. Whats wrong?
    H: Well, I think he was a third ear...
    Me: WTF? Seriously? Where?
    H: *parts section of hairs on back of head* Look, right there (at this point, id like to illustrate hes extremely concerned and upset right now)
    Me: *gets down and pokes said thing* Its triangle shaped and honestly looks like a little ear....but... Ummm babe?
    H: What?
    Me: Thats a mat of hair?
    H: WHAT?
    Me: Look at it. Its hair. theres no tissue in there. *giggle*
    H: SHUT UP!
    Me: *uncontrollably laughing*
    H: Just leave. dammit... *kinda smirking at this point* I was scared for him!!!
    Me: *leaves.. still laughing*


    Hubby: I cut the litte mat of hair off?
    Me: Awwwww..did it bleed?
    Hubby: Fuck you. *Lol* It looked like an ear dammit!

  • #2
    i needed that
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      "Did it bleed?"


      • #4
        That was too funny! "It looked like an ear damnit!"

