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Chorus Horror Story *LONG*

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  • Chorus Horror Story *LONG*

    I just felt like typing this all out because, well, it was a major, horrible suck. I'm just not sure where it should go because it wasn't really in a "business" setting. So if it doesn't go in "off topic," please feel free to move it.

    Anyway. I used to be in this a capella chorus. I started going when I was 15. Also of semi-note for later, this was the time that I was suicidal half the time and self-injured a lot. On my wrists--you could see the marks if I was incautious. Onto the suck:

    I was getting a bit disillusioned with chorus, anyway, because I got teased a lot, and to be honest, I hated that. I do NOT like being teased. It's semi-ok if it's someone who I'm very friendly with, and when it feels friendly. This didn't feel friendly. I was told stuff like how I should learn how to talk better and control my voice because my voice is a little high-pitched. And how I talk like a child and I should grow up, be more mature, and speak up. [Yes, because being told that all the time REALLY makes me want to be more outspoken. ] I was also told repeatedly that my clothes were too childish, I should wear my hair different ways, etc. I remember one time I wore rainbow tights [I'm bi...although nobody there knew it ] and one woman gave me the CBF, basically, and acted like I was horrible for "clashing" or something...I don't even know wtf she was on about, really. Although if she'd asked, I'd be very tempted to say, "Because I like girls. Especially kissing them."

    One of the members, Carrie, started bringing her 16-year-old son to practices. Um...ok. That was kind of weird. It was an all-women chorus. He tried to be helpful around practice and all, but it ended up being QUITE clear that he liked me [I was...20 at the time, I believe]. He kept sitting so close to me, he was practically in my lap, and hugging me multiple times. At first, I was ok with it because I really like hugs and I don't really get them anywhere. But I have a boyfriend, and he started making me REALLY uncomfortable. I would tell him to stop and he wouldn't. I told my mom about it [who was in the chorus with me], and she acted like it was nothing. That I should be "flattered" he liked me. Um...why, exactly? It's not like I've never had a bf or gf before.

    Finally, we exchanged numbers, he asked if I liked him that way, I said no, and I was thinking ok, that will be the end of it then. Right? Wrong. He asked if we could still be friends and I said sure. That's being nice and polite, right?

    Well, it all went fine for a while and then he started doing other stuff, like hitting me [open-handed, so not hard...more like a tap], shoving me, trying to snap my phone closed when I was holding it, sneaking up behind me and scaring me...a bunch of shit. He also did stuff like that to the other young members of the chorus, like even grabbing one girl's foot and holding her off-balance. And shoving me right in FRONT of the director, who then did nothing. At all.

    I kept mentioning it to my mom, like, um hey this is bothering me and this is NOT COOL. She said that "boys will be boys" and that it was just because he was young. Right, so if I'D done that when I was 16, I wouldn't have had my ass kicked for it, is that it? Somehow I don't think so.

    It finally came to a head at the Christmas party. In one night, he managed to hit the top of my head, scare the living hell out of me when he made a noise behind me [I have PTSD, too, by the way, so my startle response is out of this world. I'd also asked him before not to go behind me and do that, by the way], try to grab my phone out of my hands, grab my wrist and squeeze, and shove me so hard, I nearly knocked another person over.

    That. Was. IT. I told my bf about it, and he ended up messaging the boy [Danny] and his mother on FB. He would have just messaged his mother because of Danny being a minor, but his FB profile said he was 19 and to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure anymore about his age when I heard that. For all I knew, he was older than I thought.

    Well, Carrie flipped out. Screaming and yelling at my bf about it, saying she doesn't know who or what he's talking about...and then messages me [even before that response] telling me that if I have a problem, I should talk to her about it, and telling me to "stop acting like you're the innocent one and the victim, we all know you're not." What makes that worse is that she works at a victim advocacy place. Oh, and also? I'm a rape survivor. I actually spent six weeks with my ex being raped almost daily and abused in every way possible, just about. And I was abused for years as a child. You don't say that to me without me getting both very upset and VERY pissed off!

    My bf sends the messages to my director, and we end up compiling a message that's all the stuff Danny has done to me since he started going to chorus practice. It's a very long list.

    I try to talk to my director, but she tells me that she's too busy. OK, it IS right before Christmas. But I also email her countless times, FB message her, and call her and leave messages 6 times. All to request a meeting with her about something very important. Nothing. I get totally blown off.

    So when practice starts back up after the Christmas break, I decide fuck it, I'm not going until this situation is resolved. I'm sick of feeling unsafe at chorus. It's supposed to be a safe haven, you know? So I don't go, even though my mom bitches me out for it.

    Find out that the director talked to Carrie about it. So now only has Carrie's side of the story and apparently couldn't give a fuck for mine. That's great. I try AGAIN to talk to her about it. Nothing.

    So with my bf's guidance, decide to email the whole chorus what's been going on. I was very polite--my bf helped me write every damn word. He's like...a genius at saying what needs to be said. So I do.

    My only response is a really bitchy one from a woman named Melinda [who's the one who was always telling me that I needed to work on my clothes and hair, and the one who was apparently affronted at the thought of me wearing rainbow tights]. How I should have given them more time, blah blah blah, I never said anything before, bitch bitch bitch.

    I gave them over a month. They didn't have to resolve it in the month. I know it was over the holidays. They didn't even CONTACT me over the month. Nothing. Nothing at all from the people who acted like they would always support me/be friends/whatever. Yeah...great way to know who your friends are, I guess.

    [I did eventually get another email from another woman in chorus who basically said that I was right, Danny was being really inappropriate, and if I was bothered, then regardless, something should be done. Needless to say, that email was roundly ignored by everyone else.]

    So I respond to Melinda [and cc to the whole chorus]. Again...polite but very firm and to the point. And how does she respond? That she's going to leave the chorus and take her daughter with her. Um...what the fuck? Seriously...who GOES there? All this had to do was be dealt with, like maybe...I don't know...stop letting a random teenage boy come to practice??

    Oh, and through all of this, my mother is completely non-supportive. She keeps telling me that "I don't know the whole story," and that "I should have mentioned it to her." I did. Numerous times. Every single time, she just blew me off.

    So finally, almost two months after the Christmas party incident, I am "summoned" to a meeting to discuss this. It's more like a tribunal. The director actually tells me that I need my values changed if I actually think that someone touching me when I don't want to be touched borders on sexual harassment. The whole chorus isn't there, but of everyone who IS there, they ALL contrive to yell at me and tell me how "hurt" they are by my actions. Oh, so I'm not allowed to be hurt by their INaction, am I? One woman actually tells me I should "put my big girl panties on," castigates me for having my bf help and in the same breath, tells me I should have had my mom help. Yeah...that doesn't contradict itself at all.

    Oh, and my mother? She came along with me "for support." I would have been better off with a rabid, slavering wolverine for support. She spent TEN MINUTES yelling at me about how horribly I handled it, how "upset" she was, and on and on.

    And why Danny was coming to chorus apparently was because he was suicidal. So, you know, going to practice with a bunch of women like cures that. Instead of...I don't know...therapy. Oh, and then you know what was great? They told me that he had attempted SU over the holidays...and it was my fault. Never mind everything that he had done to me, how I could have probably gotten him arrested. No, I somehow managed to...I don't know...force him to hurt himself?

    And that's where everything I said about my mental health in the beginning comes into play. My mom, incidentally, was the one super concerned about Danny. Because he was SU. Meanwhile, I told her when I was 15 that I was self-injuring [she said she couldn't deal with that right now], and when I was 19, my friend called the police on me for being suicidal. I told her. Neither of my parents really gave a fuck. It took almost three months after that to beg her to let me go to therapy [it was on her insurance and everything]. My friend in chorus, Jenny, told me that she, the director, and some other people knew I had emotional problems and was depressed. No one did anything to help ME. But all of a sudden, it's my fault that the boy who was harassing me tried to hurt himself. I'm sorry he felt that way. I really am. That doesn't make it my fault. At all.

    So after that, I got more bitching and yelling about how I had made it a perpetrator-victim triangle, wanted a "rescuer," and how I'd somehow made Danny the victim. And then I was told they took a chorus-wide vote and I was kicked out. For you know, not wanting to be harassed anymore.

    I still wish very much that I could have just stood up at the beginning, said "Fuck you all," and walked out.

    Oh, and this was an international chorus organization--my bf called them and described the situation--and they said the chorus I went to was unbelievably wrong in how they handled it--and I still wish I'd gone to regional. Damn it. >.>

    But yeah. That's my extremely long and involved story about suckage. I'm still kind of pissed about it sometimes.

    Cookies? *hopeful look* Or I give them to other people...for reading that ginormous wall of text.
    "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
    "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
    Amayis is my wifey

  • #2
    *peanut butter cookies*
    *chocolate chip cookies*

    Aw, heck. Here's the whole cookie jar.

    and seriously, this

    That I should be "flattered" he liked me.
    Probably irritated me almost as much as anything else in there. That is such a danger sign.

    And just in case you need to be told again: you didn't do anything wrong. You were being harassed, not just by Danny, but by the entire choir. Even having your bf talk to people for you was reasonable, because you were stressed by this, and weren't having any success trying to handle this by yourself. (I may be biased, I'm having Jackdaw speak to one of our friends, because I've given up, see my recent epic thread).



    • #3

      WTF is wrong with those people? It honestly sounds like a bit out of a bad movie.

      I am so sorry you had to deal with them. I hope youre doing better.

      Youre staying out of the chorus, right?

      And seriously fuck them all. Touching when you dont want it AND have said NO, IS sexual harassment and dont let those asshats tell you otherwise. Too bad hes a minor or Id say get the police involved. Not that you couldnt have already, but I dont know it if would help much. Hes basically assaulting you also with all the pushing and shoving.

      He obviously had issues, but maybe his mom shouldve srpung for therapy instead of foisting him off on the chorus to babysit.

      Otherwise, how are you doing? Im glad you could share, no one should have to bear a burden like that story alone, especially when you dont seem to have a supportive family. And your bf rocks, Im glad he stood by your side.


      • #4
        Magpie: Oooh, thank you for the cookie jar! *om nom nom* I have like the Sweet Tooth of Doom and a particular disadvantage when it comes to cookies. If they are in the house, I will eat them.

        I shall also go read your epic thread after I finish replying to this one.

        I know, that was such a danger sign. And utterly ridiculous that my mom said that to me when she knew about my abusive ex. Yeah...I'm not flattered that someone likes me if they're invading my personal space and not listening to me when I tell them to back off. And even telling someone that is a really big deal to me because I'm super shy.

        Thank you! I thought it was reasonable, he thought it was reasonable...he's done it before, too, when I've been so stressed out, I can't manage to talk to people. [Oh, I forgot to mention it, but I thought it was very weird that my emails were somehow "aggressive.",, they weren't, actually, but...] I think it's perfectly reasonable to have someone else speak up for you when you can't do it yourself.

        Amina: It was like something out of the Twilight Zone. Like all the people I thought I knew turned into their evil twins. Mind-boggling. I could not believe that I could be shoved around all the time in front of people, but when I bring it up, all of a sudden...nobody saw anything. Like it was a stealth ninja attack or something.

        Oh, yes, I'm staying out of the chorus. I've been out since January, and it's been lovely. I'm a lot more peaceful and happier...I didn't realize how much it had been bothering me until I was out of it.

        I keep getting confused by the definition of sexual harassment, like does it have to have sexual intent behind the touching, but...yeah, I wanted to get the police involved, but I didn't think they'd be able to do much. Unless he did something worse, maybe? I haven't run into him again, although I did see him once at Winco when we were about to check out--my mom very quickly had us to go to a register on the other side of the store.

        And that's exactly what I was thinking. If he has that many problems, he should be in therapy, sorry. Maybe if the therapist had said he should come to chorus or something? But I don't even think he was in therapy. I think his mother just decided to have him come to chorus practice and basically be an unpaid servant. He seriously had to do a LOT of work around there. I don't know if that part was ok, but I know the bothering everyone under 25 wasn't.

        I'm doing all right. I'm kind of feeling overwhelmed and lonely because I moved into the dorms for this school year [although it ROCKS to be living away from my parents ], so it's a too much new stuff. I do really wish this didn't keep bothering me at intervals, but I guess it still does because I just felt really...betrayed. Hurt and betrayed that people I had known since I was 15 basically said "fuck you" and threw me out into the cold. And all the accusations that I was this horrible, aggressive person. Like...the director even brought up emails I wrote in 2008 when I was with that abusive ex, actually, and so in a horrible frame of mind...and said those were "aggressive." They weren't. She based all that on how I changed my email signature to this Nietzsche quote:

        "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process, he does not become a monster. And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."

        Because I'm very interested in behavioral science and profiling like at the FBI. Which the director knew lol. But...somehow that was a threat. I'm still a little confused on that one!
        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
        Amayis is my wifey


        • #5
          and for the record "putting on big girl panties" ALSO includes coming to someone in charge about issues like this, NOT acting like nothing happened.
          that whole situation was just wrong in so many ways.

          ice cream cake to go with cookies or heck help yourself to the kitchen!


          • #6
            That Nietzsche quote is one of my favs. my baby makes awesome desserts. i would share them if i could, they always make me feel better.
            A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
            Friedrich Nietzsche


            • #7
              Honestly if that boy child would have tried it to me I would have hit him HARD because he scared me and sparked a PTSD reaction in me. He was warned and he didn't take the warning.

              *snugs and gives cookies*


              • #8
                Quoth LexiaFira View Post
                LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS.
                and for the record "putting on big girl panties" ALSO includes coming to someone in charge about issues like this, NOT acting like nothing happened.
                that whole situation was just wrong in so many ways.

                ice cream cake to go with cookies or heck help yourself to the kitchen!
                Thank you. That's the part I couldn't figure out. They told me to do that, but then they also told me I should have come to my mother. Even though I said that I told her, and she didn't do anything. It's interesting how once you stand up for yourself and say, "Hey, this needs to stop," how all the backtracking mom started going, "Oh, I would have helped you, all you had to do was ask." Riiiiight.

                Mmm ice cream cake! You know I've never actually had an ice cream cake? It's like...a cardinal sin. *helps self to everything sweet and yummy in kitchen*

                Quoth chrislb View Post
                That Nietzsche quote is one of my favs. my baby makes awesome desserts. i would share them if i could, they always make me feel better.
                I love that Nietzsche quote, too. I also fail to see how it is "threatening" in any way. Maybe you have to have a special kind of sucky mentality...

                What kind of desserts? *perks*

                Quoth Aethian View Post
                Honestly if that boy child would have tried it to me I would have hit him HARD because he scared me and sparked a PTSD reaction in me. He was warned and he didn't take the warning.

                *snugs and gives cookies*
                *noms cookies and hugs*

                I'm amazed I didn't hit him just by reflex, to be honest. Especially since I've taken a self-defense course twice so that I at least feel better about my ability to defend myself. He got really lucky that I didn't end up popping him in the face. And it would have been 100% his fault. Hmm, now I wish I had acted by reflex and hit him...

                I keep thinking how not being in chorus really is for the best. I have more self-esteem now, and I'm more confident about myself. And my voice. They helped me not, say, commit suicide [I think], but...always something bad happening. Competitions were usually the worst, oh my Gawd...especially the year some BRILLIANT person decided to put me and my mom in the same room [we shared 4 to a room]. No. My mother and I do not get along, pretty much ever. Also, she's the kind of person who acts really nice and compassionate to her friends and strangers, but around her family, she's a total twatwaffle. Just horrible. You'd be better off getting comfort from a cactus.

                That was the sad thing, is that I should have taken my dad with me to the "hearing" or whatever because even though he's been a horrific, evil douche, he was the one saying, "You have the right to not be touched if you don't want to be." It would have gone quite...interesting if he'd been there. Heh.
                "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                Amayis is my wifey


                • #9
                  Hey, good for getting into the dorms. Even if you get along with your parents, having more space makes it way easier to get along with them. You know how birds kick the fledglings out of the nest, and get annoyed with being followed? It happens with humans too, even if you're not trying to follow.

                  Eisa, I'm more than happy to listen and be here for you. But I'm still going to recommend that you go to your school's counselling services (assuming they're not too small to offer them) and get a professional opinion on this too. It's amazing how much difference it can make having someone there who is trained in helping people. Not just because you want to make sure you're completely over it, but if you end up in a bad situation again, having had a professional help you will make a big difference. It's the difference between "This is the right thing to do" and "I have been trained and this is definitely the right thing to do".

                  If you think it's a good idea to go, but are nervous, get a friend to walk you there. Jackdaw has done that for people before, and a good friend will be more than willing to walk you over.

