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Teavana Experience *Long for no reason*

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  • Teavana Experience *Long for no reason*

    Im putting this here b/c it doesnt really fit anywhere.

    The Teavana in the mall just opened TODAY!! I was excited when I saw it was opening a few weeks back. I went to the mall for other things and noticed them open, and so headed over. Now, there was a story posted here about teavana. A TERRIBLE story, I dont remember who posted it and it was a lil while back, but that person was royally screwed by Teavana, so I went in prepared for pushy sales tactics, and well, i wasnt disappointed.

    They had some samples outside, i tasted some. The girl was knowledgeable about the teas and brewing methods etc. I decide to get some of the "Youthberry" tea. It was very good.

    I head over to the counter and ask the one guy how much it is an ounce. He tells me its a two ounce minimum and starts to drag over these HUGE tins filled with the tea. The sales pitch begins, hes wafting the tea smells all up in my face.

    Apparently ALL the teas they brew are 2 different teas together so if I want the Youthberry taste as brewed there, if have to buy 2 seperate teas. Not an issue, so I ask about the price.....

    $12.00 for TWO ounces of the one tea. And about $7 for two ounces of the other. So, Id have to spend at MINIMUM $20 to get the flavor they got out there? Psh. And if that wasnt enough. The guy starts in on selling me airtight tea tins, but theyre HUGE (and cost $7)...he's also strongly encouraging me to buy a POUND of the tea. A POUND! @ 12 bucks per 2 know how much that would be...FOR TEA?!

    Thankfully, I am able to say no to a sale, so I respectfully decline his generous offer of 1 lb of tea and ask about 2oz of just one tea in a bag (bc it was good and I still wanted it, and hell..i work hard and i deserve a splurge!!). His face falls, and immediately he gets nastified, I tell him id like to confer with hubby and he snaps "Hurry up, b.c there might be a line" so I politely dismiss myself from him and go back to talk to my husband. I wait til he leaves from behind the counter and approach another employee . I told her exactly what i wanted and she tried a little to upsale me, but i was adamant.

    Heres where I had issue. She picks up a bag and fills it with tea and places it on the scale. Now this tea is already $12.00 for 2 oz, the bag on the scale its coming up @ about $22.00 due to the amount she filled it with.

    Emp:"Is this okay?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

    Me: "No",I say sternly "closer to the 2 oz price please".

    Emp:*shakes a tiny bit out, scale reads 19.80* "Is this okay?"

    Me:"No, I want 2 ounces, please take some out."

    Emp:"Oh, okay" *giggle* "Im new at weighing stuff"*giggle, titter*

    Me: Thats okay

    Emp: *shakes some more out. Reads $16.50*. "This ok".

    Me: Id really just like the 2 ounces.

    Emp: *giggle* Im new, im sorry. *giggle*

    She FINALLY shakes out enough (after like 2 more exchanges and more giggling) so that its like $12.40 and Im like "Thats fine". It almost felt like theyre trained to do that so when the random person says, oh thats ok, b/c they dont want to be an inconvenienve, they make more money. She then trys to sell me some rock sugar. $8 a pound. 3 pound minimum, but hey, the pretty container is only $3!!! Uh, no thanks. I already splurged on the f'in expensive tea, im not going to buy $30 worth of sugar too.

    I kinda feel bad for the employees. They seemed like they NEEDED to sell and therefore did/said what they could. I completely saw that poster who wrote about their experience with teavana...I honestly saw the terror in those employees and couldnt help but feel bad. I thought maybe it was b/c i was already aware of how the company operated due to the post here, but hubby commented on it too and I hadnt told him yet.
    Last edited by Amina516; 09-10-2010, 06:05 PM.

  • #2
    They are trained to do that, unfortunately. I have to keep telling them that there's too much each time, several times, too. It's gotten to the point where I'll go into the store to see/smell/taste the teas, then order what I want from the website, because I know I'll get exactly 2 oz which I ask for.

    I'd been hoping it was just my Teavana that was like that, but there is apparently a blog from a former employee who explains that this is all part of the training and yes, they are required to force upsell, and overweigh the tea, believing customers won't mind. Like hell. When I say 2 oz, I want 2 oz, end. of. story.

    But, wonderful tea. Damn double edged blade...


    • #3
      Wow. Theyre purposefully trained to do that? That makes me sad. I had a feeling thats what it was...b/c there was NO WAY this girl (your could be this stupid and giggly on a normal basis. It was my first time there and I was so excited too. Damn crazy hippies.


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        but there is apparently a blog from a former employee who explains that this is all part of the training and yes, they are required to force upsell, and overweigh the tea, believing customers won't mind. Like hell.
        all stores that weigh product do this. When i get cheese its always "I want half a pound" "Teehee i put .75lbs on there is that okay?"

        No god damn it, HALF A POUND.

        /cranky cheese related rant
        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


        • #5
          Quoth Amina516 View Post
          Wow. Theyre purposefully trained to do that? That makes me sad. I had a feeling thats what it was...b/c there was NO WAY this girl (your could be this stupid and giggly on a normal basis. It was my first time there and I was so excited too. Damn crazy hippies.
          Yeah, they're crazy all right. here's the blog I was talking about. Fair warning, it's a LONG read, and leaves you a little sick inside. I like Teavana teas, but I'm at the point where I get most loose teas from Whole Foods or


          Quoth Whiskey View Post
          all stores that weigh product do this. When i get cheese its always "I want half a pound" "Teehee i put .75lbs on there is that okay?"

          No god damn it, HALF A POUND.

          /cranky cheese related rant
          I get that, too!!! I've started telling them I want X number of slices on setting number whatever, (i.e. 12 slices on setting number 2). that way I know I get almost exactly what I'm asking for.


          • #6
            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
            Yeah, they're crazy all right. here's the blog I was talking about. Fair warning, it's a LONG read, and leaves you a little sick inside. I like Teavana teas, but I'm at the point where I get most loose teas from Whole Foods or

            You know what? I think thats what I read before...for some reason i thought it was a post here on CS. Thats the one that made me kinda uneasy in the first place. How horrible.


            • #7
              lets see if I can do some drunken math

              say your product costs 1.75 for an extra 1/4lb (cheese, in my case)

              If 3,000,000 people per year are charged for an extra 1/4lb of cheese the company makes an additional $5,250,000 that year
              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


              • #8
                Quoth Whiskey View Post
                lets see if I can do some drunken math

                say your product costs 1.75 for an extra 1/4lb (cheese, in my case)

                If 3,000,000 people per year are charged for an extra 1/4lb of cheese the company makes an additional $5,250,000 that year
                LMAO!! Im not double checking that but dayyyyyyyuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm.


                • #9
                  It seems very dependant on where the shop is. I've never had an issue at the one at Tysons Corner but I have seen it at other locations (perhaps they are pretty quick to act if a store doesn't meet its goals and the one in Tysons pretty much always meets theirs?).


                  • #10
                    *Im rereading the Teavana link* I swear...word for word, action for action is what I dealt with today.. Gives me the heebee jeebies. Thats not honest business...i dont care how freaking good their tea is.


                    • #11
                      so should i shop at this shop or not? from what i skimmed of the link it sounds like a terrible place to support and as far as I know we dont have a tea shop in my city.

                      link me to a good place to buy teas because i love tea and tea.

                      edit: and for a fringe thing like "tea" you cant afford to alienate your regulars like that. tea shoppers come and go, but your regulars keep you afloat. I've spent extra money in a shop just because I was there all the time, liked the product and they said they were having a rough go that quarter. Granted, my 20$ extra wasnt going to save them, but i'm not the only regular who spent a little extra.
                      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                      • #12

                        Got this one from the tea thread a lil bit ago.

                        I have the Ingenuitea (its on the front page of Adagio) I LOVE IT!! I got it for free with my ThinkGeek geek points.


                        • #13
                          amina linked one already, adagio is awesome. Also,

                          SpecialTeas is good, similar to Teavana, but less expensive, and cheaper shipping rates.


                          • #14
                            bookmarked both i usually just drink bagged (grocery store) tea because im lazy
                            Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                            • #15
                              'k I read the thread. Maybe I'll still check them out sometime but I won't make any special trip. I don't go to the mall unless I have a good reason.
                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

