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Fuddle Duddle (NSFW - language)

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  • Fuddle Duddle (NSFW - language)

    I seriously need to watch my diet more. Or else extend the whole no-meat, no caffeine, etc phase to a longer period of time. I think that my cheat of "only after ovulation" might be a bad idea. I know I ate some meat, but it's difficult to avoid when other people are the ones feeding me. Or maybe just have the sense God gave little green apples and take my bloody miracle pills when I'm going to need them. "Oh, I'll just take an iboprofen", even though the pain is just now developing. What kind of idiot thinks that ibuprofen is going to do any damn good?

    *Whimper*, I hate cramps.

    Oh, it looks like my problem is because I didn't skip enough milk products. Normally I don't have to worry, because I can't eat cow's milk.
    Last edited by Magpie; 09-15-2010, 01:34 PM.

  • #2
    Feel better soon!
    Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


    • #3
      I take 3 250 mg naproxen pills-- like Aleve-- when I feel the barest, barest hints of The Visit-- and about eight hours later, two, and that's the end of any care aside from sanitation. Otherwise, I'm out for a few days. Heating pad, curled up, sucking down water like it's going to save the planet... I only managed once to drink 8 8 oz cups of water every single day for a cycle, and that helped tremendously... but that left me feeling bloated and like a racehorse for most of the month.
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        Well technically yesterday was day one, so I figured that I'd gotten off ok. It's just that I don't know if things have changed or if I never noticed the first day (either because I wasn't using a cup, or because I never used to watch temperature, so there was no way to know when day one was going to be). But now day two is a risk too. But I felt ok this morning, and it wasn't day one, so why was I going to take something as strong as naproxen? I may just have to start taking them as a matter of course. I talked to the doctor when I got my prescription renewed, and it was basically along the lines of "yes, they're bad, that's more for people who take them daily, don't worry about it.

        I'm feeling a lot better now though. Still want to avoid cold, and I'm glad I thought to bring licorice tea with me, but the danger of throwing up seems to be mostly passed.


        • #5
          Just remember-- take naproxen with food, or at least not-water/not on an empty stomach; drink plenty of water, and go easy on your liver (like, no boozings for a bit, which is just a good idea when you're down for maintainence.) I need a redonkulous amount of ibuprofen, and aspirin I haven't taken in years for it. Granted, I also don't need pain relievers at any other time of the month most of the year. (Like, 9-12 months out of the year.) I don't even have aspirin in the apartment, and ibuprofen hardly gets touched-- only bought it for a room-mate.
          EDIT: I'm also mildly paranoid about pain, and notice if it's in the "area of concern." I also notice other cues, like soreness in various places that aren't from strain, mood shifts (not too extreme tho for me), and I have a rough idea of my schedule. I never know the exact day until it happens.
          EDITEDIT: Glad you're feeling better!
          Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 09-15-2010, 03:45 PM.
          "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
          "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


          • #6
            My mother swears by naproxen, and since my very first cycle, I've sworn by it, too. It's my absolute best friend, and absolutely the only thing that works for my cramps. Hope it helps you too hon!

            Feel better


            • #7
              ive done advil, and ive done tylenol...horrible

              naproxen? winner winner chicken dinner!

              whoooooooooiee do they make it better lol


              • #8
                According to my girly doc she says the best thing is actually ibuprofen. In large doses. As in, she gave me a prescription for 800 mg and told me to space it out and take at least 3 a day during the Visit. This, better than anything, has made me go from curled up like boiled shrimp on the floor to mild discomfort, like a pulled muscle. It works better than the vicodin I was on briefly. I kid you not. It's FANTASTIC. Course, you need to take it with food, though, else it might give you an upset stomach.


                • #9
                  My prescription was Naproxen. I suspect that, as bad as it's supposed to be for your system, that 800mg of ibuprofen isn't any better for you. Apparently for most women naproxen works way better. (Yes, I have a bias towards prescription-only medication.) I'm going to start taking it every cycle, at least any where I have cramps in the morning. Because I was also told that the earlier I take it the better. I feel SOOOOOO much better today.


                  • #10
                    The key with either ibuprofen or naproxen is that it's fine as long as you aren't taking high doses every day. I used to be on prescription-strength naproxen, but when I switched to the health clinic, the gyno asked me to try a few months with just Aleve. Works fine.

                    I take ibuprofen now for my headaches...usually between 600-800 mg at a time. "Grunt candy" levels.
                    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                    • #11
                      A couple of years ago I used to hemmorrhage, not every time, but frequently enough. My mom had the same conditon, and her Dr. told her to take ibuprofen and keep it in her system the whole time. It does something to shut down the overactive blood vessels. (The body gets rid of what's in the uterus, but also sends extra blood for some reason. Called mennorraghia or something). Now that I've stopped eating meat altogether, I am regular for the first time ever & I don't hemmorhage anymore. [Sorry for spelling errors; I'm normally a good speller, just have trouble with med terms.]
                      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                      • #12
                        Food Lady, you can help: do I need to avoid meat all together, or just red meat? I've seen conflicting advice, and when you're at a community luncheon where they claim they're going to provide the food, and all they have is meat and cheese for protein, there's not a lot of choices. (Yes, I know, I need to stop believing them. I didn't know I was supposed to go until quite late).

