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3 monthes

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  • 3 monthes

    So our washer blew up about a week ago.

    We had some water damage the nasty carpets are now toast and it pushed my mom to realize that she can't live in this apartment much longer.

    Now this apartment was not in great shape when we moved in. In fact i would say despite the washer now being completely toast its in the same or slight better condition from when we moved in because we bought some appliances.

    My mom did some thinking and talked to me and well we have a plan.

    since one of the reasons she hasn't even looked in the last 5 years is because with 4 adults there is a ton of stuff she does couldn't even deal the thought of packing I am going to move in with my dad for 3 months.

    That way my big piece of furniture can be out of here and she can work on some things without it in the way (i have a chiffarobe, a bookcase, tv stand the size of my bookcase, my bed and a few boxes and tubs of yarn and stuff) and this way she can have me help with the fixing of the apartment up but the dog and my stuff is out of the way.

    we have an agreement. Its only 3 months.
    i either move back here by January 1st because the boy finally got his own place which hes been threatening to do (its not a threat if we all want it boy) or she would find a larger place, which she could afford because of the recession made house around here cheap, to buy or rent.

    but i also told her that I will not stay passed January first.

    My father is a passive aggressive dependent manipulative bi polar baby and if im there passed the holidays i will become a de facto caregiver which i am not willing to do. i would seriously kill myself before doing that.

    Basically i told her she had better spend October doing the work needed in the apartment and start looking in November or she might be able to move into someplace January first. If it doesn't look like ill be moving back with her January 1st im moving in with my grandmother. No way in hell will i live with him in 2011.

    so... that's my news.

  • #2
    Im sorry, Slice.

    Are you able to move in with your Grandmother now and avoid your dad altogether?


    • #3
      it would be best not to so as not to make my dad a storage facility for my furniture and my grandmother has my hoarder aunt in the house she doesnt need to worry about my stuff. If i moved in with her on the first i mean i would pack a suit case and stay with her for a month until my mother got her act together.


      • #4
        *small update* im trying to finish a baby blanket and the worrieng about this stuff as made my insomnia returned. not too bad really except i bent over to pick up a yarn ball loss my balance and fell on a bookshelf breaking 2 of shelves.

        i feel wonderful.

        a book hit my forehead, my hand hurts, my foot is bruised and my hips hurts.


        • #5
          at least you didn't get a face-full of glass. That happened once to someone I knew.
          Also, make sure to take care of yourself, mentally and physically, over the next few months. You're going to be very stressed, you can already tell! Not only that, it's winter, and it's the holidays. Illness and stress everywhere, even if you live in a place that never sees snow. ... or is Mesa that high up? I can never remember in Az.
          "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
          "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


          • #6
            its low in a valley little to no snow.

            My big this is my dad is already being whiny and demanding and i dont live with him


            • #7
              oh joy im getting into a fight with him because i cant lend him money because my brother lent him money instead, don't drop everything when he asks and wind up feeling like his mother because he can't take care of himself and ive wound up taking him the hospital multiple times.

              this is one of the time i wish i was whiskey.
              Last edited by Sliceanddice; 09-24-2010, 08:16 PM.

