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For general biology students (current & former) & Biology majors

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  • For general biology students (current & former) & Biology majors

    I am taking General Biology one & lab this semester at college. The last time I took Biology was in highschool - the 1980's. My learning style is a combination of audio, visual, & kinesthetic.

    My instructor is new to teaching.

    Earlier this week we had our first exam. It was very difficult. I am not sure how I did. You had to know the concepts & be able to apply them.

    What I am looking for are ideas on how to study for these types of exams as well as for lab exams. What is a Biology lab exam like?

    You can either reply to my message or pm me.

  • #2
    Kind of OT, but last semester I took English with a "new teacher." it was like his second semester teacher. English has got to be one of the easiest things for me and the way he taught + his ridiculous class rules I ended up not going anymore and getting a D because I couldn't stand the class.

    I will never take a class with a "new teacher" ever again.

    Oh and find out if you have a science lab on campus. Most schools offer free tutoring from students who passed with a B or higher. They could probably tell you what that teachers exams are like if hes taught more than one semester there.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


    • #3
      Oooh, I LOVE Bio!

      The lab exams are my favorite part, frankly. We had about 30 different stations set up with the slides we had been studying on each one, and were asked to identify the specimens provided. I typically got a B average on the lecture exams, but scored A+ on every lab exam (my first ever!).

      We had to do a lot of sketches for our labs, and I found that the stuff I had to sketch stuck in my brain faster than other material. I'm the same way with written notes, too-anything I hear or read goes in one ear and out the other, but once I've had to write it down, even if I never read it again, it stays with me.

      If you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to help as best as I can. Bio can be difficult but I love it-so much so that I recently changed my major to Bio. with an emphasis on Clinical Science.

      Good luck!
      "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


      • #4
        Other than studying previous labs to death, not really sure what you can do. I hated general biology. Stupid class. Picked up biology as my minor.

        If you have a new teacher, you are kinda screwed. I've learned new teachers generally are very hard to prove they can be good.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House

