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Finally resumed my Stargate SG-1 viewing

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  • Finally resumed my Stargate SG-1 viewing

    I started the series last fall, when I bought season one on DVD, and got up to the episode Cor-Ai. I stopped watching it when I got hooked on the X-Files, but now I've gone back to it and have bought up to season seven (and possibly getting eight today ). Looking forward to progressing through the seasons! I'd love to get the complete series set, but I've heard bad things.
    DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin’ round here!
    Nicholas Angel: Like who?
    DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
    Nicholas Angel: Who else?
    DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers’ mums.

  • #2
    what kind of bad things? >_>


    • #3
      If my memory serves correctly, season eight or so is when a major major story arc was completed. Along with that came the semi-retirement of Richard Dean Anderson and the pregnancy of Amanda Tapping. They both stepped away from in front of the camera for a long time. RDA nearly permanently (well, as regards the SG-1 series), and Amanda Tapping came back about halfway through the season (maybe later).

      This left Ben Browder and Claudia Black trying to fill their roles, and (more or less) resurrect SG-1 as a team for the first half of the season. Along with that came the new super-story-arc. Once that occurred, it more or less stopped being the series that happened for the first eight seasons, and resulted in a whole new series with the same name and some of the same actors. They had a very hard time building up the same chemistry and credibility that the first incarnation of SG-1 did.

      All of that came to its conclusion in one of the follow on movies, Ark of Truth, which concluded the second super story arc.

      Mind you, I watched the final two seasons. I liked the final two seasons. They just weren't as good as the first eight, and likely could not be as good as those first eight. Not without another couple years to make the new team come together properly. The chemistry that was present by the end of season 1 wasn't back by the end of season 10. RDA was an exceptionally strong presence, and he set the tone of the show in many ways. Ben Browder, while good, just was not as good as RDA.

      That, hopefully, is spoiler free. I don't think it was entirely, but it should at least not have given away any of the bigger surprises. And boy are there big ones. For now, I'll just keep my lip zipped


      • #4
        Penderson is right.

        The series finale was a good episode but was a horrible season finale (was it unexpected?). The Arc of Truth did a good job of closing up the series.

        Continuum was good, too.

        One thing I did enjoy about the series, you get to watch the characters grow and mature. While you can skip episodes, you can't skip seasons.

        Also, in Emancipation, those are malinois at the beginning (and possibly the same dogs in the Millennium episode "Beware of the Dogs".
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

