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Awesome mum

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  • Awesome mum

    So as a treat for my soon to be birthday, my mum is lending me the £250 i need to fully complete my skaven army, sure, i have to pay it back, but hell, i can now get my toys and save up, rather than save up then get my toys.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

  • #2
    Sweet. I wish my mum would do something like that. Last year I got...a book on how parents love their daughters. It had a graphic description of the birth process and how that shows a mother's love.
    Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


    • #3
      I'm probably gonna be paying back with my christmas money too, evne though my mum says she wants me to have something to look forward to but...with 200+ models to paint and assemble, I'm gonna be having plenty to look forward to
      I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


      • #4
        Mom has the obsession with giving actual gifts instead of the cash that I really need. I'm hoping that for Christmas her and Dad will help me and Fiance get a new bed for the apartment, which we'll need when he moves in. (My bed's a full, and we're both kinda 'full-sized' people).

        Congrats, Rayven Q, and Happy Birthday!
        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


        • #5
          Bit early, my birthday is in 2 weeks and 2 days.

          My mum gives me money, because she knows it's more practical for me, but she'll always throw in one or two small gifts that she knows will amuse me.

          Also, it's RayvenQ, no space long story behind that name
          I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


          • #6
            Quoth RayvenQ View Post
            I'm probably gonna be paying back with my christmas money too, evne though my mum says she wants me to have something to look forward to but...with 200+ models to paint and assemble, I'm gonna be having plenty to look forward to
            Only 200? Congrats. Skaven are fun. Now, if I can only convince my wife to let me build the full Brettonian army I want. (Me like bright colors...)
            "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


            • #7
              it's a starter army just for me to be able to get used to it, so basic infantry pretty much.

              like bright colours? You're gonna like my skaven then, they're colour coded

              Spearmen blue, sword infantry red, ranged units yellow, command units purple, and probably some others once I've got it all worked out.
              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


              • #8
                Do some teal ones!
                Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                • #9
                  My spearmen are painted with a paint called Ultramarines Blue, which is actually pretty teal like to be honest.
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    If you want to do a teal highlight, try a 3:1 mix of Lightning Bolt Blue and Vile Green.
                    Might be cool for an edge highlight.

                    (Note, test it somewhere first. It's not a mix I've actually done before. Especially since I use Reaper Master Series or Valejo paints...)
                    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                    • #11
                      Hooray for teal ones!
                      Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                      • #12
                        Quoth Crossbow View Post
                        If you want to do a teal highlight, try a 3:1 mix of Lightning Bolt Blue and Vile Green.
                        Might be cool for an edge highlight.

                        (Note, test it somewhere first. It's not a mix I've actually done before. Especially since I use Reaper Master Series or Valejo paints...)
                        I can tell, if I were gonna do that I'd probably use ice blue and UM blue. but I don't need to, cause I use this stuff called army painter and that gets me my shading and highlighting.
                        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                        • #13
                          You do have a cool Mum!!! Now I want to go home and work on my models. I got one of the starter battle sets for Warhammer 40,000 at our local Games Workshop. They are about half put together at this point. I need to get them done and base coated before winter sets in so I can work on them when the weather sucks outside.

                          OT: model painting question, do you have to use their special base coating spray or can you use something else?
                          Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                          My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                          • #14
                            Any good primer should work, although the Army Painter colored primers are a great start. Primer and base coat in one. For spray primer, I use Krylon primer. I also use Reaper and Valejo brush on primer, depending on the piece.

                            I don't need to, cause I use this stuff called army painter and that gets me my shading and highlighting.
                            Army Painter is nice stuff for getting things to the table fast and still have it look good. My problem is I started with painting for competitions before I ever started playing so I have a tough time saying "It's done." I always want to do just a little bit more.....
                            Last edited by Crossbow; 09-21-2010, 09:04 PM.
                            "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                            • #15
                              Think 40K has a lot of models, try fantasy (and I'm pressuming you mean the Assault on Black reach starter?)

                              Whose, GW's? Their "primer" is simply black spray paint, for alternatives, it kinda depends where you are in the world, what countyr you in and I'll try and make suggestions.

                              I got Army painter to make myself stop doing that Crossbow

                              Army painter coloured sprays are awesome, spraying it, it's so fine a mist compared to GW spray, it's awesome. Plus it can save a lot of time having your major basecoat down.
                              Last edited by RayvenQ; 09-21-2010, 09:17 PM.
                              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

