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Dammit, I Am *NOT* a Cat Person!

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  • Dammit, I Am *NOT* a Cat Person!

    So, why is this little fuzzball making me want to keep him around?

    He's so small he almost fits in my shirt pocket. Cute as all hell. And I don't really want to make the posters to announce that we found him.

    We found him just off our driveway tonight, right as a huge thunder/lightning storm was hitting. Somehow, SO heard him. I took him around to the nearby homes, since I don't think he could have gotten far. Everybody seems to think he's one of the ferals that live under a trailer down the street.

    I'm not convinced he's feral, though. He's completely unafraid of me, the SO, or our two dogs. These are not typical feral behaviors. He's clean, and the worst that can be said is that he seems like he might be a little skinny (not being a cat person, I don't know for sure).

    I'm going to make the posters. If he has a home already, I don't want to deprive him of that. I just want to keep him warm and safe overnight. If he didn't have a home before, well, it seems like he does now. The bastard. Making me want to keep him.

    So, considering size and appearance, do the cat people think he's okay with regular kitten food? Since we used to have a ferret, we have some. If that's enough, then I'll go with that for tonight. If it's not, let me know so I can get something better, please. I don't want him starving, especially not when I can do something about it.

    ETA: I forgot to add the picture:

  • #2
    Gonna need some better photos. Get some KMR and mix it in with regular kitten food so it gets mushy. Itll put weight on him quickly.

    Enjoy your new cat, he's going to make you miserable with love and squees!
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


    • #3
      Awwww he's adorable Ped. So... What's his name? ;p


      • #4
        Aw, he's cute! I don't know enough about raising babies. My cats were 7 weeks and already on regular food when we brought them home.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Adorable baby kitteh. The kitten food should be fine, I'd think.
          "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
          "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


          • #6
            Aw, he's a cutie.

            Looks bit enough for kitten food... if you don't have any canned food to add to to it you can add a bit of warm water to to make the dry stuff a bit mushy for the little guy. Don't give him milk (some cats don't tolerate cow's milk very well).
            There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


            • #7
              He looks big enough for kitten food, judging by that photo. If you have any canned food, that would be even better for the first couple weeks. If all else fails, boil some kind of lean meat (like chicken), let it cool, then chop/shred it into tiny bites. That should at least get him through the night.

              Also, my husband says you are clearly a cat person and you just don't know it yet.


              • #8
                Forgot to mention: Saw someone out walking while I was taking him to nearby homes, and she said she thinks he looks about 8 weeks old. Not sure of how much difference that makes.

                Quoth Whiskey View Post
                Gonna need some better photos.
                Napping on my chest right now. I'll wake him up for better pics in a little bit.

                Quoth Whiskey View Post
                Get some KMR and mix it in with regular kitten food so it gets mushy. Itll put weight on him quickly.
                I'm going to hold off until tomorrow night, and only get a small amount at a time. His behavior makes me flip-flop between "he's a feral/not a feral". I don't know enough about cats to be able to tell for sure.

                Quoth Whiskey View Post
                Enjoy your new cat, he's going to make you miserable with love and squees!
                As long as he doesn't already belong to somebody else.

                Quoth Aethian View Post
                Awwww he's adorable Ped. So... What's his name? ;p
                Until nobody claims him for several days, it's "Hey you!" I'm strenuously trying to avoid getting attached, and then have to return him to somebody else.

                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                Aw, he's cute! I don't know enough about raising babies. My cats were 7 weeks and already on regular food when we brought them home.
                Cute doeesn't seem like it says enough, does it?

                Quoth Cat View Post
                Adorable baby kitteh. The kitten food should be fine, I'd think.
                We'll hope so. he just woke up whileI was typing this. Time to get some better pics.


                • #9
                  "Hey You" is adorable!

                  I really think you have always been a cat person and are just coming to that reality now!

                  Looking forward to more pics.
                  Retail Haiku:
                  Depression sets in.
                  The hellhole is calling me ~
                  I don't want to go.


                  • #10
                    lol. I'd feed him some canned food, as others here have mentioned, until he gets a bit older. Feed him half a can at most though. What does he do to make you do the flip flop between Feral/Not feral?


                    • #11
                      I'm going to hold off until tomorrow night, and only get a small amount at a time. His behavior makes me flip-flop between "he's a feral/not a feral". I don't know enough about cats to be able to tell for sure.
                      He's not feral. He isn't old enough to develop the habits of a feral cat. Hes just an asshole like all kittens are. At 8 weeks (i'd say six based on his size), all you need to do is love on him for a week and hes an immediate housecat.
                      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                      • #12
                        If you desire him to be solely a housecat, do not let him near the door. Our cat, despite several adventures with him running back to the house with his tail and belly dragging the ground, still has that insatiable curiousity of the outside. >_>

                        Oh, btw, invest in a cheap laser pointer, at a minimum. The results are enjoyable.


                        • #13
                          I don't think he's 8 weeks either, based on that photo. Probably 6, as Whiskey thought. Kittens are generally supposed to gain about a pound a month until they're around 7-9 months of age, so you can try weighing him to get an idea of his age, too. Though, if he is a little underweight as you thought, you might have guess he's a little older than his weight would suggest.

                          And he IS adorable, as all kittens tend to be.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            He looks big enough for kitten food, judging by that photo.
                            Well, some more photos, and they are noticeably better (I broke out the good camera instead of the cell phone camera):

                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            If you have any canned food, that would be even better for the first couple weeks.
                            Right now, I don't. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow to make sure he's okay. Hopefully, they can do some sort of quick scan to let me know if there's anything seriously wrong. Since I don't know if he's had his shots or not, I can't let them do any of those yet.

                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            If all else fails, boil some kind of lean meat (like chicken), let it cool, then chop/shred it into tiny bites. That should at least get him through the night.
                            That, at least, I can do. He's not eating any of the other kitten food yet, but that could just be a case of not being hungry. I don't know when he last ate, or how much. I do know he hasn't even been been hanging out here for a full four hours yet. If you don't count the time I spent touring the neighborhood with him, I don't think he's had three hours here yet.

                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            Also, my husband says you are clearly a cat person and you just don't know it yet.
                            Negative. We have two dogs. I love dogs, and always have. They want attention. Cats, though, have always had the attitude of "go away. I don't need you at all." Except, of course, this one.

                            Dammit. I'm not supposed to like cats.


                            • #15
                              Dammit, I Am *NOT* a Cat Person!
                              If the kitty could talk, it would no doubt say something like this:

                              "You are now. But don't worry, I'll train you."

                              Seriously if someone does own the kitty, hope they show up before you become too attached.
                              Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

