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The All-Wide Paranormal Thread

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  • The All-Wide Paranormal Thread

    Forgive me if this has been done before. If it hasn't, I'll gladly take the initiative.

    I've seen many a time on here people discussing things pertaining to the paranormal/supernatural/whatever-you-like-to-call-it. I figure this thread could be a good way to meet other paranormal enthusiasts on the board, trade stories, and possibly get/give advice for problems pertaining to things of the not normal variety. I'll start things off by giving a little bit of info about myself:

    My first encounter with the paranormal happened when I was 5. At the time, we were living on the base in Ft. Lewis, Washington. It was...well, I don't know what time it actually was. I didn't have a clock in my room. It was late enough, though, that it was quite dark except for the moon outside. However, even then something felt different. I felt like there was someone else in the room besides my sister, who I shared a room with at the time. I glanced over to the wall and saw a very distinct, very human-shaped shadow there.

    I don't know if maybe I was too young to really be freaked out by it, or if I somehow knew it wasn't going to hurt me, but I just watched it and tried to talk to it. When it didn't answer back, I just went back to sleep.

    For the next several years, I never really saw anything again. I often felt as though something was there, but never saw what it was. It wasn't until the past couple years that my gift, which is largely emotion based (read: I have very low-grade empathic abilities) has started to show itself again.

    As of right now, I still cannot see things physically. If given enough time, though, I can get small details about something I'm trying to read. Sometimes it's a name, sometimes it's what they look like. It depends on if they want to give me those hints or not. Sometimes they don't, and I'm not in the habit of forcing them to do otherwise.

    There is something, besides physically hearing and seeing spirits, that I'm not quite so good at- Getting rid of particularly strong nasties that infiltrate my house.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    I myself have had a couple small experiences, but they were so small you'd think they're not. I have a bit of 'intuition' with stuff like that, but to be honest, I'm also paranoid. So I can't tell if there's really anything or not. However, I do pick up random vibes. Like if I put in some quartz, the room feels much more comfortable. My family claims to have a history involving the paranormal, and I don't doubt it, but seeing how...'sane' my family is, I can tell you that it's mostly inflated. That, or spirits like crazy people the most. Who knows?

    I've had the 'someone is watching you' feeling when I was a kid at a vacation cabin, but my parents didn't help much. Pretty much called me paranoid and told me to pray. Wow, thanks. That hampered my interest for a while until I started meditating and focusing on my surroundings, but after that, all I've really had so far is a spirit orb. I plan to practice and raise my awareness just 'cause I feel like if I have the potential, might as well go all the way, eh? So far I'm only good at picking up atmospheres. My boyfriend, however, can see auras.

    Thankfully I haven't had any nasties, but I think that's to do with Grandma sticking around. Otherwise I'm pretty good at killing the negativity.
    My only regret is that I don't have a better word for "F@#k You".


    • #3
      Only story I have is actually from my mother. Apparently the house she lived in when she was little had a basement, with the stairway down to it, and the door at the top having a hook latch, that would not stay latched.

      They would hook it shut, walk out of the room, and as soon as they were in the next room, they would hear the basement door creak open. No one in the kitchen where the door was, latch unhooked, door open, every single time.
      Something kind of sad about the way that things have come to be.
      Desensitized to everything, what became of subtlety?

