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A bit Mad

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  • A bit Mad the Beau and I went out tonight with my friend K. The reason for this night out was Dollar domestic beer night at "The Pistol" ((not actual name, but it is close)), and because one of our managers from another store ((who is AWESOME)) is in town so we all wanted to go drinking. I decided to let the Beau drink tonight and I would drive home.

    Of course K's roommate who we shall call "Casanova" because he basically chases anything with legs, came along. And while I normally LOVE the boy, he gets really pretentious when he gets drunk... because...well he thinks he is really smart.

    I just need to get some irk off my chest so please bear with me.

    1. I have told you from the moment you invited me that I was the DD and as such would not be drinking. So when I get there DO NOT pester me incessantly about having a drink. "Come one Red... just OOOOONNNNNEEEEE" I am not a 'just one' person. I am a just 4 person.... I do not drink if I have to drive. NO. Shut up.

    2. Do not criticize how i did my hair. I know you totally think I should go for the slanted part thing you are rocking.... my hair works for me... it looks damn cute and if you try to touch it again I will break your arm.

    3. When I tell you I am going home soon. Deal with it. I have agreed to stay 2 hours later than I wanted. Do not bitch.

    4. Do not make fun of me for not drinking. I have told you why I am not. You are losing brownie points.

    6. When I proceed to try and leave. DO. NOT. TRY. AND GRAB MY KEYS! Out of my hand. That is a good way to get yourself punched in the face you drunken tart.

    7. Casanova, do not try and eloquently explain to me the reasons why I shouldn't leave, and why I am so fucking lame for leaving at midnight. Cause I will, as I did, tell you to sit on your explanation and rotate.


    Now I love K. She has been my best friend since I moved out to Wa. But tonight she was so bloody drunk I almost decked her, and I almost punched Casanova just for being a pretentious ass.

    sorry... I'm just upset.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    I don't blame you, that was beyond rude. And I don't care if it's "only because they were drunk". You're still responsible for your behaviour when you're drunk, and if you're going to be incapable of behaving like a human being when you get drunk, then drink less.


    • #3
      Quoth Magpie View Post
      I don't blame you, that was beyond rude. And I don't care if it's "only because they were drunk". You're still responsible for your behaviour when you're drunk, and if you're going to be incapable of behaving like a human being when you get drunk, then drink less.
      being drunk isnt an excuse for acting like an ass constantly. Maybe acting like an ass intermittently, but i've never gotten so drunk that i pestered a DD like that. Thats how you LOSE dd's.
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • #4
        The problem is when people think they are really smart it's usually because they are missing something crucial?

        It's been my experience that the level of intelligence a person thinks they have seems to be directly and inversely related to the level of stupidity they actually have.

        Guy sounds like a tool.


        • #5
          Keep preaching on. This is why I quit "volunteering" to drive my bf and our friends home. I'd agree to come out with them for one or two hours, it would become several hours, everyone is getting sloppy and annoying, and I just want to leave, but NO NO we have to stay, quit being a bitch blas!

          That and the pushy thing. I hate it. Peer pressure is so junior high, kids. I don't want a fucking drink. I've had enough. I have to drive. I have my limit. I don't care if you get away with it, I have too much to lose if I chance it.

          This is why I quit going out and try to get out of it as much as possible. It's caused a lot of problems in my relationships, but I really don't care. No friends and sitting at home talking to myself and going online here is better than listening to people getting obnoxiously drunk. I deal with screaming machines and screaming obnoxious people all week, you think I really want to do deal with some more?

          Last weekend, my friend (who I wrote about a while back in a different thread, we weren't getting along very well because she didn't respect that I don't like to go out anymore) finally saw where I'm coming from. I figured we'd go to Oktoberfest in town and we'd stop at a bar that she and her coworkers go to after work sometimes (it's one of those bars specifically made for after work, not really a party place), but her husband just starting drinking like a fish and calling up everyone on his phone trying to get a crowd of people, and then tried to get my bf to get as drunk as he was and then we'd just all go out to a busier, more "happening" bar and drink until bar close. UH NO.

          I was a bitch and told my bf that since I had to drive us at this point (yeah, this is why I quit going out...I'd agree to one or two drinks, so he'd have to drive, but he'd find a way to stretch it out longer and drink more so I'd have to drive) we were leaving NOW or I was leaving him there and taking his car. So he agreed to leave. But he figured it was a good idea because my friend and her husband were really starting to go at it.

          Her husband got to the point of being so adament he was staying out and partying that she just left him there. He refused to give up the keys, so she had to walk! She was dumb and didn't even call, but she later told me that her mom came and got her a few blocks away. I just hope that dingbat husband didn't drive home! Oh, and he ended up being stuck out and about all by himself. A while later, he called up my bf and asked if he'd come BACK out again so they could party. I was so proud that my bf said no.

          Very sorry for jacking the thread. It's a very sensitive subject for me. I was used and abused as a DD, and I will never volunteer for it again. I don't mind if it's just me and the bf stopping for a couple after a movie, or if I go out with a girlfriend and she has a few too many, but people who can't hold their liquor and take advantage of the DD don't even deserve a ride home.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth blas View Post

            Very sorry for jacking the thread. It's a very sensitive subject for me. I was used and abused as a DD, and I will never volunteer for it again.
            No no I totally don't mind. I am glad I am not the only one pissed about it all. I never DD for my friends anymore, not only do they stay out WAY past closing time, but they get so stupid drunk it's no fun to have them in my car. If they want a ride home and agree to leave when I am, fine, but I have never just agreed to be DD for their whole drunken evening...not since high school. I DD for the Beau, and he is good about leaving when I leave.

            ...Drunks are so much more pleasant to be around when you are one of them!
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #7
              I agree. Drunks are only funny when you are also drunk. And I don't care to be drunk anymore, it really sucks spending the next day all miserable. I hardly get any time off, so why waste any time making myself miserable?

              It makes a lot of people mad, you are certainly not alone. My bf and friends may not believe me, but a lot of people, including some younger people, don't enjoy drinking or the bar scene. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth blas View Post
                I agree. Drunks are only funny when you are also drunk. And I don't care to be drunk anymore, it really sucks spending the next day all miserable. I hardly get any time off, so why waste any time making myself miserable?

                It makes a lot of people mad, you are certainly not alone. My bf and friends may not believe me, but a lot of people, including some younger people, don't enjoy drinking or the bar scene. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
                Blas I love your opinions on this. I went through a phase in college where I drank a lot and spent a lot of time hungover. Then I got like you are now...where I realized that hangovers are NOT fun and drinking till you puke is NOT fun either. It's a waste of time.

                I don't go out either and very rarely drink anything with alcohol. I mainly drink water or energy drinks or coffee...not even pop that much. The bar scene is definitely not worth doing, and drinking till I feel sick at home isn't appealing either. I LIKE getting up in the morning without feeling hungover and feeling somewhat refreshed....whatdya know

                BTW this has nothing to do with being a DD since I don't drive But I agree that DD's should not be abused like that it's just plain rude.
                Great YouTube channel check it out!


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  It's been my experience that the level of intelligence a person thinks they have seems to be directly and inversely related to the level of stupidity they actually have.
                  there's a name for that-Dunning-Krueger effect
                  Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                  • #10
                    Bars in Irv's city come in three varieties:
                    • Disgusting dives
                    • Loud-as-hell, hip, "young" bars that usually double as fighting cages. Last time I was at one of these bars with friends, I'm told a pretty big fight broke out half an hour after I left.
                    • "Old people" bars

                    The old people bars are the ones I prefer. You don't have to scream to have a conversation. But since nobody I know wants to go to these places, I don't go out to the bars as often anymore.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Irv, I'm really only game for the older people bars myself if I absolutely HAVE to go out, but all I get are disgusted remarks from my bf and friends. They want to go to the obnoxiously loud and crazy bars by the university, those bars are crawling with drunken dumb college kids who can't handle two beers, and the youngin girls are pulling up their already mini skirts and dresses to get attention, and I swear every guy in the bar thinks they have every right to touch any girl they see. Or the nasty nasty bars where the the female bartenders are barely covered and go around trying to sell Jello shots to all the males they can find, and always act all catty or snobby towards guys that are with girls, and the male bartenders think it's ok to grab your ass.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        you need better friends. none of my friends have ever had an issue going to low key/dive bars.

                        I live ACROSS THE STREET (literally!) from a bar, but it has a reputation for fights. Its a divey bar that wants to be hip. Jesus, I just want to drink my 14$ double whiskey and coke in peace.
                        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

