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Job. I can has it.

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  • Job. I can has it.

    I am officially legitimized. Back to the slave grind!

    Expect forthcoming tales o' suck (spin-dried so as to amuse myself and others).

    Now, if I could just get some regular dependable internet service here... (Library hours suck)
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

  • #2
    Con... congratulations?
    in all seriousness, yay for you earning money again! Now the only forms you have to fill out have to do with taxes.
    ... Most likely. I'm still just a college student.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      My displeasure, it burns like the sun.

      Well hell. I made my first official fuckup since I've been down here almost a month.

      I was supposed to go to this training orientation today, but they gave me shitty directions (on Mapquest, no less) and I couldn't find the fucking place, ergo I missed the session (they are apparently really strict about timing and won't let you in if you're even like 5 minutes late, not that it would have helped me anyway because I can't find this goddamn place. I am HIDEOUSLY terrible at navigation and the only way I can get somewhere I've never been before is if somebody literally leads me to it).

      So I have to talk to this woman I've been dealing with (and why they don't just train me at the same store I'll be working at, I don't know - the whole thing is just bullshit anyway, all it is, is you sit through a bunch of fucking lame-ass videos that tell you stupid shit any idiot with half a functioning brain should already fucking know (i.e., common sense shit).

      I'll have to reschedule this session, but the kicker is that I have to wait ANOTHER week to two weeks to get in on it! I have no money so I can't even go drown my ire in a nice margarita - I am literally down to 25 cents on my person; I have a brand-new savings account with a hundred bucks in it, but I don't want to withdraw from that if I can help it because if the balance is less than $100 they'll hit you with bullshit fines - and nobody down here that can help me. Tell me again why the hell did I come all the way down here? (Answer: because I was so desperate to get out of the rural nowheresville I was stuck in for the last 3 years.)

      Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness IS A FUCKING (rich) MORON AND I WANT TO BEAT THEM WITH THE BLOODY STUMPS OF THEIR ARMS.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #4
        Yeahhh I think that person meant "money can't buy you joy." I'd totally send you twenty bucks-- if I had it.
        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


        • #5
          Hugs are always good.

          Got the session rescheduled, this time in a different location that is supposedly easier to get to. We'll see.
          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


          • #6
            Day 2 of retail serfdom

            I now remember why I did not like this job before. XD

            Some things have changed, some have not. Some changes are good (making it easier to snag fake IDers and underage drinkers - complain about technology all you want, but thank deities for scannable bar-coded drivers' licenses!), some are not (they should've included a course titled "Asskissing 101" and also "Frozen Smile Maintenance for Dummies").

            But hell. It's only for the winter, so I am trying to look on the good side.

            And now, a few brief tidbits spotted on the second day of official slavedom:

            You Are Gross

            Barefoot Man, you are the reason places of business have signs that read "No Shirt No Shoes No Service." Does the threat of possible sharp objects lurking on the ground not at least give you pause before you set forth upon your out-of-the-house journey? Yes, this area is noted for its casual tropical atmosphere. No, that does not mean you should display to the world the nasty-ass dirty bottoms of your feet. Even flipflops, poor maligned things that they are (I like flippies even if they are bad for your feet health-wise), would suffice. Get some, they sell for like five bucks down at the nearest Mall-wartian. Two bucks if you go to a dollar store.

            Heeeeeey...I remember you!

            And I did not like you, Racist Beeyotch. Although you may seem charming otherwise, the dreck that occasionally pops from your lips reveals your rottenness like the squishy innards of a mashed moldy tomato. I'm sure I will be posting about you again in the not terribly distant future, being that you're a regular. Till then, we'll probably get along all right until the next verbal worm slithers out and stuns me with its ignorance.

            P.S.: I'm an Obama supporter and I just can't wait to hear what you probably have to say about him.

            (Trufax: spotted this customer whom I remembered as having a deep and abiding grudge against Hispanic produce-workers in California and non-Christian elected officials in Minnesota, and made sure to vent her displeasure with both to me during past occasions. Ahh, nostalgia...!)

            Hope y'all have a good weekend.
            ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

