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  • On my way to work I was rear ended. No real damage to either car so we just exchanged numbers. I'm gonna call my parents this afternoon (car's in my mom's name). Fortunately it happened right next to work. Cause when we pulled into the parking lot at my job I was hysterical. The lady that rear ended me was so nice. But cause of that I'm jumpy as hell and my customers are being epic bitches (Memorial Day here in the states).
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • Ah, yet another twit who wasn't paying attention ... and I speak as someone who, about five years ago, was the rear-ender (as opposed to the rear-endee). I was looking past the car ahead of me and the road was clear, so of course I could just go, right?

      Better believe I don't do that anymore, LOL.


      • Quoth dragon_wings View Post
        On my way to work I was rear ended. No real damage to either car so we just exchanged numbers. I'm gonna call my parents this afternoon (car's in my mom's name). Fortunately it happened right next to work. Cause when we pulled into the parking lot at my job I was hysterical. The lady that rear ended me was so nice. But cause of that I'm jumpy as hell and my customers are being epic bitches (Memorial Day here in the states).

        I am glad to hear you are ok. I think there was something in the water here in the states. I had way more people screaming at me than normal today. One guy flipped out so badly over an expired coupon that the manager told him to leave. He started swearing at the manager after I paged him because this jerk was screaming so loud at me that my co-workers in photo and COS heard everything. They also heard him swearing at the manager too. I am glad to be off tomorrow and have enough hours that I WILL NOT get called in at all tomorrow.

        Hope your next day at work goes better.


        • hugs to everyone....so... after many many many attempts chances tries, etc....its time for a trial separation because lets face it i can motivate and get it done myself its not my job to be his mother and ride his ass or nag his ass to kingdom come until he does his duty or whatever. he can go to work and do his job why do i have to be this way to get one thing done? or one thing not done?
          and before people jump my case i have tried everything over a month plus before trying something else. its not my responsibility to change his shift if he wants to go to dayshift. its not my responsibility to draw his portfolio, i have given him the resources to learn time management and been polite, hinted, and out right blunt that he needs to get his priorities straight or its bye bye

          and now i am sad that i have to do this. and believe me i am no peach either and i am glad he put up with me but for the love of gawd he is part of the cause too. i shouldn't have to be on medicine if i was self managing so damn well based on what my counselor said. sorry to vent but it hurts me if i have to separate. and my kid is coming with me. and she is my kid because i spend way more time with her than he ever would even when he was working he almost ignores her


          • *hugs* You have to do what you feel you have to do. We are in no position to judge, as we do not know the whole story..so don't worry about that.
            Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


            • Aww Mid! Send me a text if you need to talk (just not right now please, going to bed after posting this).

              Roomie and my had been fighting more and more every day lately. It finally came to a head. We talked (by text, I wasn't in a good headspace to talk face to face) and I laid out my side. Well she took it badly and stormed out. Kara (praise deities for her) was able to talk roomie in to coming back and to enlighten roomie to the importance of compromise (she had been unwilling to compromise and unwilling to accept our friendship/relationship would never be able to be like it was when she first move in).
              We have different backgrounds, different life stories and the way I react to certain things remind her of her horrible abusive childhood. I don't mean to do it but I'm nothing like her bigoted psychopath/sociopath of a father (oh the stories she tell of this asshole) and she knees intellectually. But when emotional my response to our argument cause her to flashback to that douche.
              I hate her father with a passion, just on principle.
              (My parents have been nothing but awesome to her since we moved to <my hometown>. When we didn't have the money for her hormones last month my parents paid for them for us.)
              Now I'm gonna go pass out. I have to be up for work in 6 hours. A 10 hour work day on less the 6 hours of sleep? Fuck! This is gonna suck.
              Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
              Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


              • i don't want to leave...
                however i don't want to lose my sanity and my kid's health and well being are more important....hubs is applying to get into dallas institute of art and is taking his portfolio requirements very lackadaisical. to the point he had to ask for an extension. he had 30 days. THIRTY DAYS omg it should have been done as he DID have the time but other things were more important. (he has financial aid covered)
                I am acting like he was rejected and making my move because i am tired of waiting. its my life i am going to live it with my kid


                • Ugh. Husband's back in his pissy mood again. I'm starting to think he has PMS.

                  Everything has to be done his way or he throws a tantrum. I asked if he wanted to watch a movie with me on Netflix, no he wanted to watch his tv show because my movie was stupid.

                  I am so tired of having to fight for everything. I guess he did just want a housekeeper instead of a partner.


                  • Kanalah: No advice or anything, just

                    Quoth Mytical View Post
                    *hugs* You have to do what you feel you have to do. We are in no position to judge, as we do not know the whole story..so don't worry about that.
                    This. Word for word. Good thoughts winging your way, Midnight.


                    • Midnight, I completely understand. Our circumstances are a bit different but I am still very close to that point myself. It's so hard, but sometimes it's the only way. I wish you the best. *hugs*

                      Kanalah, sorry your spouse is being a whiny little baby. That's another thing I can relate to...sigh. *hugs*
                      "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                      • going to counseling because there is no divorce for me. when i got married it was death do us part. doesn't mean i won't go to jail. (in all seriousness i won't do that but still, i won't divorce either)
                        if a trial separation is what is needed to help mend things fine. i just...don't know what else to do
                        hugs to Kanalah and D_W and everyone else. having sleep problems so throw another log on the stress fire. jebus
                        Last edited by Midnight12; 06-04-2012, 03:26 AM.


                        • Serious pain flare up today (and no pain meds I can safely take..yay), feeling very bleh. Just going to hole up in here with my angel Marmalady and cry some.
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • *virtual hugs to everyone*

                            I just wanna hide here for the next month or so. Many things going on. Latest is that I had to have my female kitty put to sleep sunday. She and her brother turned seven years old this month. I've had them since they were eight weeks old. She started having many many many petite seizures. I'm not sure if her brother has figured out she's not coming home... My cats would sleep with me and liked to escort me everywhere......
                            Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story who you choose to be. So who are you? - Kung Fu Panda 2


                            • Quoth NotMyProblem View Post
                              *virtual hugs to everyone*

                              I just wanna hide here for the next month or so. Many things going on. Latest is that I had to have my female kitty put to sleep sunday. She and her brother turned seven years old this month. I've had them since they were eight weeks old. She started having many many many petite seizures. I'm not sure if her brother has figured out she's not coming home... My cats would sleep with me and liked to escort me everywhere......

                              I am so sorry to hear you lost your baby. I wish I could reach out and give you a hug. We can never have enough time with them. I used to have 2 senior brothers and one of them had to be put to sleep when he 15 years old. I had him since the day he was born. I still have his brother and he is now 16. My cat knew something was wrong with his brother since he had a stroke at home. He did not look for him when he was gone. However back in 2003 when another cat I had passed away at the vets both the brothers were looking for her and would run around meowing.

                              This may sound strange but if he does start looking for his brother. Give him attention and just tell him that his brother is gone and will not be coming home. This helped me a lot with my boys. I also did this with a friend's cat when one of her cats passed away. She had to go out of town shortly after her cat passes away. Her 2nd cat was actively looking for his buddy and it seemed to comfort him. Give his brother some extra attention if he is missing his buddy. Also loving on him may be a comfort to you both while you are grieving.


                              • Thank you. I've already told her brother a few times. Fortunately I had yesterday off work, so I was able to spend time with him. I gave him attention when he wanted it ..... each and every time he came over *crooked grin*
                                Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story who you choose to be. So who are you? - Kung Fu Panda 2

