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What to send to someone in the Army?

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  • What to send to someone in the Army?

    I have a friend of mine who joined that Army and went through AIT to be a Combat Medic. He just got stationed in Germany and will be deployed to Afghanistan sometime end of November/Beginning of December. I have his APO address, so I can use that to send mail (and I guess that will still be his address after they deploy, and they'll just forward the mail.)

    Anyway, I'm looking for ideas on what to send him... things he'll need, things he might want. Right now he says just to send pictures & letters, that he doesn't need anything else... I figure that it would probably be better now to send him packages until after he's in Afghanistan, but I want to start putting something together or thinking about what to get.

    Any ideas?
    "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

  • #2
    First off, your best bet is to ask him about any restrictions. In Navy basic we couldn't receive food, electronics, etc. (of course it's more restrictive there anyway). You wouldn't want to get your gifts confiscated. If you can send food, send some of his favorite stuff. Choices at the exchange tend to be limited and he might not be able to find his usual in Germany. Otherwise, not sure.


    • #3
      There are numerous sites that give good ideas for stuff to send to guys and gals deployed overseas...but here are some suggestions for ya.

      This is with the idea of him being in Afghanistan....
      Playing cards (you would be shocked just how boring it is over there at times. 90% of the time you are just waiting for something to happen...the rest of the time all hell is breaking loose.)
      Baby wipes...
      High Quality Toilet paper. Yeah it sounds crazy but if the army TP is anything like the Navy TP...he will greatly appreciate a roll to change up from the sandpaper the government issues...
      Foot warmers or high quality socks...believe it or gets really cold at night.
      Same with the hands...A good pair of gloves can really help sleeping at night.
      Freebreeze..that stuff is worth its weight in porn...
      Suntan lotion
      Hand cleaner
      comic books, magazines, hell even hometown newspapers...anything to keep them connected.
      Toothbrushes (nice ones not the cheap shit they can get over there)
      Underware...ain't never got enough socks and underware.
      Hard candies...
      Snacks like jerky, pringles (they survive the trip the best)
      Photos, Photos, and More Photos. If he says he got too many...send him more.
      A pair of sun glasses
      Cross word puzzle/sudoku books
      Mouthwash, body spray, envelops, postage, pens, paper....

      You know him better than anyone else. Just keeping in contact with him can mean a tremendous amount to him. When I was deployed, just getting a care package was awesome when it happened. Usually I ended up just giving most of it away because sadly, a lot of the guys wouldn't get shit sent to them. It was crazy seeing 30 or so guys going nuts like its Christmas over Doritos and slim jims but it meant the world to us.

      You can only really get him in trouble by sending stuff like porn, alcohol, explosives, know, pretty crazy shit. Its the simple little things that he can't get over there that he will really appreciate.

      Oh and Phone CARDS!!! Its expensive as hell to get them over there. I used to have to use a $20 card to make a five minute phone call on the carrier I was on ad half the time I didn't even get through. I am sure its easier on land but anything, and I mean anything to keep him connected to the outside world helps tremendously. And letters....he cannot ever get enough letters. Even if you can email him...a letter just feels so much more special cause you took the time.
      "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


      • #4
        If you buy phone cards, see if AAFES still sells them to civilians. You get a zillion more minutes with them vs. other phone cards.

        What your friend will want/need depends on how remote his post is. Things like baby wipes aren't as helpful for people who are in civilization but are awesome if you're far from it.

        If he is not in a hospital but is attached to a unit that takes him away from the base often, send him hand warmers. They have little chemical packs at hunting/outdoor stores and they are AWESOME when it is cold.

        Send reminders of home. Send souvenirs from places you visit--I sent seashells to a bunch of friends when I went to the beach and most of them were really happy to get something that reminded them of better days. Send reminders of his favorite things, like a video game magazine or a motorcycle catalog. Send a zillion pictures and letters. Tell him about weird pop culture events, like Jersey Shore becoming popular, because you totally miss that stuff when you're deployed. Send holiday decorations, even for cheesy holidays like Valentine's Day. Send small things that are fun--my ex loved a set of water guns I sent in the middle of the summer.

        Don't send undisguised alcohol (my friends got lots of "mouthwash") or anything with pork in it. That was the rule for Iraq and I'm pretty sure it is the rule for Afghanistan as well.


        • #5
          A friend of mine was in...Iraq, I think, and he wanted me to send him some liquor. And told me to NOT declare it on the package info.

          I don't think so.

          He didn't get a package from me.

          (He was in his 40s at the time, too.)
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #6
            Yeah, alcohol is a big no-no in some parts of Iraq/Afghanistan.
            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


            • #7
              I'll leave the alcohol here in the states... he's not a big drinker anyway and I wouldn't want to get him in trouble... can he do that on his own!
              "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


              • #8
                USPS Military Mailing Restrictions

                USPS Hazardous, Restricted and Perishable Guidelines

                Basically, if in doubt, don't send it.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  Dunno if you can send books, but maybe some nice paperbacks could be good - those are also easily passed around, and shared. Ditto the playing cards - there's so many games you can play with a simple deck of cards!
                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • #10
                    Wenchie, if you have the resources I would ask you to do 2 care packages, one for your friend and one for this is a great organization, and would be much appreciated imo.


                    • #11
                      Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                      If he is not in a hospital but is attached to a unit that takes him away from the base often, send him hand warmers. They have little chemical packs at hunting/outdoor stores and they are AWESOME when it is cold.
                      Does she need to get single-use ones, or is he likely to have the facilities to refresh the reusable ones?


                      • #12
                        Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                        If you buy phone cards, see if AAFES still sells them to civilians. You get a zillion more minutes with them vs. other phone cards.

                        What your friend will want/need depends on how remote his post is. Things like baby wipes aren't as helpful for people who are in civilization but are awesome if you're far from it.

                        If he is not in a hospital but is attached to a unit that takes him away from the base often, send him hand warmers. They have little chemical packs at hunting/outdoor stores and they are AWESOME when it is cold.

                        Send reminders of home. Send souvenirs from places you visit--I sent seashells to a bunch of friends when I went to the beach and most of them were really happy to get something that reminded them of better days. Send reminders of his favorite things, like a video game magazine or a motorcycle catalog. Send a zillion pictures and letters. Tell him about weird pop culture events, like Jersey Shore becoming popular, because you totally miss that stuff when you're deployed. Send holiday decorations, even for cheesy holidays like Valentine's Day. Send small things that are fun--my ex loved a set of water guns I sent in the middle of the summer.

                        Don't send undisguised alcohol (my friends got lots of "mouthwash") or anything with pork in it. That was the rule for Iraq and I'm pretty sure it is the rule for Afghanistan as well.
                        if you are not near a military base, or have access to one, let me know, I can go hit the AAFES and pick up phone cards.

                        Also, check out, they sell travel size stuf, and IIRC they actually have a military carepackage, though you can make up your own. They have all sorts of snacky stuff, and personal care stuff, and travel sized goodies - like the travel size toilet paper [good for shoving into a cargo pocket for when you are in the field =) ] baby wipes, sanitizer, - all sorts of loot.

                        Bear asked for notions like small notebooks, stickers, little toys and stuff that he and his unit could give out to kids in the villages they go through, They have gotten and given away those little basic crayon sets, small notebooks and pens, hard candy [kosher only] assorted little toys, soccer balls [very popular] cute stickers [the diffraction grating ones of animals and flowers were very popular] kids socks and gloves, pretty much anything small and inexpensive that a kid would enjoy.
                        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                        • #13
                          How coincidental..........
                          My daughter is a Combat Medic and in Afghanistan right now.

                          I try to send her a package every Saturday. It seems just getting packages is half the joy, doesn't matter so much what is in it.

                          Last weeks package contained:
                          Tuna pouches (quick and easy protein fix), beef jerkey, lightbulbs, microwave popkorn, hot cocoa mix, ball point pens (that's what the local children ask for), life savers hard candy (for the locals), flanel twin size sheet set (getting chilly at night now), Readers Digest, Victoria Secret Catalog (I suspect she gives that one to the guys)

                          I have also sent:
                          travel (sample) sized baby wipes, travel sized kleenex, cute band aids (she uses them for minor cuts and scrapes on the guys. If they're brave about the cuts, they get Power Rangers, if they whine alot they get a Pretty Princess Band Aid.)
                          Clinical strenght deodorant (summer) Hand warmers (winter)
                          Trail Mix, dried fruit, granola bars, boxes of those 100 calorie snack packs (they are so convenient to just grab a pack or 2 and stick in a pants pocket.
                          Water flavoring (Crystal Light, Lipton, the ones meant for bottles of water size) Instant Oatmeal in the cups (just add water/milk)

                          That's all I can come up with for now. I will update if I remember more.

                          P.S. The large flat rate box from the USPS is only $9.95 if you mail it to an APO address


                          • #14
                            Oh; if you ever send cookies, Label them 'health food' otherwise there's a chance they may not get to their destination

                            Mom learned that when my little brother was in Basic.


                            • #15
                              A few ideas

                              Tube shave cream. Shave cream is hard to come by in the desert and its hard to find tube shave cream. Aerosol which is what we usually use, can't be sent. I've had luck finding it at Sephora. I've seen a commercial for a 3 in one body wash, shampoo, shave cream by nvida I believe that I have yet to find I am looking for to add to a care package for my soldier I adopted I am putting together and sending out in the beginning of next month.

                              Hot cocoa, cup of soup, kool aid packets for water bottles, caffeinated gum to help keep alert on watch duty, and trail mix.

