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OMFG Scary Experience

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  • OMFG Scary Experience

    I have a bird which I call button-eyes because he has lovely eyes.

    This afternoon boyfriend was playing with him in the front room and I went to hang up some washing in the bedroom upstairs.When I got up there I was surprised to see birdy sitting on a stool as I had not heard his wings flying past me.I stopped to play with him and noted that his eyes had changed to a dark amber colour - he is six months old and currently changing feather colour as well as he grows up.I stroked him a bit then went back downstairs - to where boyfriend was playing with button-eyes in the front room.

    I said "button-eyes how did you get down here so quickly?"I was puzzled as the only way he could have got downstairs again was to fly in front of me and I would have seen or heard him.

    Boyfriend then said that birdy had not left the room while I was upstairs as they were playing together.I looked at button-eyes and saw that his eyes were the same lovely pale colour they usually are.

    Boyfriend went upstairs but there was nothing there.

    What the hell was I stroking upstairs?

    All my hairs are standing up on end.
    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

  • #2
    Awwww you got another feather friend.

    Reminds me of two cats I had one time. Some person had dumped a paper bag of kittens on the side of the road in front of Mom and I. When we stopped to see what was going on, Mom saw a lovely white kitten with deep green eyes. She took off but three little ones stayed close together. Another dashed away when we picked them up but we didn't see where it went. Returning home with two black kittens and one ginger tiger we set them up with food and went to deal with what we had to that day.

    We returned home and named the black kitten Salem and Sabrina, the little ginger was Sam. Now this was when we just had one old dog who had gotten beaten up by cats enough to know to leave these three alone and was even really good when they used him for a bed. A few nights later, still looking out for the other two kittens we found the white one squashed and gathered her up for burial. I thought I had seen something but when I went to check it out saw nothing.

    Returning home and after burying the little white one named snowflake we went inside. I got sent back out to get a new light for the kitchen and saw a orange ball of fluff. Thinking Sam had gotten out behind me I scooped him up and he curled into the crux of my neck, with a loud purr. Entering inside, "Hey Mom I got Sam."

    "What? No he's right here with Salem and Sabrina."

    "No...I have him?" Pulling back the orange kitten I noticed he was smaller and his eyes were yellow and not green. Ummm oops? Walking into the room Mom held up Sam and I held up the orange ball of fluff. Who gave a squeak and got pounced by both Salem and Sabrina. So...we had come across the fifth kitten from the bag.

    Pete lived a long life of ten years before matching up against a possum. Sam passed from a heart problem, Salem was put down after a neighbor shot at him with buckshot. Sabrina lived a good long life of 16 years and passed away of old age, last year. It's amazing how lives get changed.


    • #3
      What a lovely outcome...........lucky kitties to have people care for them like that......and lucky you found the other one
      Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


      • #4
        Is it wrong of me to want to freak you out by screaming "OMG! DEMON BIRDY! DEMON BIRDY!"

        Maybe birdy's still around somewhere?
        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
        Amayis is my wifey


        • #5
          That's solved thank goodness, boyfriend said he had left the loft hatch a little open then shut it later and another bird must have come down then gone up again.(they are pigeons so there are probably wild ones living in the eaves of the loft) And it let me touch it because i put the lights on when i went upstairs and it must have been dozy.i didn't look at it closely because of course i thought it was button-eyes.

          i am so embarrassed.I honestly did think it was a demon which had taken the form of button-eyes. I was very scared for a while.
          Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

