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If This Ever Happens Again....

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  • If This Ever Happens Again....

    I swear, I will just get ready in the dark and leave to the nearest place that has power.

    Sunday night, there was a power outage in all of the apartment buildings in my area, and a few down the street.

    Now, I'm really not being an SC or a dick, here. It sucked that the power was out and as the hours went by, I was getting really mad, especially that I was going to be late for work because I hadn't eaten or dressed yet, but Sheriff was the worst part of it all.

    Yes, a Sheriff story. Feel free to hit the back page if you don't want to hear about him again. It has been a while, though, and I figured it'd be entertaining.

    I had just put a plate of food in the microwave and sat down to watch some trash on TV when *poof* went the power. My only lights were my cell phone and the glow from my computer, soley running on the battery.

    I instantly heard thumping and scrambling downstairs, so I knew without looking or going outside that we were all out of power, and Old Witch downstairs was going into a frenzy.

    I got outside and the neighbor on the end, Crazy Outdoorsman, was grumbling. I lit up a smoke, and sure enough, out runs Sheriff in his skin tight jeans and his trusty cowboy boots (his cowboy hat was absent that night), running up and down the complexes, yelling to everyone that the power was out. Thank you, Captain Obvious! Ok, so he's "special", but's past 9 at night and he's running around in those loud shoes screaming at everyone about something we all already know.

    A bunch of people get in their vehicles and go. Probably to the store to get flashlights or candles, or to go to someone else's house.

    Neighbor and I stood outside as the truck for the electric company finally showed up, and of course Sheriff was directing them to where the power boxes are ya know, cuz they don't know that.

    I'm not even sure what this was about, but from that point on, Sheriff was in and out and in and out of his apartment building, and running around all the complexes. At one point, Old Witch came outside with her flashlight and yelled up to me and neighbor "I just about died, I looked out the window to see what the electric company was doing and Sheriff was standing RIGHT OUTSIDE my bedroom window! I wondered what all that noise was, here he's been running up and down and around all these buildings. I can't believe I didn't scream or fall over dead!"

    You can rest assured that if I ever saw him in my window, I would scream so loud, everyone in every building for several blocks would be poking outside to see what was going on. I actually felt sorry for that old woman, for once. That had to be just the worst thing, especially with there being no light whatsoever, seeing that freak of nature staring right at you in your bedroom window, not to mention hearing the thumping of him running around the buildings. This was around 11:15.

    But yes, the truck made its rounds to all of our several power boxes until it finally got to the last one, which was the problem one. According to my neighbor, it's always the problem one, he couldn't understand why they didn't go to that one first. And of course, we watched Sheriff keep making rounds and rounds around all the buildings. I don't even know what the hell he was doing. I wonder if he was peeping in everyone's windows like he was to Old Witch. I'm sure he woke several people up, the ones who had been sleeping while this happened. His big boots against the pavement was like firecrackers going off.

    The power finally came back on, and Sheriff made yet another round around all the buildings, screaming "THE POWER IS BACK ON!", to which my neighbor muttered "No shit, idiot." Bear in mind, the time is now midnight.

    Since the power was back on, and I made my food and got dressed, but since I was already late, figured I'd have one more smoke before work.

    I'm sure you already guessed it, but Sheriff was still running amock, but now between the front and back of his building......and there was really no one outside anymore.

    Lunatic Lane, is where I live. Guess who is probably not renewing the lease this year? I bet Old Witch is happy she's leaving soon for winter.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    You sure you aren't living in the middle of a sitcom????????
    There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


    • #3
      Reality is often stranger then fiction. Sheriff sounds like some other people I know, who think they have to go into 'overdrive' when even the smallest thing that they can classify (to themselves) as an emergency happens.

      I wish I had a video camera I could use to post videos of my work place when the tiniest thing happens. Power goes out, door won't open, or similar..and you would swear that Armageddon has just been declared.
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4
        Quoth It's me View Post
        You sure you aren't living in the middle of a sitcom????????

        shit now im kind of glad my neighbors only fist fight/throw each other into the walls/whatever downstairs.
        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


        • #5
          Solution to neighbors that stick their faces literally in your window without your permission:

          Get a nice big katana (Japanese sword). You can find them on eBay at decent prices. Buy some of that fake blood (now is a good time as with Halloween around, there are lots of such goodies to be found) and coat the sword liberally with it. Also take a white t-shirt and coat that in the fake blood too. Store both in plastic bag until such time as is needed.

          When upon hearing commotion of the unwelcome kind at your window, retrieve said sword and shirt, put on shirt and go to window. Open blinds/curtains holding said sword and wearing a fiendish expression (may vary from stone-cold glare to eerie smile). Bonus points if you lick the sword (just watch the blade!) in a disturbing manner.

          Neighborly nuisance should then keep a HEALTHY distance from your humble abode.
          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


          • #6
            As deliciously evil and awesome as that idea is, remember that Sheriff is our "neighborhood patrol" (well, neighborhood nut, nevertheless he's always ready to call the cops).

            Even if he were to be snooping or be somewhere he shouldn't, if he saw something like that, he'd be on the phone with the cops in a New York minute, and I really don't have the time or patience to explain to police why I need to go to such measures to be rid of my mentally handicapped neighbor from peeping or annoying me.

            Just two early springs ago, he was told to quit bothering me. He finds small ways of getting away with it, but at least he no longer tries to get in here. He's been told before (I've been told of this anyway) by the landlord not to go upstairs and bug people who are smoking or doing whatever (he's always looking for people outside, he used to go running up the stairs and find you until someone finally complained). He stays, and people like me continue paying out the wazoo for rent to have to put up with him.

            See why I'm probably leaving? Three and a half years here is far too many.
            Last edited by blas; 10-20-2010, 02:38 PM.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas View Post
              As deliciously evil and awesome as that idea is, remember that Sheriff is our "neighborhood patrol" (well, neighborhood nut, nevertheless he's always ready to call the cops).

              Even if he were to be snooping or be somewhere he shouldn't, if he saw something like that, he'd be on the phone with the cops in a New York minute, and I really don't have the time or patience to explain to police why I need to go to such measures to be rid of my mentally handicapped neighbor from peeping or annoying me.
              Maybe it would be worth it anyway as a way to stop him from peeping...which is illegal btw. The annoyance you can't do much about I guess....IDK.
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #8
                A good tactic in most annoying neighbors who peep instances is to wave at them, because it lets them know that you know what they are up to and it should embarrass most people.......or just send the message to be more stealth about it. But because of his.....being special, waving at Sheriff would be encouraging him to come outside or that it's ok and not minded that he peeps.

                Giving him the middle finger would probably reward me a lovely visit the next morning from the landlord, if not a warning, if not an eviction notice.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Wait... the landlord would evict YOU for telling a PEEPING NEIGHBOUR (which yes, is illegal) to eff off?

                  WTF? That can't be legal. Besides which, evictions usually have to be done through a court, don't they? Reasonable cause and all that.


                  • #10
                    That'd be the extreme case, I probably went a little overboard. The worst to happen would probably be a warning or a tick on my record, because you just know he'd be right on the phone with the landlord for me doing it to him.

                    They did handle the situation with him trying to get in here and took my side, but that doesn't mean I'd be in the right for flipping him off or doing something else rude.

                    Just so you know, he doesn't peep in my window. I often am outside smoking or going to/from my car and he's peeking out his window at me, which is still pretty creepy, but nothing can be done about that. He isn't the only person around here who peeks out at everyone they can see. This was an isolated incident that night where, in amongst his crazy running amock, he happened to be right in front of my downstairs neighor's bedroom window and she looked out and saw him and it scared the shit out of her, understandably. I doubt she said anything or made any calls, though she should have.

                    I don't know how he can get away with what he did that night. I mean, his shoes were so loud, and he was running around yelling late at night. He made several rounds around the block and amongst the buildings. If I'd been in my room or asleep downstairs and heard that rumbling, I would have freaked.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Seriously, call the cops and put in a complaint about Sheriff. I'd think this falls squarely under "disturbing the peace."
                      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                      RIP Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Wow. Yeah, he's a helpful guy.

                        We used to have geniuses call the tv station when we were knocked off the air to tell us we were off the air. Some of them even went so far as to complain that "we ought to put up a announcement saying we were off the air."


                        • #13
                          At least it was some form of entertainment, since I didn't have internet or TV, and I had already slept all day and was up and ready to go, since it was work time.

                          The thing is, it's entertainment that I don't want to be repeatedly exposed to. I get a good laugh every now and then when he goes running down the street after cars or for no reason just goes busting outside running like he's after someone, or the rare occasion when he loses his footing and trips and slides around when he wears those damn boots in slippery weather. One night he nearly made me piss myself, before they cut down all the trees and shrubbery between our buildings and the ones down the street, he just came ripping and tearing through all that greenery and ran back into his apartment. It was like and then and then
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Quoth blas View Post
                            I don't know how he can get away with what he did that night. I mean, his shoes were so loud, and he was running around yelling late at night.
                            Did you call the cops on him? Did anyone else call the cops on him?

                            That is how e gets away with it.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              You are right. I'm not even sure if anyone has/does. The only time I would see cops here is if I was outside. But wouldn't that be the day.

                              While we were outside, my neighbor told me that Sheriff used to bother the hell out of the two girls that used to live here, and they even complained to the landlord about him as well, and got brushed off with "He's harmless, just don't pay any attention to him." which is what they did to me until he tried to get into my place and I called the next day, and the one guy was like "He did WHAT?!"

                              I'll go with my theory that I've had since I first found out that there are some other special people here that are related to the woman (used to be a couple but the husband died shortly before I moved in) who owns the property management company. Sheriff or his wife must be related to them or have some kind of ties to that family. That would also explain why he gets away with so much and doesn't get a tick on his record or any warnings other than to leave certain people alone if they complain.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

