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I'm tired of feeling like roadkill

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  • #16

    Partway through Day 5 of medications... didn't sleep well last night so I'm tired this morning, but I'm not dragging like I have been the past week. I have more energy even though I had less sleep! I also don't feel completely icky.

    I'm also coughing less. I'll still take the Cherry-Ick at night though, even though I'd rather go back to hiding it in Lupo's cleavage.

    One other thing that is probably a good sign... I'm actually hungry.

    Now, I might have mentioned this before, but I don't get hungry. In fact, normally by the time I'm hungry, that means that my blood sugar has dropped to dangerous levels and I need food NOW or I'm going to be in bad shape. And since I don't get hungry, I forget to eat... I try to remember to eat at regular intervals, but sometimes I just forget.

    But the past two days, I've actually been hungry! And not like "sugar crash die nao" hungry, but normal-type hungry!
    "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

