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My Dad's Pr0n <warning, long and odd subject matter, don't read whilst eating>

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  • My Dad's Pr0n <warning, long and odd subject matter, don't read whilst eating>

    Well, this is my first thread I have started, and boy, is it a topic I would rather not have! I don't know if I'm after advice or mainly just ranting about this. I know there are bigger problems in the world, it just wasn't a great start to the day.

    Got up for work this morning, my Dad (who takes me to work in the mornings sometimes because he is a lovely man, just a bit daft) tells me he has a virus on his laptop. *sigh, this is like the 3rd one in 3 months* I tell him to boot up his laptop and I will have a quick look.

    I turn it on and I hear "Warning, Warning, you have a virus" coming out of the speakers and lots of windows popping up telling him to download a new anti virus program (he currently has Avast!). I did not have time to deal with this before I'd even had my breakfast, so I dutifully warned my boyfriend (we both live at my Mum and Dad's for now) as he was on his way out the door to work that we have another problem with my Dads laptop.
    Side Note: My Dad appears to be cursed with technology, he manages to break everything he touches/walks past/talks about. It's everything from computers, to microwaves (he just 'closed the door' and somehow it broke so we have to jam a wooden spoon in it to keep it closed) to mobile phones to paper shredders.

    Anyways, boyfriend sighs with despair and leaves for work. I tell Dad to not use his computer until we (boyfriend and I) have had a chance to boot it into safe mode and get it sorted. I should point out here, I don't have a huge knowledge about computers, but I'm learning. My boyfriend on the other hand, is the computer whisperer, he's a programming, a legally hacking, computer building, technology loving genious, which unfortunately for him means we now have my Mum and Dad coming to him for every technological piece of equipment (for chrissakes Mum, learn how to use Google!).
    It's just one more thing for my boyfriend to fix tonight, I don't think he's too happy about it.

    Any way, in relation to the title of this thread, I have a feeling I know exactly what has caused the Dad's uneducated use of the internet for Pr0n. Most people of the technological age know that there are safe Pr0n sites out there that will not infect your computer at every opportunity and are just there for enjoyment. My Dad however, is not one of those people. We had to have a 'talk' last time his computer went kablooey and I outright told him his dodgy Pr0n sites were the cause of his problems, and gave him a list of legitimate sites (now THAT was a weird conversation between father and daughter!). He had the decency to go bright red and look suitably chastised. Personally, I feel Pr0n is fine, I don't care who uses it, as long as the people in it are consenting adults. But I will not go into the morals of Pr0n as this isn't the place. I mention it because I wasn't bothered that he was accessing the weird and wonderful things available on the interweb, just that he has made the same mistakes AGAIN after I've tried to educate him.

    Looks like there will be another 'talk' and another list of 'appropriate' sites for him to go on. Even though it is his own personal laptop, no body else uses it, it was bought (completely paid for by him, so not using company money) for work purposes. I have told him we may have to jack up the security on the laptop which will make it run slower (he has NO patiences whatsoever!) or he can ONLY access work related sites. His response? "I really like my MSN messenger and websites..."

    Hopefully my boyfriend will manage to get it fixed tonight, I feel bad for asking him to do this again though.

    Grrrrrrr. I do find all this a little funny though...

  • #2
    Dad, putting the laptop in a condom is not safe browsing.
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      Quoth dalesys View Post
      Dad, putting the laptop in a condom is not safe browsing.
      Wow I'm glad I didn't have my coffee yet! This was great

      OP, thank you for posting this. While I'm sorry it's an annoyance to you and your boyfriend, I loved having a good laugh first thing in the morning


      • #4
        Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
        Wow I'm glad I didn't have my coffee yet! This was great

        OP, thank you for posting this. While I'm sorry it's an annoyance to you and your boyfriend, I loved having a good laugh first thing in the morning
        Thanks :-)

        It's only a mild annoyance, and it won't take that long to fix. I just hope he listens to me and doesn't use his laptop. In the past, he has been known to take a sledge hammer to whatever mobile phone/computer, vcr machine doesn't work properly...

        Also, Dalesys: Thanks, you really made me smile with that comment


        • #5
          If it makes you feel any better, I was up most of the night doing maintenance on my own computer, and discovered that part of the problems I've been having was that I had several trojans O.o Don't ask me how since i have excellent security software and am very very careful.


          • #6
            Out of curiosity, what AV are you running, RHPG?

            As for safe browsing, I never could get my brother and his friends to stop infecting the household network. We'd have to do some sort of cleanup on the living room computer about once a month because of them.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Oh, god, he got the fake antivirus virus of the month?

              I can NEVER get those things cleaned off my computer. I've experienced it personally twice, and the first time I almost fell for it, but realized it was fake when it started asking for my credit card information. My mother-in-law has gotten it once, and she's EXTREMELY gullible so she came to me saying "The computer's telling me I have a virus, but it wants me to pay to clean it up!" I sighed and said, "Where's the reformat disk?"

              What is the proper way to get those cleaned off anyway? I've followed every step-by-step I've found online but it never works; I always wind up having to reformat.


              • #8
                Try Malwarebytes..Wenchie clued me into it's existence .. it is free and finds almost everything.

                However, to the OP..yeah gotta watch for those antivirus things that do that..if they make pop ups that tell you your computer is infected and you have to buy/subscribe/etc to them to clean it up..all the 'clean up' does is keep the pop up from coming up for awhile (till you have to 'renew'). AVG and Avast are ok, but they are free..and you get what you pay for. They are slow to update, and miss a lot. Malwarebytes is free, but catches a LOT more (thanks Wenchie)
                Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                • #9
                  Yeah, Malwarebytes was one of the things suggested. Still didn't catch it. Ah well, at least I haven't had to deal with it in the past few years...


                  • #10

                    Get the lappy totally clean/happy, or right after you've done a proper nuke/install/driver update.

                    Then, if it's W7, you can do an image backup to an external drve. That drive is then sacred property in your posession.

                    Tell dad - If you fuck up again, I'll have to reinstall (dont tell him you've got the goods) and you WILL lose all your data. I will NOT back it up, because it can be contaminated. We've taught you how to use this, and you choose not to.

                    And, try and make him a power user. Not as many auto installs. Use firefox with scriptblocker, and give Windows Security a shot, I've been hearing they're great.

                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all your advice guys :-)

                      The boyfriend is fixing it as we speak and I think he has gone into safe mode and is systematically deleting the problem files and will be running every malware/spyware/antivirus thing he can and upping the security :-)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        Out of curiosity, what AV are you running, RHPG?
                        Personally, since this computer is used for everything from business to pleasure for me, I use TrendMicro Internet Security Pro. I'm also severely over protective of my computer.....


                        • #13
                          Yeah if you can afford it Trend is if not the best, then way up there. Some people swear by Nortons but I don't like it personally.
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • #14
                            I hate hate HATE Norton. I love love love TrendMicro, but if I had my choice, I'd want Panda


                            • #15
                              I love Norton. It's been golden for me except the one year their installer was complete garbage, and even then it worked almost fine. They've made some massive improvements to the whole thing in the last couple of years.

                              AVG, otoh, which so many people I know swear by, gives me nothing but headaches. To the point of making my home computer completely unusable until I stripped it out.

                              I even have dispensation at my workplace to disable some of the features because they cause bizarre issues on my system. I don't know why it hates me, but it has never worked right on any computer I've used.

                              I did Panda for a while, but it wasn't a good fit. I did Kaspersky for longer, and rather liked that one. Still go for Norton, tho.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

