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The Creepy Stories Thread

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  • #31
    Not really scary for me but it freaks some people out.

    A little back ground: when I was little, like three or four we got two kittens. They both were outdoor kind of cats for most of their lives (living in the country there wasn’t a danger of cars or anything) and I was their favorite human. Misty, the small gray one, passed my junior year of high school, Spunky, her big, fluffy, tortoiseshell sister died three years later.

    It was a lovely fall day during my freshman year at university and I was home for break and curled up on our big fluffy couch, reading a book. I felt Spunky climb up on the cushion and nestle against me as she and her sister always loved to do; she even rested her head on my shoulder as if she were reading with me. She purred quietly and let me lean my head back and use her as little pillow.

    We sat there for an hour or so, enjoying the sunbeam we both happened to be in. I felt something drop on the cushion near my feet so I looked up to see Spunky sitting there looking back at me. I blinked a couple of times, she couldn’t be at my feet, she was on my neck, my head was resting on her, I could hear her purring, I could smell her kitty breath. I leaned forward slowly and turned my head, looking back at me were two green eyes that I recognized in a heartbeat, Misty meowed her soft little meow and just kind of dispersed like smoke.


    • #32
      More creepy, possibly true ghost stories.

      Littlecote Manor

      LITTLECOTE Manor is said to be haunted following heinous crimes which took place there in the 16th Century.

      A man called William Darrell was the lord of the house in Elizabethan times. He summoned a midwife who was brought blindfolded to Littlecote Manor in 1545.

      She was offered a lot of money to deliver a baby if the mother should live and was led into a room where she delivered the baby of a masked woman.
      The identity of the mother remains a mystery. It is thought the pregnancy may have been as a result of incest.

      When the baby was born she took it through to Darrell, who instead of holding the newborn infant, instead threw it onto the fire, where it was held down and burned alive.

      The midwife reported the murder to the authorities, but Darrell bribed a judge for his release when the case came to court and was freed.

      Soon after, while out riding on the estate, a ghostly figure of a baby boy in flames appeared to William Darrell.

      His horse shied and threw him to the ground, breaking his neck.

      It is said the crying of a baby has been heard in the house and the twisted body of William Darrell has been seen prowling the corridors.

      The China Doll

      Fanchon Moncare and Ada Danforth regularly cruised between France and New York. Ada would tell inquiring passengers that her little ward, Fanchon, was an orphan who's wealthy parents had died in a fire. On her 21st birthday she would inherit a fortune, but til then, Ada was her legal guardian. Fanchon would then curtsy adorably to the passengers before skipping away clutching her china doll.

      However, all was not as it seemed. Fanchon Moncare was really an ex circus midget named Estelle Ridley, and the china doll was full of stolen jewels. Ada was Estelle's partner in crime and they had been running this farce for some time. While Ada attended to the luggage after the ship docked, Estelle would skip thru customs cradling her cherished doll. And no-one ever dreamed of stopping her.

      In New York's China Town, an elderly fence named Wing To would await the pair, his eyes gleaming with greed as Estelle unscr'ewed the head of the doll and the stolen gems spilled out. He would buy them for an agreed price and the villainous pair would head back to France to begin yet another series of crimes.

      Unfortunately for the pair, their number was up. Estelle was in love with a local gambler; sadly for her, Magda Hamilton was also in love with him, and unwilling to allow Estelle to beat her to the punch. She violated all underworld rules by going to the police as an informer, and for the first time, little Fanchon's doll was inspected. The pair were soon on their way to prison.

      Several years passed. Estelle and Ada were almost forgotten when Magda burst hysterically into a local police station. She had awoken from a heavy sleep, she said, to find Estelle Ridley standing by her bed. She still wore her childish finery and clutched a china doll, but her face was now that of a withered hag. Magda had screamed and locked herself in the bathroom all night out of fear. She now insisted on police protection til Estelle was recaptured. A bemused police officer showed Magda a newspaper article. It detailed how Estelle had hanged herself in her cell two days ago.

      Magda was frightened now, and decided on the spur of the moment to leave the country. She booked her voyage, had a farewell dinner with a friend and went home. The next day, the friend called at Magda's house. Puzzled by how the doorbell went unanswered, the friend forced the lock and went upstairs. There was to be no voyage for Magda. She was sprawled accross the bed, a look of terror in her eyes. Her mouth was ruptured, and she had drowned in her own blood.

      The mouth injuries indicated that a large heavy object had been rammed into it with savage force. The murder weapon was never found, despite extensive searches by the police, but they did find a clue of sorts. Lodged in Magda's bloody mouth were several hairs; hairs that had come from a child's china doll.

      The Brown Lady Ghost of Raynham Hall

      The most famous scary true ghost story is that of the Brown Lady Ghost of Raynham Hall, Norfolk. The case also led to the most famous picture of a ghost ever taken. The picture was captured on September 19, 1936 when two photographers, Mr. Indre Shira and Captain Provand, spotted a figure descending the stairs and snapped a picture.

      Locals who examined the photo believe that it is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole. Lady Dorothy was in love with Second Viscount Townshend. However, her father would not consent to the marriage, so Tonwshend married another woman. Meanwhile, Dorothy had an affair with a man named Lord Wharton, who was also deeply in debt, considered a severe character flaw back then. When Townshend's first wife died, he and Dorothy were finally married. Somehow, Townshend eventually learned of his wife's past transgressions and locked her away in her apartments. She officially died on March 29, 1726 of smallpox, but many locals still believe that she died of a broken neck after being pushed down the wooden staircase.

      Lady Walpole is known as "The Brown Lady" because she was spotted several times through the years wearing a brown brocade dress. In one case, in 1936, Author Captain Marryat and two young guests, one of whom brought along a gun for protection from the ghosts, spotted the Brown Lady headed down the hall coming directly toward them. Captain Marryat was so frightened that he even attempted to shoot at the ghost with the gun, but only succeeded in embedding a bullet into the door behind her.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #33
        Well, for Halloween (and for the fact that I find a good remedy for writer's block is to simply write "something else", I wrote a creepy story for my online fiction series.

        If you care to read it, it's here.

        I'm just giving you the link so we don't have a thousand word post here.

        If you are new to my site, the only thing you really need to know about this particular chapter is that it can stand alone as a short story, it takes place in 1860in what is now western Wyoming, and the guys in the story are stagecoach hands and pony express riders.


        • #34
          I'm not sure if this qualifies for a creepy story, but here it is. Shankyknitter's fairy tale inspired me to write a fairy tale of my own. I call it Love's Bells. *Very Long*

          Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess. The princess fell in love with a prince from another kingdom, and in turn, he fell in love with her. The both decided to get married, but the princess’ father, the king, was against it. The king thought the princess looked so much like her beautiful dead mother and decided to marry the princess himself. So, he thought of a plan to kill the prince.
          The king called the prince to the palace and said he would allow his daughter to marry the prince if the prince killed the dragon that lived in a cave next to the kingdom, frequently terrorizing the kingdom and eating any living thing it could get its claws on. The prince agreed to the task and set off to the dragon’s cave. Before he left, he made a solemn vow to the princess: “I shall return for you, my love, and we shall always be together.” The prince arrived at the cave and slew the dragon; however, he was killed as well during the battle.
          When news of the prince’s death reached the palace, the king was very pleased. The princess, however, was so saddened, that she wept. Upon seeing his daughter’s tears, the king decided to postpone his proposal until the princess had calmed down. The princess cried for fourteen days and fourteen nights. After the fourteenth night had passed, the king became impatient and ordered the princess to stop crying so that they could be married. When the princess heard her father’s proposal, she suddenly became angry. She told her father that she had no intention of marrying him. She would only marry the prince. The angry king grabbed the princess by her hair, dragged her up to the tallest tower, and locked her there. He told her she would be released only if she agreed to marry him. The king then ordered one of his guards to stand by the tower’s door at all times and not allow the princess to be released, the cook was not to make any meals for the princess, and the maid was not to bring any water or food up to the princess.
          Everyday, the king would come up to the tower and ask the princess if she had changed her mind. Each time, she responded with “No!” in a clear and strong voice. This went on for fourteen days and fourteen nights. On the fifteenth day, the king began to wonder how the princess was still alive after fourteen days and nights with no water or food. He decided that the guard, cook, and maid had disobeyed his orders. Though all three denied the charge, the king had them beheaded and replaced. This time, he gave his orders to two guards, two cooks, and two maids.
          For another seven days and nights, the king asked if the princess had changed her mind, and each time she responded with “No!” in a clear and strong voice. On the eighth day, the king came down for breakfast, but was surprised to see that there was no food set for him. He set out to the kitchen to see what was the matter, and to his horror, he discovered both cooks lying face down in a pool of blood. Sitting on the counter next to them was a bloody cleaver. The king ran from the kitchen and called for his guards, but no one came. The king ran to every room searching for his guards, and in each room he discovered a guard or maid brutally slain. He ran to the tower for his last two guards, but they too were dead.
          The king quickly thought of his many rivals that might have committed these horrible crimes. He remembered his daughter’s angry defiance against him and decided that she must be the killer. However, when he reached her door, not only did he discover the princess was still inside, he discovered the door was locked as well. The king realized the princess couldn’t have done the killings. Just then, the palace’s bells started to ring. No one at the palace was alive except the princess and himself, so the king wondered how the bells were ringing. He started to wonder if perhaps someone else was still alive. Cautiously, the king went towards the bell tower.
          When he arrived at the tower, the king found that no one was there, yet the bells were still ringing. As the king ventured further into the room, the torches’ fire turned from red to black. Panicking, the king turned towards the door, but the fire blocked his way. The fire came closer and closer to the king, forcing him to step back. Eventually, the king came to the end of the floor, barely avoiding the gap that allowed the bells to sway to and fro. The king frantically looked around for an escape route. He found none. He stared helplessly at the raging fire. As he stared, he thought he saw a shadowed figure emerge from the flames. The figure came close to the king. Suddenly, the king felt a hard shove, forcing him towards the chasm. The king tried to balance himself, and just when he thought he had regained himself, he felt another forceful shove. The king’s screams echoed as he fell into the abyss.
          Inside the tower, the princess wept softly into her pillow. Suddenly, the torches’ fire turned from red to white. The princess looked up curiously, and slowly walked toward the fire. The fire then surrounded her, but she did not feel scared. She gazed upon the flames and to her surprise, an illuminated figure appeared. As the figure came towards her, the princess smiled and opened her arms wide. The figure came inside and the princess embraced him. The fire surrounding them became brighter and brighter until the entire room was filled with nothing but light. No one saw the princess ever again.

          The End
          Last edited by Princess-Snake; 11-05-2010, 10:00 PM.
          "But I don't want to be among mad people."
          You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


          • #35
            Quoth TelephoneAngel View Post
            It really was more of a feeling.That house was brand new and yet it made creaks like houses do when they are hundreds of years old.It also made other noises like clanking and my exboyfriend looked all over the house then came back and said "there is nothing here which can be making that noise".Everywhere i went in that house i had the feeling that something was watching me or something would be behind the door.

            It was a very beautifully decorated house yet it felt evil.Many nights i cried if i was alone because i was so frightened.sometimes i asked my parents to come over so i wouldn't be alone.When i left that house my mother said to me "i didn't like to tell you while you were living there but something isn't right with that house and when i used to come and feed the cats when you were on holiday i would NEVER come by myself even in the middle of the day".

            The previous occuppier fell off the roof and broke his back.He seemed eager to leave the place.

            oh wow you wanna hear really creepy? I was talking to someone from my home town (who didnt know where I had lived previously I only met him recently) who was interested in spooky goingson in my old townWe were talking about it and various "ghost sightings when he suddenly started talking about "a house where a mother had seen her babys eyes following something and then some items moved across the room she said she always knew there was something wrong with that house and moved out quickly" then he said the house was in the road I used to live - he didnt know which number.

            most spooky thing there were only eight houses in that road it was only very short and tagged onto the side of a longer road.I knew everyone in the road and the only house with a problem was the one I lived in.So I think I just found out a bit more of its unpleasant history.

            Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

