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  • #31
    I keep waiting for someone to write slash fanfic about the series I'm doing.

    I do have people writing fanfic about my story. Which is extremely full of awesome and a great deal of fun for me to read. However, every time I get a new one, the husband goes "Is it slash?"

    It never is. And frankly, this surprises me, considering the number of people out there who are into that, and the fact that my particular series is definately the sort of story that would seem to invite that. However, so far, none of my boys are playing hide the salami with each other.

    I mean, I don't care someone does it, I'm just surprised nobody has.

    I had a reader ask me if what would happen if someone did. I just said I'd make a sister site of smutty fanfic with an adult content rating on it.

    I'm not proud. Content's content.

    And look, folks, seriously, don't be afraid to put your stuff out there. What do you care if some faceless rude person on the internet says something pointless and unkind? Those kind of people are nothing to you. You're ahead of the game simply by having a story to tell.
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 11-03-2010, 06:13 AM.


    • #32
      Also, if you want to post up a story on or its sister site and lessen the risk of rude reviews, set the reviews to registered users only. Most of the people who leave nasty comments don't log in.

      I'm currently writing a story based on the Jack the Ripper murders; it's got an original character of mine and one created by a friend in it, and it's pretty dark. I'll post it in the lit forum here (with a warning) once I finish the chapter I'm working on. I've always been interested in this murder series, so I'm writing the story for me, really, and also for my friend who created the other original character.

      Also, fanfic writers can either be targeted by idiots or be idiots. I've written a bit of fanfic, and I will say this; a lot of people who don't agree with your pairing, even if its a het pairing, will not be shy about letting you know. XD Even if said pairing can be backed up by canon.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #33
        Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
        I'm just now starting to work on a story I have been wanting to write for years but have been too afraid to because it is SO similar to a popular series.
        Nekojin and I have been co-writing a story for about a decade now that, well... There are at least two different series that have come out since we started that share a disturbingly large number of similarities of plot to our own story.

        We laugh a lot at how people would think we stole the ideas when we merely happened to develop the same sort of thing at around the same time.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

