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  • Frustration

    I have so many bits and pieces of story in my head, but I can't seem to find a single whole story to tell.

    I have one scene here, one scene there, but no context to put them in, I have several detailed worlds, but no scenes that belong there.

    I feel like someone's handed me a gigantic bag full of jigsaw pieces and I know I could assemble the most beautiful pictures, but I have no idea how many different puzzles there are, or if I have all the pieces. I can't even find an edge.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!

  • #2
    Have you tried writing them down? I would suggest writing them on index cards and taping them to the wall. If you look at it long enough, maybe they will start to make sense.


    • #3
      Try putting a couple of them together at random.

      "If this scene happened in that world...what happens next?"
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        Write them all down as they are in your head.

        It doesn't matter if all you have of one is a setting, and all you have of another is a chance encounter that. Just get it all out on paper.

        Empty out the pieces currently in your head to make room for new ones. You can puzzle out how to lock them together later.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I get that sometimes too...I'll get a really awesome idea for a story, but won't know what the characters will be like. Conversely, I might get a really great idea for a character - complete with a name - but have no story for him or her to be in.

          I just write everything down on my laptop and save it to a writing folder. Sometimes it takes a while to think of anything, though...I think I've only ever written maybe ten completed stories, and some of those were fanfiction (so no character development needed).

          Write stuff down...if an idea pops up that keeps your attention for longer than two seconds, put it in writing before you forget it. The best advice I can give is to not try and force creativity - you'll give yourself a headache if you do. If you like to daydream, do that - it can be helpful in the creative process.


          • #6
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            Write them all down as they are in your head.
            That is way, way harder that it sounds.

            I do write all my stuff down, writing it down is the only way I'll remember it.

            Also, I've just realized I'm an idiot. I've never had a role-playing character spring into being whole and complete in my mind, why the hell should writing be any different? For role-playing I come up with a mechanical idea, some basic personality traits, and then I build the damn character. I usually come up with a fidget or some toy that I attach the character to in order to help me settle into their personality. So, as soon as, have time, god, I'm busy today, I'm going to sit down and build the characters I need for my NaNo novel in.....hmm, probably 7th Sea. That'll give me a place to start writing from.
            The High Priest is an Illusion!


            • #7
              Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
              Also, I've just realized I'm an idiot. I've never had a role-playing character spring into being whole and complete in my mind, why the hell should writing be any different?
              I've actually had a few game characters do just that to me. It's rare, but with my degree of altaholism in City of Heroes/Villains, I have a lot of opportunity for that.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Lets see..I have the following..

                Over 300 poems (250 of which were destroyed in a fire).

                About a dozen stories that are about 1/100th finished, and will probably stay that way.

                2 Songs that will never actually be songs, because I can't find the energy to figure out how to right music.

                Three complete 'multiverses' from roleplaying games I ran..complete with races/creatures/etc. Yes, that is right, not a universe (as in one), but a multiverse as in many universes. Not a single thing on PAPER though

                Two complete universes (creatures, races, etc) Nothing on paper.

                Ten complete fantasy (and or Sci-fi) worlds (again nothing on paper..seeing a trend here?)

                One complete(ish) story that is meant as a Pilot for a TV show (posted here under R.E.A.L)

                200 mostly fleshed out characters (that is not counting the NPC's or any of the things from the above listed things)

                Countless basic character ideas (including but not limited to new classes/races/ etc)

                6 mostly fleshed out business ideas

                At least double that in not so thought out business ideas.

                All I can say is YAY for STS! (/sarcasm)

                Ever need help with ideas, etc I have lots of them..available for just a mention in the books/etc if you ever become famous
                Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

