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So, I know I have shit luck, but this is ridiculous - Lupo's out of the ER!!

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  • So, I know I have shit luck, but this is ridiculous - Lupo's out of the ER!!

    Not that I wanted to be there.

    No, folks, I was walking to the bus stop to go to work this morning, and as I'm walking on the sidewalk past a driveway for a grocery store parking lot, this idiot woman turns in without slowing down.

    Lupo got hit by a car.

    I recall bouncing off the hood of the car and landing on the pavement. I remember screaming and crying. But most of it passed by in bits and blurs. The woman who hit me and her, I'm assuming, daughter, got out and grabbed my arm, tried to help me stand saying "You're ok? You're ok, right?"

    No, I'm not ok, don't you fucking MOVE me!!

    There was an officer in uniform in the parking lot (this area where I live is conveniently located between 2 police stations), and he told them to back off, while he called an ambulance. I remember lying there crying while people are gathering around to just stare and go "Oooh, what happened here??"

    I don't like being the center of attention, and in high stress situations, that tends to kick start a panic attack, so I started hyperventilating. Then, out of nowhere, this older woman just plops herself down on the pavement next to me and takes my hand. Calm as you can please, she tells me I need to slow my breathing down, and asks who I'm trying to call because at that time I was screaming for someone to find me my cell phone, give me my phone.

    I tell her to call my mom, and give her the home number and the work number. Paramedics showed up at that point and hustle her out of the way while she's on hold with mom's work. They're putting me in a collar and getting ready to put me on a backboard, right as mom picks up and hears me screaming because they rolled me to get me on the board and it fucking hurt. A LOT. Poor mama.

    The nice lady finds my cell phone and I start freaking out because i need to call my boss, I'm the only one opening the store today, and I need to let her and my employee know what's going on (Yes, I know, strangest shit goes through my mind). Boss was treated to me shouting into the phone after telling her I was hit because by that point they were taping my arm down, which was really hurting like a bitch.

    Nice lady gathered all of my stuff that had gone flying through the parking lot, and put it all in my purse for me, and put that on the ambulance, and I was carted off to the hospital.

    They gave me an injection I later found out was dilaudid (I don't think I spelled that right) because I'm technically allergic to codeine and morphine (I found out that screaming hallucinations are, in fact, an allergic reaction. I learned something!!). I don't like it. It's making me go between giggling and sobbing and blah, and I generally try not to take anything stronger than motrin, when absolutely necessary. Blugh.

    I spent several hours in the ER, got xrayed, poked, prodded, all that good stuff. Good news is, nothing's broken. Guess it's a good thing I'm fat. Lots of padding for when I bounced. But bruising is starting EVERYWHERE, and I was told there's a lot of soft tissue damage and contusions. I think i said something along the lines of "Well no shit, Sherlock"

    They cut my pants off. I'm sad. I liked those pants. I JUST bought these pants, wore them maybe twice.

    So I ended up wandering around in paper pants from the hospital that don't really fit, so I was afraid they were going to pull a stripper moved everytime I stood up or sat down in a bad stripper rendition or something. CW came and drove me home, and he and his husband helped me inside. Nice lady left her name and number with my mom and told me to call her if I needed a ride home. I need to get her info and call her and thank her, but probably when the drugs wear off in a bit.

    Right now, I'm home and safe. Bruising is starting and it's going to be colorful, but I'm walking around, and was told there are no real work restrictions, just try to take it easy.

    Here's where I get pissy. The woman turned into a parking lot without slowing down, and I'm in the middle of the fucking driveway. Not at either end. The middle. I THOUGHT she saw me, and I find out later that SHE thought I saw HER and was going to stop. She tried to make me stand up. And, the officer on scene while getting her info said, as I was being loading in the ambulance "So you DON'T have any insurance??"

    And because she technically stayed, though I think she would've driven off given the chance, I'm not technically a victim of a crime, it's just an accident, so no help for me on medical bills. I don't have any insurance either, can't afford it. This is just peachy keen fabulous, and a wonderful start to my week!!

    I think that's everything. If I remember more later, I'll add it. I'm going to hobble into the kitchen to make some tea, and try to keep moving a little here and there, because if I sit too long, it'll make the hurting worse, I'm sure.

  • #2
    *gives lupo cookies and love*

    get thy butta to a lawyer soon as you can move comfortably
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 10-31-2010, 06:43 PM.


    • #3
      (( gentle hugs)) and a nice warm cup of cocoa with marshmallows (home made of course).



      • #4
        OMG Lupo! You poor thing. *gets you a new pair of pants just like the old ones*

        That...fucking...cunt. Why the hell should YOU have stopped, you were in the middle of the driveway!

        I'm glad that nice lady helped you calm down and found your phone for you.

        *gives you a very, very nice kitty to cuddle, wraps you in fluffy blankets, and gives you pumpkin spice muffins and some more cocoa*
        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
        Amayis is my wifey


        • #5

          Poor Lupo!


          • #6
            Sounds to me like she was being careless and/or reckless. She admitted she saw you and assumed you would stop so how is it "just an accident"? Pedestrians still have the right of way, do they not (especially since you were already in the middle of the driveway)?
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              Sounds to me like she was being careless and/or reckless. She admitted she saw you and assumed you would stop so how is it "just an accident"? Pedestrians still have the right of way, do they not (especially since you were already in the middle of the driveway)?
              This, exactly! I'm sorry it happened, but so glad it wasn't worse. And that lady that helped you is an angel!
              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


              • #8
                That really fucking sucks. I offer chocolate cheese cake and warm blankets in lieu of hugs, because my normal hug would be very painful in the current circumstances.

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                And because she technically stayed, though I think she would've driven off given the chance, I'm not technically a victim of a crime, it's just an accident, so no help for me on medical bills.
                That is so much bullshit.

                If I were you I would seriously consider bringing a civil suit against that raging cunt-weasel. There are plenty of personal injury lawyers who will work for part of the settlement, and you're gonna need the money to pay the ER bill.
                The High Priest is an Illusion!


                • #9
                  ^Also, I think you should put "raging cunt weasel" in the suit.
                  "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                  "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                  Amayis is my wifey


                  • #10
                    Oh no! I'm glad to hear that you'll be ok, but I bet it sucks now.
                    Hooray for the nice lady who was concerned and helped, and boo to the other lady who hit you and tried to make you act alright!
                    Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                    • #11
                      Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                      If I were you I would seriously consider bringing a civil suit against that raging cunt-weasel. There are plenty of personal injury lawyers who will work for part of the settlement, and you're gonna need the money to pay the ER bill.
                      This. At the very least you should be able to get a free consultation and see what you can do.

                      Hospital bills suck. And I had insurance, too. I was getting "explanation of benefits" notices for over a year. I didn't pay any of it car insurance covered it all so I didn't have to use my regular health insurance, and I got my deductible back from the other car owner's insurance (not the driver, who was driving without a license*, couldn't find the insurance card, and was arrested at the scene as a result), since I was rear-ended they couldn't say it wasn't his fault. But still.

                      *The police report said he had a suspended license; I went to the court hearing (just to see what happened to him; happened to be on my 27th way to spend the day, watching idiots get fined for having illegal lights and window tinting, which I swear was half the cases I saw before they got to the guy who hit me); found out that he was never able to get a license to begin with, presumably because of his immigration status (he had some kind of Eastern European accent). He ended up with over $1000 in fines, and if I had been seriously injured he would have had at least 45 days in jail to boot.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Even if she had no insurance, you can sue her for compensation. The law says that pedestrians have the right of way in parking areas. You may also want to get a copy of the police report for the incident. Depending on your state, the police may have issued a citation against the driver. This is considered proof of fault.


                        • #13
                          *offers quilts and baked goods*

                          I'm so sorry lupo, that lady was INSANE!!!


                          • #14
                            At the least she should receive a citation for driving without insurance.

                            I'm going to tell you what I told my Fiance when he was having some medical problems and his work insurance hadn't kicked in yet. Take care of yourself. Your health (and sanity) is the most important thing. works itself out somehow. (He worked out a payment plan with the hospital and they cut his bill by half. Hospitals will definitely work with you.) So, go see a lawyer and so on....but do not stress about "how am I going to pay this bill?"

                            Also, this is not the time to be all badass "I only take ibuprofen" either. If the doc gave you a stronger pain reliever to take, take it. It's not good for your body to be in severe pain.
                            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                            • #15
                              Everybody has already said what I was going to type so I'll just send lots of hugs, chocolate and good thoughts!
                              The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

