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Issue with Amazon

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  • Issue with Amazon

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so I apologize to the mods if it's misplaced.

    Over the weekend, I placed an order from Amazon. My husband and I have Prime shipping so I always look for stuff that's eligible for that. This weekend I was looking for two things, one of them being a set of Christmas cookie cutters. I found a set I liked that was eligible for Prime shipping (plus the other item I wanted), put them both in my cart, then finished the order with 1-click, which basically means you skip all the confirmation steps and Amazon just charged the card you have on file with them. I've done this before so I didn't even think about it (we order from Amazon A LOT) but obviously I need to start going through the whole process and reading the confirmation pages.

    I got my second item (not the cookie cutters) today but didn't get the cookie cutters and thought that was odd, so I checked the order status page. Turns out the cookie cutters were sold and shipped by an Amazon Marketplace vendor who not only charged me shipping, but didn't ship the order 2d air like I wanted (since I thought I was ordering with Prime.)

    I honestly have no idea how this happened. As I told the live chat agent I spoke with today, the main reason I picked the set of cookie cutters that I did was because it is Prime eligible; the listing is here:
    I see now, toward the bottom of the product info, there is a link that says "5 others from $10.xx" which if you click on it, brings you to a list of other vendors who sell the same product. One of these vendors shipped my order. Except, I never clicked that link. I have no idea how the order got placed through the third party, since I didn't even know they existed when I placed the order.

    The person I talked to on live chat was no help, she just told me that since I ordered it from a third party vendor, the pricing/shipping is different than if I had ordered it through Amazon, and that third party orders aren't eligible for Prime shipping. I get all that. I'm not really even looking for a refund, since the shipping wasn't that much (although I am a little peeved that I'm not going to get my cutters until the end of the week at the earliest, or even next week, since I wanted to use them right away.) What I want to know is, how the hell the order got shipped through the third party in the first place. Like I told the live chat agent, the listing I looked at clearly said Prime eligible, so if I added that to my cart, how and why did the third party ship it? She had no answer for me; I don't think she even read my question. I was not snarky or bitchy when I asked this, but as soon as I did, she sent me a link to the shipper's marketplace page, told me to take it up with them, told me to have a nice day, and disconnected the chat.

    I kind of want to email Amazon to ask about this but I don't know if I'll get any further than I did with the LC agent. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • #2
    It's pretty obvious to me that the live chat person was not really paying attention. I would definitely email Amazon about it. I would also complain about the chat agent. She needs someone to remind her to thoroughly read the question.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      Agreed with Arctic. Send an e-mail to Amazon and let them know about the situation. I had to do that once when I ordered a book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) from a third-party seller. Never got the book from them, they never answered my e-mail about said not-receiving of the book. I took it up with Amazon and, though I still didn't get the book, I got my money back.

      This is why, even if it's not necessarily the cheapest price and unless there's no other option, I always just go through Amazon. I just click the 'add to cart' button if it's available instead of looking at other people's prices.
      "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


      • #4
        As an avid Amazon user myself, I can try to give you advice with what i've found.

        I always look for the free shipping options, because i don't have the prime. And i have found, that even though i hit the "free shipping" option, not all the time will it come up as an item with the free shipping option. I have learned to look very closely to all my items before i buy. I do have the option of one click, however i opt out of it every time because i have 2 cards on my account. Sometimes i want to use one instead of the other.

        All I can say is, probably what happened is, you picked the prime option, but you picked one that actually wasn't prime after all. Because it came up as it was, but wasn't.

        I suppose I would email amazon and see if there is anything they could do about it, but in my personal thoughts, they may not. It's not completely their fault you didn't look at the item. HOWEVER, it IS their fault for having the issue of showing items as having "prime" or "free shipping" when the item clearly does not when you open up the item page itself.
        I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

        When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


        • #5
          I have never gone with any system that does one-click or other shortcuts for this very reason. I don't trust the system to not screw it up.

          It's worth it to me to take the time to look over every single confirmation screen to ensure that the system doesn't have a chance to FUBAR my order.

          But definitely try to contact Amazon again and ask them what's up with the swap to a 3rd party vendor. That's not cool.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

