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I cannot freaking do this.

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  • I cannot freaking do this.

    I'm sitting here in my house with an excruciating headache and so nauseous I am having to force myself to eat.

    Why? I'm on day two of antibiotics. It's also day last. Fuck this shit. I have a patch of skin on my face that that is got some rosacae or excema or whatever on it. So I'm trying to get rid of it.

    Doc gives me a lotion I refuse to take becaues it's got a black box warning on it. It's not like it's anything serious, it's a rash of which the most annoying symptom is it looks a little red and scaley. It's not like I need fucking chemo for it.

    So then he gives me another oitment that did nothing for me in two and a half weeks.

    So he puts me on antibiotics, and I feel like I have been hit by a train. Whole damn day. Lost. Lying in bed with a pail on the floor in case I vomit. I was gonna go out with the husband and kid, but forget that. I can't go anywhere like this. So I'm sitting here in an empty house.

    All over a rash the size of a nickle that does not even really bother me.

    My damn head hurts right now as I'm typing this, but I've literally been in bed all day and I wanted to get up and walk around and try to eat something.

    This blows.

    I ain't taking this shit tomorrow. I know you're supposed to take a full course of antibiotics, but I got stuff I need to do, I can't be laid up like this for days on end.

  • #2

    I'm sorry you feel so crappy, it sounds like you are having a really bad reaction.
    I have some homemade vegetable soup...I'd bring you some if I could.
    Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


    • #3
      Thanks. I don't react well to meds. Don't seem to be allergic, but evidently I am prone to side effects.

      Ended up in the emergency room one night due to "uncommon side effects." And everyone rolls their eyes at me because I'm just a baby about it and have to practically be threatened to get me to take meds.

      I can feel my hearbeat in my ears right now.

      Yeah, I'd like the rash to be gone of course, but it's not worth it to me to feel this bad to do it.


      • #4
        Sorry about that...I hear you on the side effects thing though. I'm dealing with them myself cause of a new med.

        It probably isn't a good idea to just go off them like that but damn it's not worth feeling like shit all day either.
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #5
          I have a little kid to take care of, I have to at least be functional. This is not the first time this has happened, maybe I can call the doc and tell them to switch the meds or something. I just flat out can't tolerate this one.


          • #6
            I'm sorry to hear that RK.
            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

            RIP Plaidman.


            • #7
              It sounds like the stuff you're on is a broad spectrum antibiotic (kills everything, even the good bacteria that's supposed to be there). Try to pick up some acidophilus 'pearls' (a good drugstore should carry them).
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #8
                Yeah, it was the dermatologist that has been trying to help me. I had another issue and figured while I was seeing a dermatologist, I'd get the thing on my face taken care of.

                I took some probiotic, and that seems to helping with the nausea, but I have been belching so much it's driving me nuts.

                I'll try the antibac hand soap idea. I still have an ointment to use in tandem with the antibiotic, and I'll keep using that. I'll call the pharmacy in the morning (if they're open) and see what they say about the antibiotic. It would be cool if I could change it to something less...bleh.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  I took some probiotic, and that seems to helping with the nausea, but I have been belching so much it's driving me nuts.
                  Now is your chance of endearing yourself to most males by belching their name .
                  Yes, try getting changed to another antibiotic, there probably is one you will tolerate better.


                  • #10
                    When hubby was in the hospital for staph, they had him on vancomycin, which pretty much annihilates any and all bacteria in the system. They ordered him to drink buttermilk or eat yogurt, anything with cultured bacteria in it like that to help replenish the good bacteria in his digestive tract. Maybe you could try that?

                    Actually, come to think of it, he's currently on amoxicillin for an abscessed tooth (which he's getting pulled Monday), and he just picked up some yogurt the other day, and I didn't even have to tell him to do it. He's smarter than I give him credit for.

                    Oh, and after he came home from the hospital from the staph infection, he was on some sort of antibiotic pills to make sure it was knocked out. He developed a red, itchy rash all over his body and inside his mouth, also due to the antibiotic overkill. So that's something you'll wanna watch out for...would suck to have the tiny rashy spot explode because of the very thing they're giving you to treat it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kaylyn View Post
                      He developed a red, itchy rash all over his body and inside his mouth, also due to the antibiotic overkill. So that's something you'll wanna watch out for...would suck to have the tiny rashy spot explode because of the very thing they're giving you to treat it.
                      Thrush ... it is actually some sort of fungus infestation.

                      I had it on my lips last summer, so I had to use some antifungal ointment on my lips. Yummy But it did deal with the thrush in very short order.

                      [diabetics have fungus and yeast issues thanks to the glucose in the bloodstream. Oddly enough I have never had a yeast infection down *there* which absolutely boggles my gyn given how much time in my life I have spent taking various antibiotics]
                      EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, it was thrush. The way it was explained to us was that the natural bacteria of the body keep that type of fungus at bay, and since the antibiotics upset the balance, the fungus got out of control. A quick Google shows a lot of people get it even on amoxicillin, but luckily he hasn't show any signs of it. He is having digestive problems, though, thus the yogurt. I'll have to see if I can hunt down that acidophilus stuff for him, too.


                        • #13
                          I forgot to mention before for nausea anything peppermint will help with that. Tea, lifesavers, candy canes, whatever as long as it has peppermint oil in it.
                          Great YouTube channel check it out!


                          • #14
                            I'm gonna see if they can switch it over. I'm still doing the ointment. I feel much better today, but then, I didn't take my pill today, either. I cannot do yesterday again.

                            What they had me on, evidently I couldn't do milk products because they evidently interfere with the apsorption of the med. Hence the probiotics. They did help.

                            I should have remembered the peppermint tea, I think I have some of that out in the yard, actually. I did have some non alchoholic ginger beer friday night, which was a great help.

                            Thanks, all. You guys rock.


                            • #15
                              You say red scaly rash on your face.

                              My mind goes two places. 1) eczema (moisturize the hell out of the spot, use alpha hydroxy cream once a day) or 2) ringworm. I got it from my cats when they were kittens, and was told to just use OTC athlete's foot cream on it. If it is either of those, an antibiotic won't do any good. One is a skin condition, the other is fungal.

