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Trouble in the Trailerhood

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  • Trouble in the Trailerhood

    Lo and behold, something from today(Versus my last thread with a week-old story)! I'm actually not sure if this belongs here in Off Topic(Since there's no actual CUSTOEMRS or employees...?), or in Sightings Mods, please feel free to move it if it's in the wrong place!

    So, let it be known, I live in a trailer park. We have, around our trailer and lot(And these aren't tiny lots, either, they're pretty decently sized. Mother bought a riding mower... It still took her an HOUR to mow the back yard. But we're also on a back lot at the edge of the park's property, so we get more room), exactly 5 other trailers and lots - One on either side(Pretty okay neighbors on either side. They have their irritating moments, but every neighbor does at some point.), and then 3 across the street. Well, two of the three across have had on-again-off-again residents. One's actually the same family, I just think they go on a LOT of trips or something, as we only see them a few times a year.

    This is relevant information, as I have two (not so) wonderful stories involving both their lot, and the one directly to the right of it(Viewing from our front porch).

    The first one's actually... Kind of old. The second that I'll get to is what reminded me of it. This took place back in September, at the double-wide across from us(The one on the right from the center). See, USED to, not long after we moved in, a lady that did dog rescue lived there. One of my favorites of her own dogs was a big old GSD named Lacey. Sweetest thing ever. Well, about a year or two ago, she moved out and somebody else moved in, a younger set of folks - A girl, I guess her BF, and another roomy.

    Girl and the BF broke up, but apparently she got a restraining order against ex-BF. Big problem is, she wanted him out of her place. What she was apparently SUPPOSED to do is go to our neighbor two lots over(Great guy, put the shingles on our roof!) to have him call the police. She went and got a couple buddies to physically remove Ex-BF.

    This did not go well, as they brought 2x4s with them. Ex-BF used a knife as self-defense. There was blood, there were cops... And my co-worker's poor daughter(Her ex-hubby, daughter, and son live next to us. Makes for a bonus if I need a ride home and she's available) had to wash blood off her car.

    How did I find out, you ask? My mother texted me. Three different times. First time, she was watching CSI and said she'd be late due to catching the end. Second time... There were cops... And then told me I had to get a ride(Awesome manager gave me a ride home). I get home, there's police tape over the ENTIRE center chunk of our street - Half of one neighbor's yard down to another neighbor's yard were blocked, and then ACROSS the street to coworker's ex-hubby's yard, across our front yard, other next-door neighbor's front yard, and half of THEIR other neighbor's yard... It formed a block so perfect, my mother had to go out on the porch to ask the police if one could escort me across the tape to home, and pointed me out.

    <--- Frustration

    So, yeah, good riddance to those neighbors, somebody else seems to be living there.

    Which leads to the most recent. This actually happened today, at the center cross-the-street lot. See, the family tends to be gone for long periods of time. How can we tell? Their mailbox got full in the last couple weeks. Recently, the post gave out and it fell over.

    So where's the suckage come in? I hear my mother this morning telling somebody "That's not yours. You need to put that back." I get up to investigate... Lo and behold, some kids from down the road are trying to TAKE THE MAILBOX

    Should I mention it's STILL full of mail?

    So they drop it, and bike off. I slid on my flip-flops and went across the street(Mother wasn't too particularly keen on going out there for some reason, even though we haven't seen that neighbors' car in WEEKS), gathered up the mailbox(Dropped in the neighbor's yard), and the broken post piece, and went and set the mailbox on the porch, with the post piece leaning on the porch rail.

    Why is it that nothing GOOD-exciting happens in my park?
    Look, a signature!

    If every cashier in the world went on strike, retail would come to a screeching halt, even if for a couple hours.

  • #2
    Is there a manager or someone that could collect the mail for them? Maybe they know where the disappearing neighbours are.

    Or perhaps someone could have a word with the mail carrier when they stop by. Get them to pick up the mail and hold any future mail at the post office, leaving a note in their box.

    One thing I would not do is take the mail in yourself. From what I understand (which is very little), messing with the mail is a federal crime and that's a BIG no-no.
    "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


    • #3
      Well, the fun trouble with that is catching the landlord. Even during office hours(And the office closes BEFORE most adult residents even get off work. Nice, eh?), there's never anybody there - I have NO idea WHERE he is! Right now, like I said, the mailbox is sitting on the homeowner's front porch, closed again(Little runts managed to break the door off!), just... Waiting for the owner to come home. I don't know what the postal workers are doing now, since there's no mailbox on the post. Maybe they're going to the porch? No idea.
      Look, a signature!

      If every cashier in the world went on strike, retail would come to a screeching halt, even if for a couple hours.

