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  • Disaster!

    I had an accident on the way to work yesterday. I was riding my motorbike when an animal (I thought it was a cat at first but it was actually a dog) ran out in front of me. I hit it and my bike flipped over. I escaped with grazed knees, a pulled shoulder muscle and a massive bruise on my arm; the dog ran away... but my poor bike is in a state. I'm going to have to make a claim and lose my noclaims. -.-

    Stupid owner letting their dog run around a main road. I was really upset cuz I thought I'd hurt it, too. I don't know where the dog lives; it had gone by the time I'd picked myself up.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    That's terrible, Lace. I'm sorry. I'm glad you're okay -- did you see a doctor? Hope the dog made it home all right. Good luck getting your bike repaired!


    • #3
      My mum's a nurse; she checked me over and I've got no broken bones, just scrapes. I didn't see the point of going to Casualty when I'd end up having to sit there for hours on end. O.o
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #4
        I'm glad you're OK...that's the important part. Hope the dog found his way home.

        Insurance claims suck, though.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

