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buffing up the armor

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  • buffing up the armor

    so it will be all shiny for when i go out to do my shopping as there was no other way to get it done before wednesday. yes yes i know! we had a pre-made meal ordered for the family so that works but we also need general foodstuffs for the next two weeks and non food essentials.

    So unless people are blind and deaf they will see me coming and be temporarily blinded by the reflection of my shiny armor or hear me coming around the corner or the aisle CLANK CLANK CLANK

    and even think of touching DD and you lose that hand. I've already survived another of her break outs and massive "I am miserable i cannot stand it" screaming crying tantrum session in which all i could do was dunk her in lotion. I don't need your nasty germs causing another one thank you. (one of us had something on our hands that set her off on accident. every room now has sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer PICK ONE)

    (until as of late i had no problem with other people smiling and waving at her and all were polite. its the last few that just come up and touch her without asking that did it)

    if nothing else i will have my game face on. a very polite smile below the most crazy of eyes. and just for effect i am putting gell in my hair and making it look a mess like i just escaped the mental asylum or something.
    yes, i could refrain from this, however there is nothing else in the world that would ease this madness than to scare other sc's tomorrow. I won't dare touch them or say an unkind word, but the look and tone might be enough

    feel free to nay say me

  • #2
    Sounds like a plan to me. Here, I'll even let you borrow my (bearded) dragon (lizard). She's brumating, so she's extra vicious right now. Just snuggle with her for a few minutes, and she'll protect you and yours forever.
    Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


    • #3
      *hugs* Wish I could go with, usually a glare from me sends people scattering. Sadly I am going anyhow to the local Wally World. The upside? We will have some crazy tales to share upon our return.

      So shine up that armor, and go forth!
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4

        Every suit of armor made has just one little kink...

        Chain mail pants with a missing link.

        (Peter & Gordon, 1966)
        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


        • #5
          thankies much zombiequeen!
          *snuggles with dragon*

          unfortunately no scenes were made, no stares needed. however on the last stretch of shopping it did get crowded. we left at a little before 8am as i was running a bit late. made it out just before 10am. and amazingly we made it under budget yaaay!
          i made no glares or faces and left my helmet off.
          in actuality i did flee a few aisles as it began to get crowded as i don't like feeling trapped even though i wasn't and only had to say excuse me let me through please.

          Dunno if this is ok to say but too late now! wally world employees (at least here) get a bonus AND 10% their grocery purchase added with the 10% off the non food items. Normally with the employee discount card its 10% all non food items, so they probably just switched it to groceries but still pretty awesome. its good until about january. awesome part is if you are married to or related to or kin of (not sure how it works) a walmart employee you get a card too! however i believe it is only two cards, one for employee and one for said family member. but last i checked no one from corp. made a call about how i was using said card all the way in Mississippi during my visit heh

          next time i am taking my camera to get blackmail- er i mean photos of the crazyness muwahahaha

          on a final note.....i like cheese. (yerp, the strangeness is ever present during the holidays)


          • #6
            forgot all about this. hubs comes home monday morning from work and informs family that he was asked to work thursday night friday morning shift overtime. (yes, midnight black friday) I got mad because his bosses are always asking him and not others. i slept on it and realized that his bosses find him more trustworthy and responsible even if it is over time. however there is a story behind that of a rant for another day
            so i told him its his call if he wants to take it just be safe please.
            today i lent him my armor to test out and adjust as needed so that come black friday midnight he has some protection. holy crud.

            I won't be watching the news for any casualties or craziness, I will be calling at 6:50am to make sure he is alive. or having dad in law drive me there screw the dumb stuff. Would like hubs and father to our kid to come home alive and in one piece if possible.


            • #7
              Yeah, coming home alive and safe is always a good thing...and especially if it's your hubby. He's important. I'm glad Ryuu helped you, she bit me earlier. >.>
              Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


              • #8
                bad Ryuu not pets for you! lol bandages the bite

