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my body is full of surprises

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  • my body is full of surprises

    so other than the whole back pain thing. its been a month, and while there is a wee bit of pain, it seemingly disappeared overnite. ??

    it started i wanna say nov 1 or 2nd. and i was pretty sure it was due to strain i put on it at work. also, nov 2nd i got my period. fast forward to this sunday (28th) i get my period again, back pain still present. at the end of work last night i realize it feels good. wtf. right now it still hurts a little, but not seemingly as much as it did even last week? idk

    so today i wake up and feel dizzy. but i only feel dizzy if my head tilts to the left or right. straight up im fine. leaning forward or back is fine too. my guess its an ear thing? ugh, why cant my body just behave?

  • #2
    I'm gonna chalk it all up to fluid. If you retain a lot of water like I do, a lot goes to your midsection, which can put more strain on your back. I already have scoliosis, and it gets worse due to extra water weight. The ear thing could be related to holding water, or maybe you're like me with the fall allergies. I've had postnasal drip and eye itchiness for the last few days. No dizziness, though.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      The ear thing could be due to fluid. I get this (sometimes very bad) once in a while. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to get all of it checked out. Look at it this way: It's cheaper to go now, while the symptoms are relatively mild, then to wait until something nastier happens. If it turns out to be something minor, well & good. If not, you can get treatment started before it becomes worse.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        I dunno if you're sexually active or not, but there's an entire series on TV devoted to people that don't realize they're pregnant till they're giving birth. It is possible to still have a period-like flow while pregnant, and what you're describing sounds way too much like pregnancy symptoms to not check for it. Assuming you're active, of course...if you're not, then I dunno.


        • #5
          i forgot i posted this lol

          i am NOT sexually active...what-so-ever

          i figure the back thing was me pulling/straining it. and made sense thinking about what i did. (lifting things above my head and stretching)

          idk if its an infection since nothing else is 'off.' maybe they need to be drained. right now it isnt as bad as it was this morning. but im going to the doctor tomorrow at 9am to have it checked out


          • #6
            Good that you're going to get it checked out! Keep us posted!


            • #7
              it was practically nothing. she believes it was some mild something or other type of vertigo. something like a piece of calcium or whatnot may have gotten loose in there and is floatin around but will go away on its own. if anything gets worse then just call her again.

