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Google Fu experts to me please!

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  • Google Fu experts to me please!

    Daughter has a milk allergy to the extent she CANNOT HAVE ANY dairy. I know of soy, rice and vegan products and tofu as well its just I cannot find them in my area and have looked but I guess not very well because I still cannot find any. There used to be a PURE (ma and pa organic store) but they had to close down.
    The stores I DO HAVE are
    Krogers (not signature Kroger which has more variety and has organic and more foreign foods) Albertsons, Target, Walmart, and further out Brookshires but thats too far from me.
    The stores that WOULD have it are Tom Thumb, Kroger Signature, Whole Foods, the two that Trish mentioned, and we just don't have that anymore, wally world chased those away and tom thumb not like my town.

    I found galaxy foods veggie cheeses but that was it. ( )
    Found soy cheese thank goodness, but no ice cream. I know its kind of a luxury but I want daughter to be able to have it while growing up and not have to sit and watch everyone else eat it while she cannot. Her allergic reaction is severe enough that she turns red, breaks out in hives and starts swelling. I cannot even give her butter or yogurt any actual dairy even if powdered will set her off.

    any help than what I could find would be so awesome thank you!
    (supposedly our local walmart has the veggie cheeses but i have yet to see this)
    Last edited by Midnight12; 12-04-2010, 11:36 PM.

  • #2
    Are you looking for some place to ship to you, or do you only want to do pick up?

    I just did a plain local. google for organic foods and came up with

    Pure Foods & Health
    138 West Prien Lake Road, Lake Charles, LA (337) 905-7873

    Body Care Health Foods
    2806 Common Street, Lake Charles, LA (337) 433-0224

    Lumen Foods LLC
    409 Scott Street, Lake Charles, LA (337) 436-6748

    Is that what you're kinda looking for?
    Last edited by Trishlovesdolphins; 12-04-2010, 02:35 PM.


    • #3
      any way i can get it is awesome. thank you SO much trishlovesdolphins. I guess i'm not looking in the right places
      Sadly pure foods is no more. halfway success, found the galaxy foods veggie/veggy cheese! now to find the soy or rice ice cream
      Last edited by Midnight12; 12-04-2010, 08:33 PM.


      • #4
        Quoth LexiaFira View Post
        now to find the soy or rice ice cream
        well not quite what your looking for but how about a recipe book or two for making your own non-dairy "ice cream"

        and if you want to get real "down to earth" they have kitchen appliances to make your own soy/almond/rice milk.

        why yes I do have many vegan friends-most of them make their own "milk" because it gets rather pricey to buy it all the time.
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          Tofutti makes different soy icecream products, in addition to some other soy products. Here's their website:
          Don't wanna; not gonna.


          • #6
            Have you looked in your local grocery store? We have a few brands of soy ice cream in our store. So delicious and So Good. They're just mixed in with the other ice cream, and I *think* I've seen some rice cream too, but I'm not 100% sure.


            • #7
              Walmart FINALLY got the soy/vegan/etc cheese products so happy for that
              This is for my daughter who has a milk allergy to the severity of she cannot have ANY dairy. No milk, no butter, yogurt, cheese ice cream, whipped cream any cream etc. Or she will break out red, get hives and swell and super sensitive to the touch.

              soy cheese and such

              I know of Tofutti, soy or rice dream, I know some of the products its just finding a store close buy or that will ship to me or order in and hold it for me.
              There is a product in which I can make my own? YES!

              I am sorry i should have said this. (Edits main post)
              The stores I have are Target, Wally world, regular kroger as opposed to Signature krogers, albertsons and a few and its not that i don't know if said products its that they are unavailable.

              BlaqueKatt I love you right now thank you!
              Last edited by Midnight12; 12-04-2010, 11:37 PM.


              • #8
                Also, be sure to read the labels on dark chocolate - a lot of it now contains milk ingredients. For example, Baker's Chocolate has milk ingredients in the semi-sweet, but not in the unsweetened. A good source for chocolate without milk would be kosher chocolate chips - the ones I've seen were labeled "pavre" (non-meat, non-dairy). Might seem strange at first, but it means that cookies made with them (assuming no milk or butter in the recipie) can be served as dessert after a roast beef dinner.

                Break-apart chocolate oranges (Christmas treat) are a bad one. The major brand (Terry's) has milk ingredients in their dark chocolate, and so do Ferrero and Life (latter is a Shopper's Drug Mart house brand). One brand that doesn't (or at least it didn't last year) is Florida Tropic, made by Sweetworks in Buffalo, NY. Unfortunately, I can't find them anywhere around here this year.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #9
                  Just a quick note..if you eat out at fast food mexican places make sure you find out what is in their beans because at my restuarant we use the quick cook beans and it does contain buttermilk solids in it. I have had people ask me for non milk products and I make sure to mention that because of allergies.


                  • #10
                    Coconut bliss is a great ice cream, no dairy just coconut cream!! SOOOO tasty! I'd check your krogers for them. krogers and albertsons should carry silk soy milk, and possibly meyer's goats milk, along with some goats cheese.
                    It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


                    • #11
                      sadly lisa cannot have cow or goats milk. will try coconut milk
                      thanks for the info wolfie thats disappointing to know about dark chocolate now
                      i do remember a while ago hersheys announcing they are changing their chocolate recipe to involve using some lesser version of chocolate to save costs its noticable


                      • #12
                        Have you just been looking in the dairy case for soy milk? When I was dairy-free we bought a shelf-stable soy milk that was quite tasty, I believe the brand was Edendsoy, or Eden Soy, can't remember which. Tofutti brand ice cream is pretty good. Annies has a a frozen Macaroni and Soy Cheeze which, while not a great substitute for mac and cheese, is still pretty tasty, especially with ketchup. Be careful if you get it, though, 'cause Annies also does a macaroni and cheese which looks nearly identical, except for the colors. My mom used to buy carob chips instead of chocolate chips, but, while I liked them at first, they make me gag now. You probably know this, but margarine can almost always be substituted for butter.
                        The High Priest is an Illusion!


                        • #13
                          I tried it as a sample at Whole Foods, and it tastes exactly like the real thing. I asked the guy, who not only was the sample giver, but the maker of the product, and he says absolutely NO dairy is in it. The downside? It's pretty hard to find it in normal stores, and if you do find it, a small pint or so of it is $6 a pop. If you're willing to buy it though, they also ship. I'm assuming it's not as bad as shipping icecream because it's technically just ground up nuts and flavors that are frozen. It freezes right back up, he said, if it ever thaws out. It seems really Georgia local right now, but I'm sure if it becomes more popular, it'll spread out. So far it's only really in Whole Foods/Harry's.

                          Here's also the locations where they sell it in store, right down to the address. I hope this helps!
                          My only regret is that I don't have a better word for "F@#k You".


                          • #14
                            yes it does help thank you VERY much!
                            trying to see if my local stores will carry these brands or if i request them will they order just for me as I have no idea how many people purchase this in my town. I do know that most all stores are required to carry soy milk in the dairy section or as AC said on the dry shelves section of which yes wally world does but lisa has shown her disdain for that. but sadly soy ice cream and Annies are not around here and I DO know what you are talking about i have seen the boxes and frozen versions....i miss those

                            There is also rice dreams next to eden soy on the shelf....she can probably have that but as I said not sure how many people actually depend on soy now.
                            I know I am one of them I looked forward to when Silk almond flavor came out. awesomes

                            I DID find these other listings however I have no idea which of these stores is still in existence
                            yellow pages woo

                            I finally got around to calling the first places given me. Lumen foods only does meatless foods and jerky and a powder brand version of milk...which is still milk


                            • #15
                              I FOUND IT YAAAAAY Vitamart has it! so i can go there thursday! thank you all for the help!

