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I can't contain this excitement anymore

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  • I can't contain this excitement anymore

    I wasn't going to post this for a while, but I am too excited (which isn't hard to do).

    I'm getting my first apartment next school year!!! *wiggle butt dance*

    Okay, so a bit of background. My school's housing people decided that continuing students should be screwed over. In past years, continuing students signed up for dorm rooms and then housing would fill up the rest of the rooms with freshmen. However, they always overbooked, so they stuffed the freshmen in the lounges (4 people in each room). This year(for next school year), they decided that they would fill up as many rooms as possible with freshmen and then make the continuing students fight for the remaining rooms in a lottery.

    Of course, I was pissed. I really wanted to stay on campus because it was working for me, as it was for many people. After a huge uproar, the Housing people put it on hiatus, but then stated that we will have a lottery after all.

    I was talking to two of my guy friends, whom I had met at the anime club and have gotten really close with, about all of this, since they were discussing their arrangements for a new apartment. I asked them if they wanted a third person so the rent would be cheaper. We talked everything over. Since they already have an apartment together, they were asking questions of me, such as rent stuff, if I would pay it on time, how far was I willing to walk to campus for class, etc. So after assuring them that I would have my part of the bills paid early and that the location of the hopeful apartment is fine with me, it was decided that the three of us would live together next year!

    I am really excited because to me, this is another step to being an adult. These two guys are people I can trust. I have stayed the weekend at their place several times and have come to the conclusion that I can live with them rather peacefully. The chores are perfectly divided. Football Guy (who is a football player) likes to do dishes, but hates the taking out the trash. Beloved BS (president of the anime club. BBS for short) likes taking out the trash, but hates the dishes. I like to do the rest of the stuff, but since everyone keeps pretty neat in the shared areas, I would only have to do those things once a week.

    We won't be able to apply until next semester rolls around. Worst comes to worst, we stay in the same place they live in now. I just had to share this huge step with y'all!
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!

  • #2
    Congrats! I know its scary but awesome at the same time - I'm going apt/house looking this weekend and will end up with 1 - 2 roommates, just hope i can pick the right roommates (wish me luck!)
    I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

    Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.


    • #3
      Congrats! I remember getting my first apt and I was suuuuper excited.

      I hope it all works out.


      • #4
        Hey, good for you!

        *sniff sniff* They grow up so fast.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          The last day to sign up for the dorm lottery was Friday. There is no turning back.

          I know it is pretty early, but FG, BBS, and I were talking about furniture and kitchen equipment. It looks like that part is going to work out rather nicely, since they already furniture, but I can provide some better ones. I also have a tv and dvd player, so that is going into my room. We were also talking about food arrangements and cleaning jobs, and how much kitchenware we each had.

          Reality is hitting me. Well, sharing, but still. Of course, I am going to go home as normally over the school year.

          Some of you may be asking, why live with guys? Well, I get along with them really well and having lived in the all women's dorm here for the past two school years, I think I have had my fill of female living company for a while. No offense, but I am getting sick of being around young women my age, who still have the maturity of middle school angst girls.
          "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

          I belly dance with tall Goblins!


          • #6

            I still remember my first apartment. Hell, it would be tough to forget that week: within 6 days I graduated high school, moved out of my parents' place, watched as my family moved 2500 miles away, and turned 18.

            And though I have moved often as an adult, just as I did as a child, I can still tell you every place I have lived on my own in AZ. On my own, though always with roommates. All places listed were in Tempe unless otherwise noted.

            Clambake. (Yes, that WAS the name of the street!)
            Adelphia. (The dorms.)
            The Christmas break apartment where I subsisted on grape soda and pop tarts for a month.
            The house on 13th St.
            The apartment on Apache Blvd. 3 years there, I think.
            My parents' place in Glendale (no choice, and they were back in AZ).
            The apartment on 85th. (Scottsdale)
            The apartment at Melrose Place. (Not the actual name of the place, but what we all called it. Scottsdale)
            The house on Bluebell.
            The brief stay in the apartment on 40th. (Phoenix)
            The wacky house on Taylor.
            Various friend's places for short stints, including one in *shudder* Mesa for a moth (couch surfing, especially during the two years I was in the dorms and had to be out of them during Christmas breaks).
            The apartment with the Norwegians on Baseline.
            The three long-term apartments in Key West (the porn star, the flooded place, and this place).
            The three short-term apartments in Key West (the Russians, the Hungarians, and the coworker).
            On the road in '98 and '99.

            And while none of my friends still live in Tempe, most moving further east in the East Valley, when I move back to Zona, that is where I plan to live. Preferably near Mill.

   into a personal reverie there. Point being enjoy, and you will remember this.

            My first The drunken roommates (in a good way). The drunken roommates (in a bad way). The failed keg party. Jumping the pool fence. The dead mouse. The sucker punch that I didn't earn. Not bad for a three month stay between the parental pad and the dorms.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
              Some of you may be asking, why live with guys? Well, I get along with them really well and having lived in the all women's dorm here for the past two school years, I think I have had my fill of female living company for a while. No offense, but I am getting sick of being around young women my age, who still have the maturity of middle school angst girls.
              I live with two guys for the same reason. It's definitely better.

              Good luck with the new apartment!

              Talk to them about quiet times for studying if you haven't already - if there are any boundaries like "let's not have parties or overnight guests during midterms and finals week." It's easier to get that sort of stuff out of the way at the start if you haven't yet.


              • #8
                Already covered, Taboo. We only throw parties on Fridays and Saturdays. Finals week, we must compare our schedules and see what is going on. Sunday is a completely quiet day for homework and Monday-Thursday night, we all do our homework. We all are very school oriented (even FG, who breaks pretty much all of the stereotypes of the football player) and BBS runs the anime club, Steve is an officer, and I help out with it as much as possible, so we are pretty busy.
                "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                • #9
                  I would really rethink the throwing parties on Fridays. Your going to get in trouble with the Saturday crowd. I also suggest paying everything to them in money orders.


                  • #10
                    I've always lived a drive away from my parents, and always in a group-living situation. Dorms, even tho I had my own room ( )-- at the time, all the dorms were half-full, and I wanted a singleton! Moved out of the dorms, into a roomie sitch, then again... FUB'd with a roomie (painful story), now I have a good, if not very chore-oriented, roomie!
                    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."

