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honeymoon stories!

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  • honeymoon stories!

    complete with pictures ^_^

    so we headed up to mccall, idaho on sunday, stoked for a week of fun in the snow. we had rented a cabin that came complete with a hot tub on the deck.

    however...when we got hot tub. we called the lady that rented us the cabin and apparently, the owner decided to take the tub a few days prior.
    ...gee, thanks.
    we complained a bit, seeing as how that was the main reason we rented the place. we ended up getting a night refunded.

    i had received an email the week before telling a few rules and guidelines. pretty fair. the email mentioned that we should bring our own water because the water there was pretty high in iron.
    they weren't kidding!
    see pic #1. see those flecks? yeah...those aren't pepper flakes. we smelled like rust after every shower.

    other than those things...(well, and the rock hard bed), it was a pretty fun time. we rented movies, took walks in the snow, played with our dog. the rest of the pics are of the scenery that was amazing.

    the day we left, we went to some hot springs. holy jeeze they were awesome! we were pretty much the only ones there, so it was really relaxing. sooo pretty with the snow around it. the last pic is of that.

    i have a bunch more pics, but i can only upload 5. i'm gonna put up a bunch on facebook in a couple of days, so my friends on there get to see 'em.
    once i get wedding pics, i'll post a few on here too.
    now i get to go wrangle my 3 year old step daughter. yay!
    Attached Files
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2
    Sweet, glad it went okay other then a few bumps.

    Hows the step kiddling taking it?


    • #3
      not to toot my own horn, but she loves me
      The Ex decided to twist the words of the divorce agreement a few days ago (it says that when The Boy has his 2 weeks visitation, she's allowed to see The Kid every 3 days. she decided that it meant that she could take The Kid home over night while we were on our honeymoon and The Kid was at The Boy's mom's house). The Kid apparently said "nooo i wanna go to Green Faaaaairy's!!!!" when i heard about that, i glowed a little. right now we're fighting for full custody and The Boy's lawyer thinks it's a no-brainer, considering that The Ex is now a registered sex offender and on felony probation (and when The Ex dropped The Kid off at grandma's the next day, she hadn't had a bath and was still in the same clothes from the day before. i mean wtf).
      but anywho!!
      The Boy has to go back to virginia at the end of the month and if we get full custody, The Kid is going to be living with my dad and i. she doesn't exactly have her own room here, but my room is technically the bonus room above a 3 car garage, so it's massive. she has half of it all to herself and it's already packed with stuffed animals and books. she loves it.
      i love being step-mom. it's going to be a struggle if/when we get full custody cuz i can already tell that The Ex doesn't exactly spoil the kid...but she doesn't really discipline her or read with her and stuff. so i know the first couple of months are going to be tough, but we'll make it ^_^
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

