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I hate neighbors.

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  • I hate neighbors.

    So this week has been kind of sucky, but not because of work. First off, I'm sick and coughing a lot. But mostly, it's been sucky because of the renters next door.

    They seem to have some money problems, so when we were chatting one day and they mentioned needing a computer, I had an idea. We had an older laptop that we never used anymore, so we wiped it and gave it to them.

    This was a mistake.

    Thursday the cops showed up at our house. Apparrently, the neighbors have accused my husband of looking at children in an innapropriate manner. They said they found photos on the laptop.

    No. Eww. No.

    On top of that, the officers said, they have called the cops multiple times for our "exhibitionist behavior". Specifically, neglecting to close the blinds on our second story bedroom once. And having a window in our shower. Who designs a bathroom like that? I dunno, but we spent 600$ earlier this year (before we heard any complaints) to replace that window. The new one has the glass that you can't see through.

    I am Not. Happy.

  • #2
    Might be time to talk to a lawyer about harassment. 'Cause that's BS.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Do yourself a favor and STOP being "neighborly". These people are parasites. I would keep a record of what theyre accusing you of and go the legal route if necessary. Also, maybe a chat with the landlord may be necessary for disturbing the peace.

      Did the cops say what pictures the neighbors say they found?


      • #4
        The cops didn't give details. Honestly, I'm not sure I want datails!

        We are planning to talk to the landlord soon. I doubt he'll give a damn about it, but we can always bring up the fact that they are violating their contract by keeping pets. *shrug* Seems kind of petty to do that, but charges like this could ruin a person's entire life!


        • #5
          Quoth Ellain View Post
          Seems kind of petty to do that, but charges like this could ruin a person's entire life!
          No you're not being petty. You need to avoid contact with these people. I think Anima recommended the correct course of action.
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


          • #6
            Did you guys completely wipe the hardrive by fully formatting it and reinstalling windows? Do you know exactly when you gave them the laptop? The thing is all they have to do is look when it was downloaded or copied to the computer. Also they could call the re nters isp and see if they were looking at that stuff.
            "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."


            • #7
              Quoth CaptainJaneway View Post
              Did you guys completely wipe the hardrive by fully formatting it and reinstalling windows?
              Seconded, it's amazing the sort of crap that can wind up in your browser cache without you knowing it. Some malware will put porn images on your HD. I strongly recommend DBAN.


              • #8
                You know, I'm not sure if he did a full wipe or not; I'll have to ask what he did do. And on the date, Im not sure either. somewhere between 1 and 2 months, I think.

                He did say that some of the image boards he used to frequent sometimes had questionable content, so I suppose you may have the right of it, Shadow.

                Its a mess, and I can only hope it doesn't snowball!


                • #9
                  Be careful: even a Google image search could end up with suspect images stuck in cache.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    There are people in the world that see niceness as a sign of weakness. You can not be nice to them without having them think they can walk all over you and/or have an entitlement mentality about it.

                    Some may see my advice as wrong, but here it goes anyway, your family needs to be complete assholes to them from now on.

                    Also, feel free to borrow my flamethrower.
                    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                    • #11
                      I feel your pain, hon. We have a rental next door and the landlord honestly doesn't care who lives there. Most of the time he doesn't even bother to check if they have jobs to pay the rent.

                      We've had college kids who blare music at full-blast 24 hours a day, couples who do nothing but scream at each other, kids who get into our stuff, drug dealers, and about every variety of retard. We had a couple of girls last year who had a damn pit bull, and it got loose and my angel got bit on the leg trying to protect one of the kids, but WE were the assholes for reporting it and having the dog taken away (it's illegal to even have a pit bull within the city limits). We've had stuff outside our house mysteriously moved, a broken birdbath with a curiously footprint-shaped dirt spot on it, a stolen gas generator, and several instances where I couldn't park in front of my own flipping house because they invited all their friends over. The last guy who lived there would randomly appear in front of people's houses with no shirt on playing with his laptop (I think he was roaming around looking for an unsecured wi-fi to access) and smoking cigarettes. Most of them have never heard of trash cans, and just let crap pile up all over the house.

                      When someone moves out, the place is always a sty. They've replaced the carpet nearly every time someone moves, replaced appliances, they have to repaint/fill in holes in the wall every time, one group of guys even started a fire in the bathtub (I'm guessing they were cooking meth). Plus, whenever they fumigate the house, the army of roaches decides the travel next door, and I always have to deal with the bastards in MY house in between renters.

                      I hate that house. I would love to see it burn to the ground so I could moonwalk on its ashes.
                      Last edited by Kara; 12-19-2010, 02:56 PM.
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kara View Post
                        I hate that house. I would love to see it burn to the ground so I could moonwalk on its ashes.
                        NICE. I want this as a quote or something...
                        Also, suddenly, I'm glad the only things I've had to deal with are 1) my own problems (such as timely cleaning), 2) Utter clusterfrak with a former room-mate who decided she wasn't to blame for her problems (and decided to sue) 3) people upstairs trying to kill each other (one's moving out next month, woo.) 4) occasional football game parking problems 6) lukewarm super. at best.
                        Also, since there totally isn't any proof to op's nieghbors' claims, it will go nowhere. Mostly 'cuz I believe the op when she says 'hey we ain't into that '
                        Still annoying though.
                        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


                        • #13
                          Growing up, our neighbors on both sides were rental units. They were originally large houses, but the owners decided to split them in half and make them rental houses.

                          We had some very interesting neighbors growing up. We could never keep anyone in the downstairs unit on the one side because of the crazy, mentally disabled guy who lived upstairs. He rode his lawnmower all over town (he didn't have a license or a car) and he would be up until between 2-4 any given night of the week blaring country music and working on something in his garage with loud tools.

                          He was almost as annoying as one of my current neighbors, Sheriff. This guy also had a habbit of screaming greetings like "HELLLLLLO BLASENHEIMERS!!!!!" at my family when he'd come home and see us kids playing outside or if my parents were gardening or Dad was grilling, and he'd invite himself over, just like Sheriff, to come chat for hours on end unless you took initiative and got back in the house.

                          One lady who lived in that downstairs unit for a little less than a year, she was a nurse or CNA and she had a very sick child, and being an adult now, I feel kind of bad, but when I was younger, I hated her, and my parents butted heads with her because she was such a bitch. She was always in her scrubs, so she must have never had any time off, and her kid was always in between hospital visits, but she would come outside and literally scream at my brother and I to quiet down because her kid was sick and trying to sleep. For that year, my brother and I really didn't even want to play outside because of that crazy bitch and her sick kid. She decided to rent from somewhere in the middle of town in a neighborhood with lots of kids, and she'd scream at anyone who made noise because of her sick kid.
                          Last edited by blas; 12-20-2010, 03:42 AM.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

