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I Don't Even Know What To Say.. *Gross*

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  • I Don't Even Know What To Say.. *Gross*

    I came home already feeling ill tonight, I had been gone since yesterday afternoon because I stay at my bf's house on the weekends (less problems with the neighbors and more privacy).

    I got into the bathroom to put away my stuff and get ready to attempt to take a shower, and then I looked in the toilet.

    There was pee in there. It was dark yellow, like pee that had been there for a while.

    I did not do it. If it had been me, there would have been toilet paper in there, because I never pee without wiping. My pee is also only yellow when I first wake up, because I drink so much water that most of the time, there is no color in my urine.

    Now I'm paranoid that someone from the property managment company came in for whatever reason and took a piss and left it there. But why on a Sunday? I've never heard of them doing anything on a Sunday, save for emergencies.

    Either that, or there was yet another wonderful issue with these ancient, worthless pipes and maybe instead of sending it to the sewer, my neighbor's piss got sent to my toilet? I mean, twice last spring/summer, my kitchen sink was backed up in what smelled like shit and sour milk.

    I just don't even know.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Ew. I would call tomorrow and ask if maintenance was in your apartment for some reason. Whenever they come in here, even if we've called for something to be fixed and given permission, they leave a note on the doorknob that they were there and what they did. Other than the yearly inspection by the township, I don't think they've ever come up when we weren't here without prior permission (though they did show up at 9pm one night because the downstairs neighbors reported a water spot on their ceiling, which was from our tub that had already been recaulked at least twice and was subsequently replaced). I don't know what the law is in Wisconsin, but they have to tell us if they are entering (or have entered) our apartment.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I've always been suspicious of them, and my neighbor has been as well (during the power outage a couple of months ago, we were bsing outside together waiting for the power to come back on and he said to me that he thinks they are all "shady").

      I just can't fathom why in the world they'd come in on a Sunday, and why I wouldn't even get a call. They aren't allowed to just go into your apartment without notice or your permission unless it's an emergency or scheduled maintenance, AFAIK.

      The reasonable part of me wants to go with the more plumbing issues scenario, but the cynic in me wants to think it was them. But I've never known them to be here on a Sunday. It's just gross.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        I'd call them anyway. If they weren't in there then either you've got a plumbing problem or a different kind of problem. Nothing's missing, I hope?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Nothing is missing or different from how I left it, and I always have this place locked, even when I am home. I never leave that door unlocked.

          I didn't even have a feeling or vibe until I went into the bathroom and saw that. Then I went into my bedroom to make sure my panties were all still the way I left them, lol.

          I'm sure I'll give them a call tomorrow, but I always hate calling because it invites them in, and my apartment is by no means clean right now, and I hate lectures and letting them come in and look at my stuff. I don't have anything we aren't allowed to have (except candles, which I can hide easily) but for one, they never take their shoes off and I don't like snow and wet on my carpet, and I don't want to have to plan my morning around them, since I have to be in bed by a certain time for work tomorrow night, and they'll only come when it's convenient for them. I haven't vaccuumed in ages or dusted, and we have really bad hard water around here, so my sink and tub are not in the greatest of shape (not like that's their fault, I do tend to put work and leisure in front of cleaning).

          I did mention before that there was a plumbing issue earlier this spring/summer, and I didn't call for the above reasons. Two times I came home and my kitchen sink was backed up with this brownish/white colored stuff that smelled like a combination of poop and sour milk.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            That's gross and creepy, blas. Even though it's disgusting, I hope it's a plumbing problem rather than someone wandering around your apartment while you're gone without your consent or even knowledge. Good luck getting to the bottom of this.


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              Ew. I would call tomorrow and ask if maintenance was in your apartment for some reason. Whenever they come in here, even if we've called for something to be fixed and given permission, they leave a note on the doorknob that they were there and what they did. Other than the yearly inspection by the township, I don't think they've ever come up when we weren't here without prior permission (though they did show up at 9pm one night because the downstairs neighbors reported a water spot on their ceiling, which was from our tub that had already been recaulked at least twice and was subsequently replaced). I don't know what the law is in Wisconsin, but they have to tell us if they are entering (or have entered) our apartment.
              I wish my complex did that - happened not too long ago that I came home to find an odd smell in my apartment...........discovered that paint (or something) had been applied to one of the ceiling tiles near my air conditioning unit, and they'd also left a dirty paper towel on the floor below it. No idea what might have happened/why they would have been in there, as I never got a note or a phone call.

