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Queensland floods

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  • #16
    thankfully i have water tanks here - 4 of them, and they are full and filtered - but yes, i do boil the water anyway.


    • #17
      All hands on deck.

      That was the message from the State Premier Anna Bligh.

      So this morning, when I found out my 1st aid training had been cancelled, I went to my neighbours and offered my help in cleaning up their flood ravaged tractor business.

      Now, I know, I know - i am still so soon out of major surgery with bad complications, but I could not just sit around could I?

      So, I have just done 6-7-I don't know hours getting the 3 inches of thick river mud out of the office and off the work floor. Collecting all the flood damaged motor parts, moving furniture and so on and so forth...

      I am filthy, I am very sore and i am tired...

      But you know what? I am an Australian, and I help my mates, neighbours or whoever.

      Layter today, some of the people trapped here (remember, we are cut off), are coming over and using my shower, toilets, get a cup of tea and a friendly ear. Some may stay in the house for a while.

      The water supply is cut off - but I have 4 water tanks full!

      The electricity is on and off, but I have solar power.

      Most communications is disrupted, but we can make do and the mobile phones work for some of the time today.

      a car had been swept down the river and slammed into the bridge support (the bridge is very unstable, but ok for small vehicles) - saw the wreck and well.


      • #18
        Good job Damien!
        Yup, you're a proper Aussie. Our place was also an evacuation point for our mates, just in case they needed it. Not as well set up as yours though, I wish we had solar power and water tanks!

        I'm amazed by the amount of teenagers on the news that went to help fill, distribute and place sandbags, all of their own accord.
        Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

        Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


        • #19
          We're staying aware of our neighbour. Elderly woman, lives alone. You know.
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #20
            @Seshat: Hope you're well away and safe from the flooding and flood-risk areas. It's great that you're looking out for your neighbour!

            I'd be worried about my grandpa (lives alone as well) except that my uncle lives down the street from him now and has convinced him that carrying a charged mobile is important.
            Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

            Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


            • #21
              Yup. Victoria. We're on flood watch, our ground is saturated, if we get hit with a Toowoomba-freak-storm we might have similar problems.

              But failing that sort of freak storm, I'm fine. (So's my neighbour, so long as her carers can come and keep her stocked.)

              We're on the side of a hill, near the top. One of our supermarkets is actually at the top of that same hill. The one we usually shop at is on lower ground, but not low ground, and we can reach it without crossing any creeks or rivers.

              There's an army base - a logistics base, in fact - about ten minutes drive away from our region. Worst case, our hill gets cut off, and the army base provides rations. Probably distributed at the supermarket. We'll pick up ours and our neighbours', and wait it out.

              If I go radio silent, assume the floods have cut off power and/or net, but don't worry. I'm much better off than most. Careful choice of where to buy is paying off.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #22
                Yesterday postal services resumed!

                Today, I went out to Helidon, a place that was almost totally wiped off the map.

                I went to the evac centre to make a donation of food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper and clothes..

                While I was there, a gentleman took one of the shirts, tried it on and it fit like a glove - he loved it! He told me that his house is destroyed and he and his wife barely got out of their car in time. That all he had is what he was wearing, and now, he has a new(ish) shirt.

                He shook my hand and whispered, 'thanks, mate' and went back to his wife.

                Lovely man, despite losing so much, his spirit is as stoic as anyone from the Lockyer Valley during these times.

