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My Uncle is starting to annoy me (Long)

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  • My Uncle is starting to annoy me (Long)

    My uncle tends to do alot of things that land him in jail. All not his fault of course but as we all know cops love it when your sarcastic and rude to them for no reason, or when they;oh I don't know, Pick you up for violating some form of rules you were given after you got out. This has always upset my but it's sadly gotten so normal that when he phones from jail, it's a comment of "Uncle's in Jail again".

    But Recently He's decided that Christianity will be his religion of choice. I don't mind Christians. I have friends and family who are believers in that religion and they know I don't like getting it shoved down my throat. To avoid fights or long discussions that could end in hurt feelings we all avoid the subject as then everyone is happy. He's been phoning and asking about our Belief in god. Myself and my mom have firmly told him that We do not believe in his higher power and that We have our own belief system but he won't relent.

    Also I think He has a problem with my dating a girl. I love my girlfriend and have been dating her for a year now,heading onto the second around late may/early June. When He phones and I'm the one to answer when I'm on the phone with my girlfriend, I inform him of this. He know's that I'm dating this girl but he phoned a bit ago and when he asked what I was doing I told him I was getting ready for a date.

    His Response? "Oh Really? Who is He?" It caused me to stare at the phone and then say "My Girlfriend, whom I've been dating for over a year". He then huffed with an oh and demanded to talk to someone else. He's also 'joked' when I've commented on being Bi that I'm just waiting for some hot guy to come and sweep me off my feet but no I'm an Equal Opportunity Sweepie/Sweeper

    It's annoying as I'm not going to dump my girlfriend just to make him comfortable, especially when I truly love her + I hate, Despise to the Highest powers when people force their beliefs down my throat. I don't mind talking about them and discussing them as I'm an open person but the instant it get's to the point of feeling converted I change the subject as I rather not fight over what one believes in.

    But my Uncle is a stubon man who when He believes he's right won't quit. He's made me cry when he came to the house and my brother left him with me.I was putting together flyers and I was mildly stressed out due to the fact I was new to it and was not used to the amount. He was whining and bugging me, like a child wanting attention, when I had firmly stated that I needed to get these done by a certain time and I was paying attention to them and not him.

    Him not liking this eventually started to call me names and insult me in many ways (Calling me basically a cold bitch with comments of 'No wonder no one wants to be around you'). I'm getting progressively more and more upset ad I eventually started to argue and fight him one it. Well 'Mr. I'm Right, Your Wrong and your options don't matter cause I know everything about you' was not happy about that and got right in my face (With me holding a knife as I had to cut apart what was holding the flyers together so I could sort then) making me feel like I was in physical danger (And the knife wasn't a comforting factor as if got him, He's easily get me more) and I started to scream for him to leave me alone and get the hell out of the house. He stormed off with the reactions of 'I grace you with my presence and now your being rude' but left through got a few more rude words through the screen window.

    It took me a good hour to calm down and he made it so that we were out later doing the flyers as he was not helping my productivity.

    He wasn't allowed in the house for a good while and never if I was there alone.

  • #2
    What a jerk! *offers hugs*

    Also his line about "I grace you with my presence" tells me a ton about his over-inflated idea of self-importance. Ugh.
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


    • #3
      What's worse is, If's it's not him It's my Dad. If it's not either of them,It's my younger sister.

      It's never a good thing when you view murder a viable option.


      • #4
        I can relate, as I have an uncle who is such a jerk, that most of us no longer want to have anything to do with him. He's never been in jail which is amazing in a way, but he's never been able to keep a job for longer than a few weeks because he would pick a fight with co-workers and management. Not only do most of us in the family want nothing to do with him, he's lost friends. I think the only reason he hasn't been in jail is that he didn't try to pick a fight with a cop.


        • #5
          Quoth ADoyle90815 View Post
          I can relate, as I have an uncle who is such a jerk, that most of us no longer want to have anything to do with him. He's never been in jail which is amazing in a way, but he's never been able to keep a job for longer than a few weeks because he would pick a fight with co-workers and management. Not only do most of us in the family want nothing to do with him, he's lost friends. I think the only reason he hasn't been in jail is that he didn't try to pick a fight with a cop.
          That Sucks, Sort of Sounds like my dad xD' (My Family is F**ked) I want to ignore him but he so easily put on the guilt trips. It's the reason why I tend to refuse to answer the phone when he calls (collect mind you and he never wants to pay that bill) as he usually wants to A. Whine and Bitch cause every man, woman, child, muskrat and chair is out to get him, B. He wants to convert members of my family or C. Make Judgments on our life choices.

          Through my dad has been in Jail before.... Huh... Can I get a new family? Or at Least get rid of my dad, uncle and sister?

          Hopefully It doesn't come down to him getting arrested but who knows it might do him some good, not everyone is as thick headed as my dumb ass uncle.


          • #6
            Quoth YumeIshimaru View Post
            But Recently He's decided that Christianity will be his religion of choice. I don't mind Christians. I have friends and family who are believers in that religion and they know I don't like getting it shoved down my throat.
            Sounds like my uncle Richard...who everyone calls "Dick." The joke goes, that it's because of his "sparkling" personality. He too, was born again awhile back. I don't have a problem with most Christians. I'm not going to bust your balls for what you believe. However, if you start forcing your beliefs on me, I get pissed. For the most part, I tolerate Uncle Dick. I'm not rude to him at all. He is what he is, and he's not going to change.

            He has though, said some things to piss people off. For example, back in '94, my grandmother (his mom) was in a serious auto accident. Uncle Dick, my aunt (Grandma's younger sister), and I were at lunch one afternoon. For whatever reason, we were talking about what was going to happen when Grandma came home from the hospital. My aunt asked what was going to happen to the guy who caused the accident. Dick muttered something along the lines of "as a good Christian, I don't want to see anything bad happen to the guy." As soon as he finished the sentence, I literally felt my fingers digging into the table. It took all I had not to jump over the table, and strangle him Why? Well, he didn't get the phone call about the accident; he didn't have to deal with another aunt flipping out because her kid was in the car with Grandma; he didn't have to deal with my mother's tears; he didn't see the destroyed car at the body shop, etc. He ignored all of that. At least my aunt put him in his place. That is, she went off

            That's not the first time he's said things like that either. Several years later, he was giving me a hard time because I didn't go to church with Grandma. She put him in his place, and yes, it was awesome. Grandma said something like "Protege works 5 days a week, and then comes down here to help me on weekends. He's tired, and we're not going to wake him."

            I hope nobody thinks that I'm bashing him because of his new-found religion. I'm not. My feeling is, that I might not agree with what you believe, I'm not going to give you a hard time about it. *Unless* you're being an asshole about it. Then all bets are off I don't have a problem with him personally, but I do have a problem with some of the things he does. He's really not a bad guy, and isn't too bad...if you get some liquor in him
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Wow, Your Uncle sounds worse then mine in the area with your Grandmother, then again that's never happened with a person on my dad's side that was that important as well. My Grandmother on that side was not a nice woman at all. She did a lot of horrible things to her children.

              My Uncle is under the category to 'Leech' as he wants it all but doesn't want to do anything for it. It's sad though as he would have made a pretty great artist. I have a picture of a horse he drew for me, still framed. But It's his decision and you can't change people. All you can do is encourage they change.


              • #8
                Religions aside, no one has the right to make you feel bad or inferior. Im sorry youre dealing with this. Ignore him if possible and adapt the abilility of a ducks ass....Let it all just roll off.


                • #9
                  Quoth Amina516 View Post
                  Religions aside, no one has the right to make you feel bad or inferior. Im sorry youre dealing with this. Ignore him if possible and adapt the abilility of a ducks ass....Let it all just roll off.
                  It's easier when I'm not stressed or depressed, Know any good natural antidepressants?

                  And Thanks everyone for the hugs and such. It's also comforting to know that I'm not the only one with an ass for an Uncle as well as I don't deserve to be treated that way/ I don't have to feel bad about things due to him.


                  • #10
                    Quoth YumeIshimaru View Post
                    It's easier when I'm not stressed or depressed, Know any good natural antidepressants?

                    And Thanks everyone for the hugs and such. It's also comforting to know that I'm not the only one with an ass for an Uncle as well as I don't deserve to be treated that way/ I don't have to feel bad about things due to him.
                    First thing that comes to mind is St Johns Wort and lots of sunshine. Hope you live where its warm!


                    • #11
                      Not at the moment *hids under blankets* Canada is cold *whines mildly*


                      • #12
                        Hah! Sorry..didnt even notice the Canada up by your name.

                        We've got a foot of snow at the moment, so I feel your pain.


                        • #13
                          Sad thing is, It warmed up for the last two days and now someone hates us and the really cold as returned :'(


                          • #14
                            *brings you a vat of chicken soup* My favorite cure all. (one of my favorites, anyway)
                            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                   (A blog about everything and nothing)


                            • #15
                              Yay! Soup *bounces, drags and then brings to nest of blankets & pillows* Thank you >w<

