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Found $ - What would you have done?

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  • #16
    If I found a large amount of money, I would turn it in to the police but if I found a small amount, such as a five or a twenty, I would probably keep it, this would depend on where I found it. If I found it while I would not keep it, if I found it at a park or a bar, yes I would keep it. My man works as a janitor at a bar and the owners told him that he can keep any money he finds. He mainly finds coins but once he found twenty by the video lottery machines which was awesome because it was a couple of days before payday and we both needed gas! My man also likes to clean up around our complex (he has one of those litter pickers) and around the bowling alley that is next door to us and he has found money by doing this.


    • #17
      Yeah, I felt better turning it in anyway.

      You'd be amazed the people that find stuff on our property, tell the office they found it, but refuse to turn it over and just leave us some contact information that 'We'll keep it until someone comes to claim it' like they don't trust us, but I'm sure they just don't want to let that game system or diamond ring out of their hands!

      Thanks everyone! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. However, that Karma hasn't caught up with me yet and I could sure use it!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #18
        Back when I was in high school & had a job cleaning the 2 nightclubs my mother managed I was told that I could keep any money I found.

        Found a $50 one day.Not much these days,but in 1972 it was enough to get the car I was saving up for ($150!!!)

        And here's my weird Found Money story:

        My band was playing at a festival & since it was raining the shows were inside a big tent.As I was walkin' around with one of the guys & spied some bills half-buried in the dirt,so I swooped down & grabbed it & stuffed it in my pocket.I'd gone 2 steps when this guys steps in front of me & says "You have something of mine"

        I just looked at him,then he says "It's not real"

        By then 3-4 other people had gathered around him & he says "Go ahead,look at it"

        So I pull it out & sure enough,it was a business card,printed & cut to look like folded money.I obviously had a WTF look on my face,so he explains:

        "We're psychology students & we're just looking at people's reactions to seeing money on the ground.We've been doing this all afternoon & you had the best reaction we've ever seen,most people just look startled or glance at it,you didn't even break stride when you picked it up!"

        Told him "Hey,I'm a poor musician,I'll take money wherever I can find it!"
        Last edited by Frantic Freddie; 02-01-2011, 12:27 AM.
        "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

        Mark Twain


        • #19
          I think you did the right thing.

          As much as it would be tempting to pocket it (no matter what the amount) my concious would never let me keep money in a situation where the owner could come forward to claim it. It's just bad Karma.
          "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
          "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
          "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

          -Jasper Fforde


          • #20
            I found £10 and £20 at different times when I worked in the store, and both times I handed them into the police station just around the corner and made sure that the other people in the store knew about the money if anyone asked. No one claimed them, so I ended up keeping the money anyway, but I would have felt guilty just keeping it without making an attempt to return it so I think you did the right thing.


            • #21
              well my sister donates all the changes she finds, i just keep it a piggy bank until i have like a few bucks, usually i put them towards pills and dr visits.

              as for cash again since its untraceable if its 100 or less i'll keep it if its more i turn it in. Im broke and a found bucks pays for me to see my doctor and you know get antibiotics or i dont know how about my meteformin.

