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Ugh! Help I'm dying *dramatic arm flail*

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  • Ugh! Help I'm dying *dramatic arm flail*

    Ugh, My Neighbor must have spilt cologne near the vent or something as our hall way is starting to smell of it (I live in a duplex). And I know it has to be him as My mom and I are allergic to perfumes (My mom much more then me),my sister might be I'm not sure, and none of us would have the stuff in the house for that reason. I feel so sick And the asshat keeps pulling random BS! like stealing my mom's stops out front when me or someone else shovel to make a spot because he decides to steal the other spot (this is done when It's been snowing and his spot has snow) or parks in a way where their is no way in Hades she can park and he doesn't help with the walk way.

    Anyone got any advise? God my stomach hurts I wish my brother had poured water on the bast***'s tires so it would have frozen over.

  • #2
    o noez~
    Have you told him to knock it off? If so, tell him again, then whip out some of this!:
    Do you know of any dispute resolution services? Some university campuses who have that sort of degree offered, usually in Psychology or Dispute Resolution or Protection Services Degree types (like my not-so-great Uni has, the only thing going for it is the Business college, which is spectacular, apparently... as in highly ranked in the world! go figure ) sometimes they even have it for free. If he wants none of it, then all you can do is call the cops when he decides to endanger you and your family's health. You might even be able to get some sort of court order or something, just make sure you show him doctor's notes and such...
    The rest of it he's just being a jackass. Not much you can do about that, aside from just not making anything easy for him. (as in don't shovel at all ever. see how he likes it.)
    Best of luck.
    EDIT: is your duplex owned by someone else? as in landlord? tell them to tell him to knock that off...
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      My cousin once dumped water on someone's car door after they stole the spot he dug out. I'm sure CS doesn't condone this and it resulted in a rather ugly confrontation between my cousin and the neighbor.

      I would talk to your landlord and see if, at the very least, you can get your neighbor towed if you can't use your parking spot. Maybe you can even get spots assigned so that you can tow the neighbor if he steals your spot. If the walkway is common property, there probably isn't much you can do.

