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Mean dog

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  • Mean dog

    So I have a question? What do you do about a mean dog next door? Last summer I walked down the alley to get my trash cans and the neighbors friend pulled up.Well my neighbor let his shepard mix dog out of the house and sicked him on his friend(just playing he said). Well the dog comes after me and grabs ahold of my leg and bites a chunk out of my leg.I should mention the dog is so strong he knock me down.I'm only 4" 11 and he weighs like 100 pounds. Well the fat fuck neighbor just stands there and smirks as this happens. So I limp up to the house and call mom(now the fat fuck is in for it).She literally misses the driveway shes driving so fast.
    She jumps out and runs over to Fat fucks house and bangs on his door. She demands to see the dogs shot records. The dog has all of its shot and so I let it go. But the other night my husband is outside and the damn dog comes after him and he hits the dog and nothing happens. And another night the dog comes over and jumps on my pom and pom chi,remember he is 100 pounds and they are like 14 pounds each. My husband once again hits the dog in the head and nothing happens.
    There is a post office below the husband and me, so there are always people. The fat fuck always let his dog run up to post office customers.I'm just scared that something will happen one day.

  • #2
    You call the cops and file charges. I mean, the dog actually attacked you and instead of stopping the dog, he just watched. I'm pretty sure that's against the law.
    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


    • #3
      Agreed. This is definitely a case for the cops. Put a stop to this now.
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


      • #4
        Yep,call the cops,but get some pepper spray too,next time the dog gets close give him a whiff of that.

        And if Fat Fuck don't like it give him a blast too.
        "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

        Mark Twain


        • #5
          Yeah. Cops. Pepper spray. And while you're at it, call animal control as well.

          Dog bites in my state are treated like gunshot wounds. You go to the doctor, reports get filed, DHEC comes out, Animal control comes out, it's a whole big damn host of problems for the dog owner.

          Even if you get bit by your own dog.

          So you need to start making some phone calls.


          • #6
            Call the cops NOW, I feel bad for the dog his owner made him this way, no dog starts out mean. This needs to be taken care of, that dog could easily kill your dogs even by accident. Not only that the dog could hurt or kill a child before something is done, I'm not blaming you if that happens trust me, but since you know who's dog it is, and you were bitten also, your husband attacked and your dogs attacked you need to call the cops ASAP.
            IF you can get pictures of the dog running loose too that would be good or if you know which of the postal workers can back you up. I doubt they wouldn't believe you but it just gives the officers more info to go on.

            You need to do it to make sure you and your family are safe, your dogs, and anyone else around, and this might sound strange but do it for the dog too. No one deserves to have an owner like that, even if he is put to sleep he is far better off then living with a (expletive). He might even be beating the poor thing so call the cops and get this taken care of.
            I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


            • #7
              I don't know the laws where you're at but in my state it'd be perfectly legal to shoot that dog dead if he was attacking me or my dog.
              "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

              Mark Twain


              • #8
                Really, the title of your post would probably be more accurate as "Mean dog owner." It sounds to me like the guy is getting off by scaring people with his dog. There are people out there who are like that.

                It's probably NOT the dog's fault, but you still can't have that sort of thing going on. Someone needs to put a stop to it.

                My next door neighbors had a dog that kept coming over here...I suspect he at the time didn't know his boundaries...but I'll be damned if I'm going to be harrassed by a big, aggressive dog on my own property. I called animal control the second time it happened. Fortunately, my neighbor keeps the dog controlled now without an more trouble. But then, she isn't the type that gets off being the neighborhood bully-by-proxy, either. Your neighbor is.


                • #9
                  Before you use pepper spray, get a small air horn (boating, outdoors, and sporting good stores usually carry them for about $10-$20). The loud noise will usually startle most dogs. Check with your state laws in regards to carrying pepper spray. While most states it is OK, some are weird.

                  As for the dog - it attacked you on public property unleashed. He also SENT the dog towards you - that's assault and battery with a deadly weapon.
                  Quote Dalesys:
                  ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                  • #10
                    I agree with everyone, really.

                    This isn't a mean dog, this is a mean dog owner. The dog has been taught that this is proper behaviour. His owner probably rewarded him for biting you! (Petted him, gave him attention, told him he was Good Dog.)

                    For your sake, the dog's sake, and the sake of everyone within range of this asshole and the weapon he's trained the dog to be; SOMEONE needs to inform the police and animal welfare. That someone may as well be you.

                    There are foster carers who know how to turn (some of) these dogs around. Never enough of them, but the dog may be lucky and arrive at a shelter who has a carer who has just turned in their last patient.

                    For the sake of the community, the owner and his abuse of the community - his crimes, really; he assaulted you with a dog - must be on record. The dog must be removed from him and assessed for potential rehabilitation.
                    Hopefully there'll be enough evidence on the owner that he can be punished and/or rehabbed himself.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #11
                      I agree with all of the above: call the cops.

                      Dog bites are very dirty, and often get bad infections. Mean dog owner is liable for your medical bills.

                      I've seen some horrible dog bites; terrible gaping wounds that often can't be stitched right away due to the risk for infection. Good thing owner had the shot records; rabies shots are NOT fun.

                      What an asshole.
                      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Panacea View Post
                        Dog bites are very dirty, and often get bad infections. Mean dog owner is liable for your medical bills.

                        I've seen some horrible dog bites; terrible gaping wounds that often can't be stitched right away due to the risk for infection. Good thing owner had the shot records; rabies shots are NOT fun.

                        What an asshole.
                        I can second that (medical and assholeness).

                        I had an accidental / play bite from Kiri a little over a year ago. I ended up spending 2 nights in the hospital with an antibiotic drip every 8 hours because of it.
                        Quote Dalesys:
                        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                        • #13
                          You need to call the cops right away! That's a disaster just waiting to happen. What happens when that dog attacks a child? It's not a question of IF, but a question of WHEN.

