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  • Backstabbers

    Don't you hate it when family members talk all nice to you and act like nothing's wrong and then they turn backstabbers on you. They act like they are nice and the moment you let your guard down around them they turn you seems like I have to watch my back more at home than at work.
    I am sort of on a no talking thing right now for something Im not going to mention and my cousin came in and spoke to me. He acted all "nice" and then he backstabbed me and made the stupid suggestion that my rent go up and i get limited on my electrical use. (I live with them so I have to abide by their rules...I'd be OUT if I could afford a place of my own but with today's economy I can't) I wish he'd just stay the hell out of my business and not get invovled in my and antoher person's arguement.
    NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

  • #2
    have had that happen - backstabbing - with my dad until i finally had the ultimate of ultimate fights with him and left the state of texas back in...2003 or so.
    so yes i very much understand under handed bs.

    much hugs. breathe, it will get better


    • #3
      My sister used to be really bad about that sort of thing - one example being we'd done some Christmas shopping together a few years ago, had what I thought was a great time, and I found out later that she'd made snippy comments to my mom about my spending habits and the length of time I spent in stores.

