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Nervous about School

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  • Nervous about School

    So I've been giving it some thought since January about going back to school.

    Back when I first went to college after HS, I was still living with my family and dealing with all their passive-aggressive BS forced me to quit.

    Seriously hearing the "We can't afford it/go get a job/call and cancel that interview cause you need to focus on school!" arguement everyday got old really really fast. I even got cursed out from prospective managers on more then one occasion for having to cancel my interviews.

    So anyway, now I'm older, married with kidlets and thankfully free of all the parental BS. I've also threatened to kill anyone who tells my family that I'm going back to school.

    I have to re-take the ACT test first, then get all my transcripts in order and apply to the program.

    I'm of course very very nervous about the whole thing. I do test well, but what's got my worried is that my first college transcript doesn't look very good since I did drop out in the middle of a semester. Also the program I'd like to get into (Veterinary technology if anyone's curious) only accepts 47 students per year.

    Is it a bad sign that I've read over the course descriptions and they all sound high school level/laughably easy? Also my friends trying to scare me with stories of artificially inseminating cows doesn't bother me at all.

    Anyone done anything similar to this and can offer advice? Will there be an interview process as well as the testing/application?

    Any good thoughts or well-wishes would be great. My test is scheduled for March 11th.

  • #2
    Don't worry too much about your first time at university, even if you did drop out mid semester. That was years ago and schools understand that people and their circumstances change over time, they are much more interested in new test scores and work experience.


    • #3
      And argh, was looking at the fall schedule.

      All of the general ed classes I need to take are online-only, no big deal.

      All of the Vet tech classes are during the day, no evening or weekend classes. Which means I'll need to find a babysitter....or ask my grandmother to watch the kidlets.

      Which means they'll know that I'm back in school.


      • #4
        Deciding to go back to school is never an easy decision, but I have all the faith in the world you will excel in it. You will probably be given consideration over many who just graduated to be honest, as most schools believe that 'mature' students are often more dedicated. I never even had to retake the ACT, had one interview and was accepted in. Didn't have the most stellar grades in school either (tests..tests I could ace..homework..not so much).

        So good luck
        Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


        • #5
          Are you going to a university or community college? Most of the community college classes I've taken were easy. A bit time consuming, but as easy or easier than my high school AP classes.

          Did school say you had to retake the ACT? Most of the time schools have their own placement tests that are cheaper and way easier to schedule than standardized exams.

          Most community colleges have some sort of on site daycare if the kidlets are daycare age, and usually for non obscene prices.

          Artificially inseminating cows? I see you're in Oklahoma, but really? My little sister had to take classes like that, but she was an animal science major, not a vet tech student.

          Find out everything you can about the vet tech program. There will be an application process and maybe additional testing and/or an interview for the vet tech program. Ask the department what the average accepted student looks like so you know what your standards need to be. I'm a nursing student and while I'm currently at a university, I attended and applied to several community college programs. There were tons of wanna be nursing students who took 2-3 tries to pass A&P and still thought they would get in. Or didn't realize they couldn't get in if they had a drug conviction. And learn about how your college handles withdrawals and don't be afraid to drop a class or two if you need to keep your GPA up.


          • #6
            It's a state university, I looked into some other community college and online schools, either they had nothing in the field I wanted or had tons of complaints against them for being scams >.>

            The last time I took the ACT was 10 years ago, the first time I was in college. I was told my score was good only for that school. I really don't mind re-taking it, I actually think I may do better this time around.

            I have looked into an on-site daycare, but there isn't one available. I have the money for either classes/books or daycare, not both. I've been looking into my daughter's public school schedule and trying to see how I can make it work with minimal family help.

            So far for the application I need a good ACT score, all my transcripts and I have an esssay to write. Enrollment for the fall semester doesn't start until the end of March, but the deadline to get my app in to the Vet Tech program is April 17th.

            As for the cows... It's a fairly intense course of study, and they try to prepare you for working for any kind of vet, be it a farm vet, at a zoo or just dogs and cats. Also if you want to go on and get your DVM license, these classes count towards that as well.

            And yes, in Oklahoma cows are srs bsns.


            • #7
              I have no experience with veterinary programs, so I can't address a lot of what you are heading into, but there are a few things I feel I can comment on...

              Quoth Kanalah View Post

              what's got my worried is that my first college transcript doesn't look very good since I did drop out in the middle of a semester.
              I would attach a note to the transcript, done in a very professional, business-letter style, explaining that the reason your last semester of college doesn't look good is due to the fact that you dropped out due to "family issues," or some similar phrase. Don't go into details beyond "family issues," "financial hardships," or what not. Definitely don't talk about your family's "passive-aggressive bullshit." First, it's none of the school's damn business, and second, it would make you look whiny.

              Quoth Kanalah View Post
              I'll need to find a babysitter....or ask my grandmother to watch the kidlets.

              Which means they'll know that I'm back in school.
              Not so fast, my friend.

              There are ways to get your kids watched without spending bucks or alerting your family to your impending self-improvement.

              See if any of your friends can watch your kidlets, in return for something in trade, i.e., watching their kids, working on their car's mechanical issues, cooking lessons, barn painting, whatever.

              See if any of your kidlet's friends' parents can do the same in exchange for, say, you watching their kids, or you driving everyone to school, or some such tradeoff.

              You get the idea. Between your circle of friends and your kidlets' circle of friends, you should be able to arrange something.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                I was wondering when Jester was gonna get here.

                I plan on being very professional of course when I do talk to the department head. I'm actually a pretty nice person when I'm not ranting here.

                I wish I did have some friends to ask, unfourtunately most of my friends are online and live in different states. The friends I do have locally are still in college, and have been for the past 10 years.

                I've been homeschooling my kids, with the exception of my daughter, who is special-needs. I haven't really gotten to know any of the other parents in her class. Yeah yeah I know, not good, but I do have a pretty big shy streak and I do like to hide in my house a lot. I have a good friend with 7 kids who does homeschool that I could ask in return for favors, but she does like waaaaay out in the sticks.

                I am getting a bit ahead of myself I think. I still need to;
                A: nuke the everloving out of this test
                B: Impress the head of the Vetrinary department with my awesome essay and interview and convince him to let me into the program
                C: freak out about finding babysitters.

                I have my test in a couple of weeks, then I need to get my application ready and mailed in, and then see about enrollment.

                Doesn't mean I'm not still worried.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kanalah View Post
                  I was wondering when Jester was gonna get here.
                  I can't figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

                  Quoth Kanalah View Post
                  The friends I do have locally are still in college, and have been for the past 10 years.

                  I've been homeschooling my kids, with the exception of my daughter, who is special-needs. I haven't really gotten to know any of the other parents in her class. Yeah yeah I know, not good, but I do have a pretty big shy streak and I do like to hide in my house a lot. I have a good friend with 7 kids who does homeschool that I could ask in return for favors, but she does like waaaaay out in the sticks.
                  Time to rise above the shy streak of yours, don't you think? It's either that, or freak out with no real solution in sight. Just saying....

                  Quoth Kanalah View Post
                  I am getting a bit ahead of myself.
                  I'd like you to repeat that, because it sounds vaguely important:

                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."
                  Kanalan: "I am getting a bit ahead of myself."

                  Yes. Yes you are.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    It's a compliment Jester, don't worry.

                    When I get nervous or scared about something, my mind just runs over every little that that could go wrong and then that way when something happens, I know how to handle it.

                    I am actually doing really well with my shy streak. When I first met my hubby I didn't speak in public at all. He's really helped me a lot to be able to talk to people.

                    Anyways, I've been taking online practice tests, getting enough sleep, everything I can think of to help me.

                    I was just looking for a little support, sorry I asked.


                    • #11
                      I didn't realize you were married. This, of course, means your hubby can help you find people to help out with the kids, as it sounds as if he is not nearly as shy as you.

                      Just a thought.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        You do have supporters here, just so you know
                        Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                        • #13
                          Took my entrance exam today...

                          The english, reading and science parts I know I did well. The math part was something from the pit of hell.

                          It's been 10 years since I've taken a math class. I've taken practice tests online, but I still felt like a moron during the math part.

                          so I thought you guys might get a out of my reactions to some of the questions.

                          I remember my reaction to some of the harder questions was "What the fk was that st ?!"

                          One specific question I remembered was f(4-x) = big long string of x's with a few numbers added for flavor and then it said, what can you infer about the nature of f? of course all the answers were numbers. I really wanted to write in "f is a douchebag."

                          I was supposed to get my scores this afternoon, but thier machine is down. They couldn't tell me whether or not my test broke it though

                          So here's hoping that I didn't embarass myself too badly.

