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What are your options in a verbal battle with SCs?

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  • What are your options in a verbal battle with SCs?

    I have been pondering over this, I know there is a chance if you yell back you risk getting fired (even if you are right,although it does depend on the manager), Supposedly your best bet is to be nice and explain the problem(s),but what if that does not work? what then.

    Another thing that comes to mind is Guns,at some jobs in retail and etc, you are allowed to carry firearms (concealed of course) would it be deemed Illegal to pull it out and place it on the counter with your hand still on it and tell the person who has at that point goes into a raging rant, and possibly throwing things across the room(as I've heard in many tales on this site) to get out and not return.

    so to sum up my questions I'd like to know
    A)What are your options in a verbal attack on your being?.

    B),how far can you go without the possibility of getting arrested,I know calling the police would be the first choice but if things get out of control fast and that's the only way to deal with it,can you?.

    And C),what all have I missed here?

  • #2
    I suspect that if you pull a gun on a customer who isn't actually holding up your store, you can probably count on being fired!

    Best option is not to have a "verbal battle" with anyone. You've seen how the vast majority of people here deal with snarky and shouty SCs - they stay very calm, get rid of the SC as quickly as possible, and then come and rant about it here.

    Winning a "verbal battle" with a SC is very satisfying at the time, but its a bit rubbish three days later when you've been fired and have no money to buy food. Yes, you "won", but what did you actually win? A battle with an idiot? Big deal!
    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
    - Dave Barry


    • #3
      I have an advantage in battles with SC's because, in the end, I control their booze, and can cut them off. In that sense, bartenders have a weapon in their arsenal that most people who deal with customers don't.

      That being said, what you can say to customers vary from job to job, establishment to establishment, management to management, and situation to situation. In other words, what might work for one person may not work for you, and vice versa.

      My suggestion would be to always remain calm, politely and rationally explain whatever it is they are not getting, deal with their complaints and such calmly and politely, and if they start yelling or becoming abusive, get a manager involved or (if it is within your authority) tell them to leave. If they are getting really abusive, i.e., threatening physical action or violence, getting the police involved may be a definite option, though I would leave that to management to decide, unless it's very blatant and very sudden.

      When is an appropriate time to brandish a gun? If you're not a cop, almost never. There are situations where a person is trying to rob the place or seems about to become violent. Even in those situations, I would say that bringing a gun into the mix is only going to exacerbate the situation, not quell it. Also, a good number of employers have strict policies against their employees having firearms with them at work, and such tactics could easily get you fired.

      Or worse. In some jurisdictions, doing what you described theoretically with a gun could be construed as "harassment" or "terroristic threats," etc., and could lead to your arrest, potential criminal charges against you and, if convicted of such, fines and/or incarceration.

      So, unless you are a cop, security guard with such authority, or in some other such position, my opinion is that you it is NEVER a good idea to use a gun to end a dispute with a customer. EVER.

      Besides all that, don't you think that that would be kind of overkill? Seriously?

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        I have a very good weapon in my arsenal.


        No, seriously. My favourite thing to do, when someone is being loud and obnoxious, is just to be totally silent. Usually with a look of disapproval, and occasionally crossed arms.

        If that doesn't work (see: threatening, abusive, etc), I can point at the cameras and tell them that not only are they being recorded, but that I'll happily share said recordings with the police. Oh, and by the way, they are banned. Get out and don't come back.

        The key is, like previous posters have said, to stay calm. Don't let them see that they're getting to you. It's not your responsibility to put them in their place, as satisfying as it might feel for that moment.


        • #5
          My advice? Do not ever pull a gun out in a situation like that, ever. It will only make it much much worse.

          If you want to know the legalities on it in your particular area, you should consult a lawyer.

          If you want something for personal protection then there are other options that are much less likely to get you in trouble. Mace or an expandable baton would be much better. But once again, more than likely overkill. And once again, check with local laws before carrying and using.


          • #6
            Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
            Winning a "verbal battle" with a SC is very satisfying at the time, but its a bit rubbish three days later when you've been fired and have no money to buy food. Yes, you "won", but what did you actually win? A battle with an idiot? Big deal!
            I agree haha, like I said I was mainly just curious as to what the best solution would be and the main outcome of such events, I carry pepper spray and once (by accident) sprayed myself in the eye while testing the length of a can,So I know it made me think twice about ever having it used on me. thank you for the answer.
            Plus- We all need money! we're like squirrels harvesting our cash haha.

            Quoth Kelshir View Post
            But once again, more than likely overkill.
            Definitely overkill,I agree I only carry Pepper spray, the heavy duty stuff. thanks for the answer haha.

            Quoth KiaKat View Post
            I have a very good weapon in my arsenal.

            Awesome thanks for the answer haha.
            Last edited by Dave1982; 03-09-2011, 11:44 PM. Reason: multiple consecutive posts AND excessive quoting


            • #7
              Folks, this one REALLY should've been taken to Fratching.
              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

              RIP Plaidman.

