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Does this always hapen?

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  • Does this always hapen?

    I've been so busy trying to find jobs out here, so I'm sorry for being so distant. I miss you all!

    I recently got hired by a company that basically deals with the food sample people you see in the grocery store. They're based in Florida I think and there aren't any offices out here I can just walk into. The area manager works out here though. This was 2 weeks ago. The schedule days are on Tuesday. On the first Tuesday there were some complications and I had to email one of the superiors about it. I received no phone call from my area manager whatsoever.

    I called her the next day and asked if the manager above her had received my email because I never got a reply. Apparently he did but because I didn't leave a phone number, he couldn't call me, so I sent another email but with my phone number on it.

    That was last week. Mardi Gras was this past Tuesday end it receives the Christmas treatment here. Many places were closed. I'm guessing that was the reason I didn't get my schedule emailed. I called the day after. And the day after that. I called today and honestly didn't feel like leaving a message because I'm planning on calling again later.

    I also sent an email to her boss (again), informing him I was eager to start and that the email wasn't aimed in a negative way.

    Is it per usual for jobs to start people off a few weeks late?