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Daily Trivia Ideas?

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  • Daily Trivia Ideas?

    Basically, to try and keep myself busy and in a positive mood if for half the day or some amount of time I am going to start doing daily trivia on my facebook. Could start here but that i am not sure about.

    Going to try with either multiple choice or an easy answer but the person has to at leave give a little description with their answer. Such as answer and reason why. For now keeping it to multiple choice with at least three options or more.

    Any suggestions for topics? Want to try to keep it along the lines of: daily life at home, jobs encounters, car repair or stuff that should be common knowledge but isn't. To Elaborate with the jobs, possible situation that as a boss or employee you might encounter but kept somewhat general as not every job is the same and some professions may not have such issues. Ie what a contractor experiences versus what a secretary experiences) and for cars, simple repairs that if one were brave enough and didn't mind getting dirty hands just about anyone could do, refiling the water levels or replacing the oil.
    Want to make it stuff that everyone can answer that is age 12 and up or close enough that some answer can be given. ANYWHO

    for example today's question is:
    If you had to administer an epi-pen to an adult or child how would you do it? Those in the medical profession please hold your tongue so that others have a chance to answer!
    A.) buttocks (hah hah)
    B.) thigh
    C.) other place

    Probably need to ad that anyone who doesn't know what certain words in my question mean or are confused can ask me and it doesn't count against them.
    Such as the possibility that not everyone or many people know what an epi-pen is. Epinephren pen which contains a liquid dose to jumpstart the heart or in the case of a bad allergic reaction where you are dying, keeps you alive hopefully long enough until the EMT's or emergency room staff can treat you.
    The general plan is to post the answer the next day as soon as i get online and then post the next question.

    Heck if someone has a better topic or trivia question period I'm open!

    and for the record I have a sis in law who works in the hospital as regular staff, a sister training to be an LPN an aunt who is a school nurse and several others just very knowledged about such things and thats not covering a fraction of the people on here!

  • #2
    I do apologize, as I don't mean to be insensitive after having read what all is going on with some members. Big hugs to Ree, Captain Tripps and everyone else...just not sure what to say beyond giving hugs and either letting the person cry or taking their mind off it for a minute...


    • #3
      Answer to trivia question is: the thigh IIRC.

      I reckon things that should be universal or close to universal, rather than things specific to one country i.e. people might not know the voting system in the US or a Japanese proverb.

      So for example, my question would be:

      In Muslim countries, while the Red Cross is still present, what is their symbol?

      a) Red Crescent.
      b) Red Star.
      c) Red Lion.

      There are two symbols present with the Red Cross, however in Muslim countries, crosses aren't used.
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        It's the Red Crescent, as I recall.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          yerp. with answers I try to give a good answer and why.
          The answer to the example question was in the thigh.
          because if you try to administer to the buttocks thats alot of cellulite, fat tissue and muscle to go through.
          and then added bonus like
          once administered it is wise to call 911 or for an ambulance and take the empty pen with you to give to the EMT or emergency room dr.

          working on weekend questions. like silly sundays or stupendous saturdays.

          today's question for sunday would have been
          How many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie roll pop?
          A.) between 100 and 50
          B.) some other high number
          C.) bite it?

          answer would have been totally off the wall such as Silly Mr.Owl you don't lick/bite, you suck!

          and of course being the adults or dirty minded people we are we think aaww thats gross or funny. but the rest or others would think heh that makes sense or something. or on the off chance. i was underhandedly insulting mr owl.

          saturdays was thinking of trying a question that should be common knowledge but sadly isn't or at least if you do this often you know.

          one friend suggested this:

          You're hiking in the mountains with some friends, and suddenly everyone's hair
          frizzes out and stands up, what do you do?
          A. oh, cool, stop and take pictures
          B. Nothing, just keep hiking.
          C: Run like hell downhill
          D: Lie flat on the ground.

          and people who hike know the answer.

          was going to say red star for the answer. may i use this question for monday?


          • #6
            Quoth LexiaFira View Post
            You're hiking in the mountains with some friends, and suddenly everyone's hair
            frizzes out and stands up, what do you do?
            A. oh, cool, stop and take pictures
            B. Nothing, just keep hiking.
            C: Run like hell downhill
            D: Lie flat on the ground.

            and people who hike know the answer.

            was going to say red star for the answer. may i use this question for monday?

            If you can QUICKLY (i.e. in a matter of seconds) get far enough downhill so your head is far from being the highest point around, then (C), otherwise (D). In the situation described, local 309 of the International Brotherhood of Weather Phenomena is NOT happy with the latest contract offer, and lightning is about to strike.
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #7
              Lexa, go ahead. And yes, the answer is Red Crescent.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                Quoth wolfie View Post
                If you can QUICKLY (i.e. in a matter of seconds) get far enough downhill so your head is far from being the highest point around, then (C), otherwise (D). In the situation described, local 309 of the International Brotherhood of Weather Phenomena is NOT happy with the latest contract offer, and lightning is about to strike.

                First time i heard this question i thought it was lay flat...alot of people would not know what to do or go hey cool before being struck.
                and from what little i do know if you are struck by lightening and you survive a person is usually thrown from their spot if not hair fried off or singed.
                That and if nothing is externally damaged internal damage may be there...let us hope if someone is struck and thrown by lightening its not off the mountain.

                thank you fireheart. your question has been used for today/monday haven't had time to do research for other questions

