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Cooking suggestions, please....

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  • Cooking suggestions, please....

    For my next cookoff, they are doing sangria as the themed wine. A while back, I wanted to make paella for a cookoff, but I ended up getting very sick and the thought of cooking or even standing in the kitchen for a while just did not appeal to me. But this next cookoff is tailor-made for paella, and I am determined to make it. For the first time in my life. Because, you know, I like a challenge.

    So...anyone here have any suggestions, tips, ideas, twists, etc., to offer me? I have a month to figure this all out, and I could use any help I can get.


    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    This site is where I went when I started looking at how to make paella. I use a cast iron pan in place of an actual paella pan, though. And the biggest trick, aside from using REALLY high quality olive oil is to spread the rice thinly and don't crowd the pan, because that's the best way to get mushy rice instead of that nice crust.

    Hope this helps and as always, good luck, Jester!

