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I should be looking forward to my trip (ranty)

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  • I should be looking forward to my trip (ranty)

    But I'm not. We're leaving on Thrus for our yearly New Hampshire trip, and every year I am excited about it....nor this year.

    My cat is on meds, he gets pills 2x a week, and I would have boarded him, but my mother said she'd take cate of him. I mentioned he needs pils, but she was ok with that (and in truth, I thought he'd be done by now)

    Now she cannot pill him ( we tried) so I know all week I am going to ge worried about the waste of fur (really, I love him) trying to see if I can leave him at the vet, or if skipping 2 pills will be okay ( it's not life threatening)

    So stupid to complain when I know some people can't take trips, but I hate anxiety ( there was more adding to it that was taken care of) and this weather ain't helping

    Just needed to vent
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

  • #2
    Can she hide the pill in some food? I have never mastered giving pills to cats either, but slicing small shrimp up and hiding the pills in them work for me.

    Otherwise, there are pill dispensing contraptions. Ask a vet. I had to use one some years ago to deworm my cats. The pills for that dissolved when I tried hiding them in food and the cats didn't like the taste .


    • #3
      The vet clinic I work at will typically allow our clients who are having problems pilling their pets to come in and we do it for them. We don't even charge for it. Perhaps the clinic you take your pet to can do something like that? It wouldn't hurt to check.


      • #4
        My clinic charges for everything....I love them, but they ain't cheap. I did get a pill-gun (looks like a syringe) and gonna teach my mom how to use that. Sadly, due to his strict diet, I can't even use pill pockets. (and ya know what's odd? Neither cats ever liked shrimp...crazy)

        Just called my mom, and now she think she can do it....mayhaps she was getting freaked out before.

        Thanks for the suggestions! CATS.....arrghh!
        "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
        "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


        • #5
          When I had to give Rooks some pills, I couldn't get the pill popper to work to save my life. Ended up having to crush the pills and mixing them in her canned food in order to get her to take them.

          I miss my baby.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.

