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Ever have one of those days?

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  • Ever have one of those days?

    Ok, so I know my bad day today doesn't come near to comparing to others' bad days recently, but it's just been an emotional stressy snowball for me today and so I thought I'd post here in the hopes of some sympathy.

    Today is ridiculously hot. It's downright uncomfortable outside unless you're in the shade with a breeze blowing, and there's not all that much of that going on today. On top of this, our apartment currently doesn't have AC. We have a single window unit that's in the basement. Hubby doesn't have all that much time to put it in, and I'd really rather not lug that thing up the basement stairs alone while 5 months pregnant. We're trying to hold out until after our half-week vacation next week, though thanks to today we might have to break that goal. It's mostly to save what money we can, since he's a grad student and we're already fairly tight-budgeted with his stipend. So meanwhile, we're making do with keeping the curtains and doors closed where we can, lights off (to help it feel cooler), and running fans. But the heat's already coloring today.

    I had to be up earlier this morning (by at least an hour) as well, which doesn't help as I'm not quite as rested as I'd like to be. I had to be up that early so we could get Oldest ready for school before we all piled into the car to take Hubby half an hour up the highway for jury duty at the superior court. I dropped Oldest off at school on the way back, then Youngest and I went home to eat breakfast and rest if we could. So aside from being overheated, I'm tired too.

    Well, while Youngest was finishing up her breakfast, I fired up my computer to get a couple things done before shutting down again for naptime. Not long into doing stuff, my computer froze up and required a hard reset, which is a repeat of something that happened Monday evening. I posted about that in Unsupportable. So now I'm worried about my computer.

    So I shut down, cleaned up Youngest, and then set up the fans in the living room and tried to catch a nap on the floor while she played. She decided it would be more fun to go for "horsey rides" on Mommy despite being asked not to sit on me because it hurt (she's two). She was also rather whiny when not getting her way, clearly tired. I finally convinced her to nap, but not until after having a brief meltdown on the phone with Hubby when he called to let me know he'd been dismissed because he was going to be out of town on job interviews when the trial was, and he asked if I could look something up on my computer for him quickly (I couldn't, due to it being fiddly and therefore off). He told me to try to get a nap if I could, while Youngest cried because I'd said "ow!" loudly when she elbowed me just under my ribcage. I finally convinced Youngest to lie down on the couch, where she succumbed to exhaustion and fell asleep for a good 2.5 hour nap. (hooray for small miracles.)

    My nap was sporadic due to the floor being hard (but the couch can get too warm with an adult on it), plus I was woken up at one point by the FedEx guy ringing our doorbell and then leaving our package on the outside steps anyway. I finally woke up in time to change Youngest's diaper and go pick up Oldest at school.

    When we were getting back in the car after picking up Oldest, I noticed my house keys missing from the carabiner that currently holds my keys. Not Good. They managed to disappear somewhere between locking my apartment door and getting back in the car at the school. I checked all over the sidewalk area with no luck, then drove to McD's for my lunch because I was going to do that for a pick-me-up anyway. Got home to search the ground where I'd been parked before we left with no luck either, so I called Hubby. At that point, Oldest (age 4) told me she saw keys on the ground at the school. I drove back to the school to check again (either she didn't see them and was making it up, or someone else picked them up), then over to Hubby's workplace to get his keys so we could a least get into the house, since I don't know the phone number to call the maintenance lady to let us in. In the meantime, my frozen lemonade spilled a bit in the car, which by this point was basically icing on the suck cake.

    So here I am now, at Hubby's laptop because my computer's taking a break, finally getting to eat my lunch while sitting with a fan blowing directly on me. It's too hot to do dishes or other chores, even though they need to be done. And my keys are still AWOL. They're either under one of the cars in our parking lot where I can't see them, at the school's lost and found, or long gone. ::sigh::

    And I'm all out of frozen strawberry lemonade.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    *many hugs to you*

    I hope your day gets better soon.
    Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

    My blog Darkwynd's Musings


    • #3
      Thanks. Hubby said he's going to pamper me when he gets home (which basically means cutting me slack on the chores, distracting the girls for a while while I take a break to de-stress, and helping out with dinner). Hubby is awesome.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        Hope today is going better for you.
        My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


        • #5
          Libraries. They're air-conditioned, most of them have a kids' room, and they're quiet That was my usual MO when stuck at home mid-summer with kids who were hot & cranky.
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Quoth tollbaby View Post
            Libraries. They're air-conditioned, most of them have a kids' room, and they're quiet That was my usual MO when stuck at home mid-summer with kids who were hot & cranky.
            Hehe, that's what I was thinking! Libraries are awesome
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Libraries are indeed awesome. Unfortunately, they don't have my computer's harddrives for some of the stuff I need to work on, nor do they have my craft room available.

              But yes, things are going better today. Thanks everyone! I will say, the humongous thunderstorm we had late afternoon helped a lot, not only because it was awesome to look at but also because it really helped cool things down a lot. Not only that, but some wonderful person had found my keys outside the school and turned them in to the school office, where Hubby found them this morning when he dropped off Oldest. Biggest crisis averted.
              Last edited by Kogarashi; 06-10-2011, 04:36 AM.
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

