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Does one ever lose the "look"?

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  • Does one ever lose the "look"?

    As in, the "I worked customer service" look?

    (background)My last job where I worked directly with John Q. Public ended in 2007. The last job where I had to deal with anyone not working for my company ended in 2009.(end background)

    I was on vacation this past week and we stopped at a restaurant for breakfast. I was coming out of the restroom and getting ready to leave when I am stopped by a customer asking if "we" had a phone book or Yellow Pages she could use.

    Dress code of the restaurant: black pants, burgundy button-up top, black or burgundy apron (can't remember which), dress shoes

    What I was wearing: Blue jeans, denim casual shoes, sky-blue Mount Saint Helens souvenir T-shirt.

    When I told my mom, she just responded "I guess you just have that look." When does it go away???
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

  • #2
    I once had the same guy ask me twice in less than 10 minutes for help at Target.

    No, I was not wearing red shirt or khaki pants.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      My husband has the look and gets asked questions all the time. He hasnt worked customer service in 2 years. IDK if it ever goes away.


      • #4
        I can be wearing my big floppy hat with my "Bert the farting hippo" or "Got ghosts?" t-shirt and capri pants and people will still think I work at what ever business I am in at the time. I have even had a few try to get me fired from businesses I have never in my life worked at.

        Mr. Mis has never worked with the general public, but is usually dressed in business casual (now picture him holding my hand while I am dressed like I mentioned above) I have had people push me out of the way to ask him for help, where something is or to complain about an employee and get upset when I jump in with "He does not work here" before he can answer. The look some give me when I say something is the look a person gives to someone lying to them.

        From my experience a person never loses their "I worked customer service" look or vibe.
        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


        • #5

          My first job was a grocery store. Started in high school, I worked there for nearly 5 years, bouncing through nearly all the departments until I finally quit when we moved to a different city for my ex's job (by that time I was assistant manager of the video dept - yes, this was LONG before Red Box and Netflix). And to this day when I go in one of the local stores of that chain, I get asked where things are or do "we" have any of this or that, and so on. They can just tell that I am someone who worked in that store, even though it was a different city, at some point in my life. I am forever marked.

          Now if people ever start calling me to bitch about things that are totally their fault, I'll have a serious problem with that.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.

