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Road Trip!!!

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  • Road Trip!!!

    As a Brit friend of mine once said "With Americans it's not the destination but the trip itself" as I stuffed him in the car for an 1000 mile,3 day trip

    We leave tomorrow morning for the Four Corners,then Monument Valley,the Grand Canyon then home through the Gila Wilderness,with a stop in Prescott to see friends.Our itinerary is very fluid,we'll camp wherever we take a liking to,we have a Jeep Patriot,that while not a Wrangler,will still get us far enough into the boonies to get us in trouble (I also have a lifted '04 Grand Cherokee,but with the load we're carryin' I'd be lookin' at maybe 15 mpg ).

    I bought a cargo carrier so we could put all the bulky but light stuff in & I'm glad I did since we'll be takin' Tootsie the Dog & this way she has room in back.

    We're gonna try to avoid regular campgrounds,we have the stuff to camp anywhere.

    I've run into folks that ain't camped before & think that when you camp you have to eat cold beans from a can or some sorta horrible freeze-dried food,well,lemme tell ya,here's a sample of what we'll eat:
    Filet Mignon,BBQ chicken breasts,buffalo burgers,eggs with bacon & hash browns,shrimp cocktails,my wife's fabulous potato salad & coleslaw (even people that don't like coleslaw like hers),chorizo,egg & guacamole burritos,if we catch some trout I'll coat it in blue cornmeal (yes,there is such a thing ) & fry 'em in bacon grease,mmmm good.

    We haven't taken a trip like this in 20+ years,we've been camping,but for years it was on our land & we'd stay for about 5 days.The other trips were only 2-4 days & we'll be out for 8 days this time.

    The great thing about camping road trips is the only real expense is gas,ice & sometimes fees ($5 or less),if you've got the basic gear & some food you're good to go.

    Like I said,no real plan,we may take side trips to see ghosts towns,Indian ruins,anything we might find interesting.I have a thing for old,funky,small town bars so we may stop in a few for a drink or 3. Don't worry,the wife doesn't drink much at all so I'll let her drive.

    I hope to get some spectacular pics & vids,I'll share them when we get back.

    See y'all when we get back!
    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

    Mark Twain

  • #2
    Ah, that sounds nice... hope you enjoy your trip, and don't get too cooked in the heat. Who are you taking, the Wife? You mentioned the dogs... I've seen blue cornmeal... it looks like magical unicorn sand or something cement mix.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      Have fun, and I look forward to pics. I wish we'd been able to stop more on the drive down from Alaska, but we weren't able to. At least now we are better located to do trips/camping.

      Last camping trip I made all real food, including my spinach artichoke dip...had other members of the station coming by to snag some.


      • #4
        That's awesome, can't wait to see the pics!! =D
        By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

        "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


        • #5
          Lovely....looking forward to stories and pics!

          Man, I need a road trip soon. Have fun!
          "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
          "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


          • #6
            WE'RE BACK!!!

            A fine & sometimes...interesting trip,1630 miles driven,fantastic scenery,some good food & people,a few fuckups by yours truly & I'm sure our poor dog thought she was doomed to be a gypsy,forever wandering but she did very well & made lots of friends.

            Four Corners,Monument Valley,a couple of days in Prescott Valley with friends,the Grand Canyon,then 2 nights at the remote but beautiful Quemado Lake.

            I have 450+ pics & vids to go through so I'll be updating over the next few days,but here's an interesting encounter I had.

            The guy he's talking about is me
            "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

            Mark Twain

