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For those interested in work at home opportunities--

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  • #31
    Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
    There's plenty transcription and writing jobs that you can do, especially with you having such an incredibly fast typing speed (I'm 60wpm....I look slow as hell next to you)
    Something you might look into to increase your speed is Dragon Naturally speaking
    They have software packages as low as $75, and I know from experience, even me with my slight speech impediment can get over 200 wpm with something like 97% accuracy. This thing is practically designed for transcribing (it's what we use in the relay center and the captioning center, and I know most network television companies use it for their closed caption as well). It's not cheap, but if it can boost your speed and earnings it may be worth it... best part, as an independent contractor, you may be able to write the cost off your taxes on your schedule C.

    And thank you for the links, I may have to look into those, I'm so done where I'm working... the relationship ended two months ago and we're both just waiting for the other to admit it, they can't fire me because without cause they'd have to pay out on unemployment and I can't quit because I can't afford not to have a job.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #32
      Yeah, I'm to that point too smiley. But I am scared to try these because I'm scared I'll only make a fraction of what I used to. I already don't make that much. What I do make is needed. So I'm not sure what to do. Because places just aren't hiring. Yeah, some are, but they're receiving so many resume's that the chances you'll even be contacted for an interview are miniscule.


      • #33
        Barracuda (or anyone else familiar) what are they talking about when they say you have to have a foot pedal?
        I've seen it on several of the job listings and I have no clue what it is.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #34
          It's exactly what they say it is, a transcription USB foot pedal. You use it in some transcription programs to pause and continue audio playback so your hands are free to continue typing. I believe some of them also have additional controls to rewind and fast forward, and some transcription programs (quite a few, actually,) don't work without it. However, I don't use one because the company I work for uses its own software that has its own pause button.
          It not only plays back audio, but does an automatic transcription as well. The software is unable to do it perfectly, however, so my job is to edit for accuracy (and sometimes do the transcription myself where the software can't understand an accent or technical terms.)

